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View Full Version : New weapon graphics.

08-07-2010, 08:06 AM
Ok so here's a thread for you to throw in your 2 cents on the graphical changes of the weapons. Armour isn't great, but that's being changed eventually, so don't post about it here.

Be specific, I'm not interested in general whining and people saying 'they all suck'.

I'll start it off:-

Talons (certainly Thoth) now look weird and cartoony, they were much better before.
Pharaoh swords, I prefer the new textures, why the models have been split I don't know, I hate the models with the curly bit on the handle anyway.
Daggers, I kinda like the wavy design, but there should be 2 types so you have the option of the wavy daggers.
Khopesh - the animated parts are still wrong, it's so obviously the glow of a flaming sword stuck over the Khopesh and it looks horrible, plus when they are tinted red (Isis/Thoth variant) the whole thing is tinted, surely it should just be the blade.
Voodoo dolls look like crap badly modeled aliens, why do they even look like aliens when they are from the swamp campaign anyway?

08-07-2010, 11:52 AM
i agree with all of this

08-07-2010, 11:56 AM
They looked liked aliens because it was hinting AO

08-07-2010, 03:15 PM
I love the new cross bows all of them!!!

08-07-2010, 03:23 PM
They looked liked aliens because it was hinting AO

I have to agree here. They said in a blurb at the end of the swamps "who would want to arm and train the crocs" suggesting the aliens.
As for weapons the nerf plasmas look funny but the rloxx looks really bad. Like a wood working project by a third grader.

08-07-2010, 03:24 PM
I love the new cross bows all of them!!!

Guessing you don't have a rloxx. Or maybe you do and still like it. Hmmm.

08-07-2010, 03:36 PM

With voodoo dolls coming from the aliens I can understand, but the bodies should be skinnier to follow that stereotypical alien look; as they are they just look like an alien head glued on a mismatched body.
Plasma swords should be thinner blades in my opinion, the colours should be vibrant though. Plasmas could even have a slight glow to make the blade/beam stand out more.
The new royal staves look weird, the handle shouldn't be such a playdoh colour, either wooden or black; something sensible
Alien blasters need some form of re-texture, as they are the model is far too chunky for a uniform colour. Although in my opinion, they should be more inventive than a crossbow, something rifle shaped would still fit with the character models.