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View Full Version : Furniture moving

09-27-2020, 01:28 PM
When you created something pretty nice, made out of various things in specific angles and positions with interacting hitboxes, its very hard to move that entire thing. You have to basically break it apart to shift it left right front back, then put it back together and it takes hours sometimes.

What I suggest is to have a list on the left exactly like when u are loading into hotbar, but for furnitures that u placed in ur entire house. If u have like 20 walls of the same type lets say, it will have 20 different slots of that type of wall. Tap on ONE, it will then highlight that ONE corresponding furniture in the house that it is bound to.
Then u can move that particular furniture even if it is inside another one. This will remove the pain of hitbox collision of furnitures where sometimes its impossible to tap on a furniture because of others' hitboxes.

Furthermore, u can highlight multiple furnitures at the same time, or even group them into a custom group of furnitures.
Then u can move all of those furnitures u highlighted at the same time, leftwards rightwards frontwards and backwards. I won't suggest up and down or even rotations because that will really get messy, so only moving it around would be more than enough I reckon.

It will definitely help out alot, for people who keeps redecorating houses and such.
Would really be a nice addition imo. And to those who don't see a point in houses, c'mon STS even made a house tour update lol.

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09-27-2020, 02:58 PM
+1 this is very necessary It causes me anxiety to click 30 times and not hit it

10-19-2020, 09:41 PM

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