View Full Version : The use of dummies for ranked honor match fixing.

09-23-2020, 03:35 AM
I've been encountering quite a lot of ranked honor matches, where this has been going on.

(PS:- i am not trying to accuse anyone or any player for it, but i do not support how it is used to take an advantage for score boosting)


09-23-2020, 05:47 AM
I've been encountering quite a lot of ranked honor matches, where this has been going on.

(PS:- i am not trying to accuse anyone or any player for it, but i do not support how it is used to take an advantage for score boosting)


As what I read in your video, I do not think this is dummying, it could happen that 6 players match at the same time twice in a row. A computer doesn’t know “random”, it’ll always have a logarithmic connection. A rank 11 player is basically not able to meet an unranked person, otherwise it is no longer ranked-based matchmaking. I do not know which rank you are, but the higher you get, the lesser ppl you meet and the queues will become longer.

Also, I haven’t seen the mage blocking or playing bad on purpose, I think not everyone is an experienced PvP player. I also lost 9 matches in a row due matchmaking, but I cannot do anything about it. People learn, and at the end practice makes perfect.

09-23-2020, 06:14 AM
As what I read in your video, I do not think this is dummying, it could happen that 6 players match at the same time twice in a row. A computer doesn’t know “random”, it’ll always have a logarithmic connection. A rank 11 player is basically not able to meet an unranked person, otherwise it is no longer ranked-based matchmaking. I do not know which rank you are, but the higher you get, the lesser ppl you meet and the queues will become longer.

Also, I haven’t seen the mage blocking or playing bad on purpose, I think not everyone is an experienced PvP player. I also lost 9 matches in a row due matchmaking, but I cannot do anything about it. People learn, and at the end practice makes perfect.

Nah you're missing the point. Docrivo (the guy in the video) has done this before. He teams up with other tanks to try and get in matches with each other then take turns losing / winning matches.

This way, he won't gain points, BUT he will trick the system into not loosing points, since you only lose 10-15 points daily if you haven't done it in a while.
It's a scum thing to do, especially since there's no saying that the same people will be in the other lobby.

I've personally experienced the same thing with him, and this is what happened. My warrior was Docrivo, and the enemy had lllsnikelll.
- We were in a ranked game and we were winning 12-5.
- Docrivo says "trash mage" while mids't fighting and then stops playing.
- He purposely feeds the enemy team but not attaking, and running away from us so we have no protection (we're basically getting destroyed)
- We lose the game. -15 points.

Ten minutes later, the same exact thing happens except this time I'm with lllsnikelll, and enemy team had Docrivo.
- We were winning 7-3.
- lllsnikelll said something to mage (I forgot, but I know for a fact it was trash talk.)
- Mage says something back.
- lllsnikelll says he doesn't care anymore. (keep in mind he was #12 in ranked... why would a normal person purposely lose if they're trying to grind ranked? he must've known he could get it back anyway)
- lllsnikelll let's the enemy team kill us and stands still/moves away when he tried to use him for shield.
- We lose the game. -15 points again.

In total -30 points just for playing 2 ranked matches YAY
Anyways, they basically try and purposely piss people off so that they say something bad and they can have an excuse to feed,

09-23-2020, 09:59 AM
I've had issues with Docrivo and Illlsnikelll abusing ranked matches before by purposely throwing games. I wouldn't classify it as dummy farming because it's not quite that.