View Full Version : More potentially game changing and improvement ideas

10-03-2020, 11:20 AM
We've had the level 51 cap for over a year now and there's already a buzz among the players of DL asking for a new level cap but I thought that rather have a rushed level cap with no particular interesting additions that I'd drop a ton of suggestions that could be considered and hopefully added when a new level cap does arrive starting with :
I.) New skills : This has been something that a bulk of us players who actually play have been asking for to be added for a while now and I think we should get a few of those with the coming of a new level cap. A few cool skills that I think should be added are :
A.) Lightning aura : pretty much everyone uses fire aura in their active skillset which is kinda boring at this point so why not add a lightning aura with slightly higher damage than fire as well as a higher radius so that those who need something different can use that and those who still prefer fire will have to use higher power levels to keep up with lightning aura users cause I mean we have power levels for a reason right ? With that said I'll speak on the second power which I like to call
B.) Hell implosion : this is another skill in which the ground is struck forcefully with the fists causing it to implode and the resulting implosion could be capable of taking away 25-30% of the opponent's health if it hits besides stunning the enemy briefly for a few seconds (sort of similar to a hulk smash ) and finally
C.) Deaths hook : if you played mortal Kombat and you used scorpion then you probably know of his grappling hook which he uses to latch on to enemies who are distant and pull them closer before landing some critical hits on them and I think this would be nice if we got it in DL as a new power
Now that we're done with addressing powers that should be added to diversify and spice up gameplay let's move to the next important subject which is new maps because at this point it's about time we got that . We could get a swamp campaign with ogres, satyrs , elves, tree monsters, goblins and even minotaurs to contend with in there. We could also get a mountainous terrain campaign as well as a tundra region where we've yetis ,more aggressive werewolves and maybe even bear men lol if that's a thing . There's also this feature in arcane legends called elite mode which I think should be added to DL as well where even the old missions are much more difficult but with different drops and that mode requires a team to complete it . Personally I'd like that mode to be introduced to DL cause these days everyone plays solo and during events where teamwork was actually needed e.g the blood drive players couldn't cooperate with one another to run the map quickly because we're so used to running solo but I'm sure you get my point .
If an elite mode does get added then it means every mission increases in difficulty more especially the more recent ones which in turn brings me to my next suggestion which is that it's about time we got animated pets similar to the ones on Al and even black desert mobile which will assist us in our elite missions because don't get me wrong stats boosting pets are great but animating them to assist us will be much more fun than having our pets hovering around us or moving on the ground like the Chevy , we could even get more stats boosting animated pets like the cyber wolf that's been asked for to be made into a pet or a little dragon or tiger (more suggestions can be made in the comments below) . Now having highlighted this aspect of the things we as players need I'll speak on the last but not the least of our needs which are :
A starters kit for new players cause why not . I mean we all want to see new players join DL once more and the community expand again but with the present state of the game it's very difficult for new players to even level up since they have no gold to buy the elixirs neither do they have any of speed sets that can help with levelling up like the dark north and serpent sets which multiply experience points racked up during the levelling process thereby making it faster so having a starter kit that every new player can get for free that can also has gl with it ( this should be programmed to work only in the old campaigns as well as old town and the university missions so that the players can get gold to buy much stronger items and then the set should stop working by the time the players level up their toons to max by that time they should have gold to buy gems and decent weapons to use ) . Also there should be a more detailed guide on how to forge items so that new players will easily understand how the forge works and how to go about the process. The guide should pop up the very first time the lady at the forged is tapped on.
Finally I think we need more hangout spots too considering that the only hangout spots that we have presently are the club sanctuary and the beach . We could get a cemetery with gravestones to hang out in as well as midnight garden that has glowing roses and violets as well as animated fireflies to light it up further .
These are a few things I believe should be implemented with the new level cap and we the players don't mind how long it'll take for these to be added cinco sir as long as we can get them .
It's a quite lengthy thread lol but if you were able to read it to the end much love to you and I'd like you to leave your thoughts as well as more meaningful suggestions for the Devs to consider
Once again much love to you all !

10-07-2020, 01:22 AM
These are great ideas and it would be awesome to see some (if not all) of these ideas bought to the game!

10-07-2020, 01:25 AM
id love to see it