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View Full Version : Platinum

09-22-2020, 05:22 AM

firebelt & crystalkiller
09-22-2020, 05:23 AM
looking to come back to this game and I will need some platinum to give myself a starting boost.
"Sorry, offers are currently unavailable" does anyone know what's up with this? will platinum offers be returning? I wasn't able to find anything on this.
also - is there any regular planned platinum sales, for example a Christmas sale or some other expected platinum sale?

any answers would be greatly appreciated, thanks!On chrome u won't get offers.
Are u using mobile device?

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09-22-2020, 09:32 AM
yep, I have tried with an iPhone as well, however I got the same thing.

EDIT: on phone I have "You are not currently eligible for third party platinum offers." - a slightly different message than on browser.
If you start fresh on a new account their will be no offers available until later on down the road when you play more. The reason is I’m guessing to stop plat farmers.

09-22-2020, 10:11 AM
Thread explaining this is here (says elixir video ads, but it's really all offer providers).


09-22-2020, 10:47 AM
eh I was banned/banned account device however it wasn't recent (years ago). does this mean that I will not ever get Platinum offers again? Is there something I can do to get around it? say start a fresh account and after playing a while I will get offers, or request to get offers back from STS?

If you PM me a character name I can look up the exact reason. It's quite a while after bad behavior before they'll come back, but not years.