View Full Version : ZERO originality

09-29-2020, 07:50 PM
can we stop re releasing old/pre existing items as new vanities? ESPECIALLY things like Lv71 elites and stuff of this sort? Its not original, and its ruining the value of those items in game for the players who spent hundreds of millions and a lot of time obtaining and collecting these items. It ruins the economy for these items and makes them worth nothing when they should be rare because of how hard they were to obtain. Completely counter productive and its making older players just not like the game more and more. items that are far better to be re released as vanity would be something like a Glyph set look, something that isnt used almost at all in game anymore and has an amazing look. it wont be ruining the price of them bc they are already not bought by anyone, and when they are bought, they dont go for much at all so it isnt hurting players who spent hundreds of million and years and etc. collecting these extremely rare items.

09-29-2020, 08:58 PM
We definitely need ewt remade as esb and ems were recolored

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09-29-2020, 09:24 PM
they went with cannonball staff instead of ewt, they could make a new recolor and just change cannonball staff into it, instead of releasing a new item. as for other 71 elites like axe xfirebow and staff those should NOT be made vanity or new items. if anything the axe vanity should just be removed. nearly no one uses it and the ONLY thing it did was lower the price and uniqueness of valuable hard to get collectible items.

the BEST bet would be remove all axe vanities in game, and turn the axe/xfire bow/staff into similar idea as black drag and egg. where u have the option to turn the actual item into a vanity/or not, but not re release the item AS a vanity, which would make it a common item and easy to obtain.

giving players who had the axe a compensation of some sort like 2m gold (axe gold worth or less even but just 2m generous) or a compensation of some new vanity, something to get the axe vanity out of the game, the only purpose it serves is to ruin the price of an extremely hard to get collectible item.

09-30-2020, 03:04 AM
I 100% agree with onevs as do many others. Ive brought up a lot of the points you mentioned as well and agree with them all.

09-30-2020, 11:57 PM
+1 , please release new designs

10-01-2020, 02:13 AM
Ez cash