View Full Version : PvP conformity

03-20-2012, 12:40 PM
So while in chat I was discussing some pros and cons of the current pvp system and have come up with a way to perhaps even the playing field:

Issue #1: Unfair stats gained by using the Founders' Helm or the elite set (The Crown of Persistence, Shield of Hallows, Mount Fang Armor).
Solution: Make pvp a vanity free arena, no vanity items may be worn while one is in the arena… period.

Issue #2: If pvp become a vanity free zone, how will I hide my build?
Solution: All toons that enter the pvp arena will have a default look much like the player creation screen. It's a bit like having an avatar to fight for you, create the look from the default skins (the 3 basic faces, and 5 basic gear colors) and from there based on your equip you will get a default L1 axe, sword, shield, bow, talon, staff or wand (or any other item that is out there... club, mace, etc). The idea behind this is to "hide" that special build that you've been working on.

Now while I am sure that there are other issues this may create that I didn't think of please feel free to list them and I (or someone else) shall respond. Just try to keep away from the basic "I earned my Founders' or elite vanity so I should get to benefit from it in pvp," since the whole idea is to stop those less fortunate from having to rage out on the forums (or in-game) because they feel left out and at a disadvantage.

Let the comments ensue!

03-20-2012, 12:49 PM
Sorry, but I'm giving you the basic answer you didn't want. the only reason I spent the money and time leveling to cap was for pvp.
if somebody asks me to take it off, I gladly do. But if they take my elite set bonus away, I would definitely want a refund on my plat.

03-20-2012, 12:55 PM
Sorry, but I'm giving you the basic answer you didn't want. the only reason I spent the money and time leveling to cap was for pvp.
if somebody asks me to take it off, I gladly do. But if they take my elite set bonus away, I would definitely want a refund on my plat.

Seriously?! You did it for an advantage that you'd gladly give up if asked; then why not just remove it all together? Players complain no matter if it's directly to you or on the forums so why not just nip in in the bud. Most (maybe even you) spent that plat for an exclusive vanity item that the devs themselves said they wouldn't re-release; you would still get the bonus in pve, so why do you feel the need to have it when going up against other players who don't have it? Sounds pretty elitist imo.

Check out SL and it's elite vanity item situation... plenty of players have capped for those items even though they don't provide any stat bonus at all. Vanity is and should only be for looks; since when did being vain add some sort of buff to one's abilities?

Edit: Furthermore wanting a refund on plat is a huge issue that is perhaps stifling STS' ability/desire to change things. This issue came up during this years St. Patrick's Day vanity launch when players demanded their platinum back when an item is introduced and is better than it's predecessor, but the thing that one needs to realize is that said player got 6 months to 1 year of use out of that plat only item so a refund shouldn't even be a though at that point! As for getting a refund for your plat elixir use, I ask was the elite vanity the only benefit that you got from that experience? Didn't you get to level up faster and therefore spend less time in game and more time in real life, didn't you get a shot at rare items sooner than other players so you could list them in cs for maximum gain, didn't you get to run with Trasher parties and not get booted simply because you didn't have a 4x buff?! There were other areas that you gained from by spending that platinum, not just the elite vanity you received so don't pretend the only motivation for that purchase was the shiny new item that dangled in front of you like a carrot on a stick.

03-20-2012, 01:14 PM
I don't know, I don't pvp. However, this seems like it would indeed even the playing field between the "I bought 800 plat and got my vanities in a day" people and the casual players. +1

Martin Tander
03-20-2012, 01:15 PM

Check out SL and it's elite vanity item situation... plenty of players have capped for those items even though they don't provide any stat bonus at all. Vanity is and should only be for looks; since when did being vain add some sort of buff to one's abilities?[/QUOTE]

give em a tissue:))))

03-20-2012, 01:19 PM
Founders helms def. should be neutralised. They look epic! They are discontinued vanities! Isnt that a good enough incentive?

03-20-2012, 01:23 PM
Founders helms def. should be neutralised. They look epic! They are discontinued vanities! Isnt that a good enough incentive?

What about the "PL Elite shield", the white one wse got for having purschased more than 165 plats before PL B'day? 0 stats ! :( Please at least add some stats on it ... ;(

03-20-2012, 01:25 PM
What about the "PL Elite shield", the white one wse got for having purschased more than 165 plats before PL B'day? 0 stats ! :( Please at least add some stats on it ... ;(

Heck no

03-20-2012, 04:16 PM
I definitively see where you are coming from, and IMO the "elite" vanities should give no bonus for PvP. I do have them, I PvP a lot and I can tell that the bonus they give is quite siginficant. 15armor, 50health and 5dodge is HUGE.

I also have to agree to what Walkhard said, and I think that is also the reason STS will never listen to the suggestion to remove the bonus.
Most of the top PvPers are 'elite' or consider themselves, and they would do everything to improve their build, in fact, I think most people would still w/o a bonus go for the final level to gain those few skill/attributepoints and show their dedication.

But I know a number of people who dislike PvE anyways, would never do this tedious grind if they wouldn't get the bonus for one or multiple chars. And we all know that STS tends to be a little sloppy with the gamebalance when plat is involved. ;)

I like you suggestion, but I just don't see it being implemented.

03-20-2012, 05:39 PM
As Gaunab said above, Elite players will be elite and will take every stat to make their builds better. But we're the ones who are committed to the game in some sense you can say, and every mmorpg needs to revolve around some competition, some unique challenges for players to achieve. If you ask ANY "elite" player in this game, they would happily agree that there aren't many challenges aside of PvP to this game, so this is the one thing we get to do. Any game you play, people will have the advantages if they're willing to put time and money in to it. It's just a fact and it's buisness, can't do anything about it. Sometimes you just have to accept it and get better to try and beat others with vanities that you may not wish to get (even though we all have the same and equal shot at obtaining vanities).

With the PvP arena for no vanities, I think this is somewhat a good idea and not. For one, yes it would make things a little fair for others but would completely separate the "elites" from the "non-elites". I'll gladly take off my vanity for players that wish me to for a fight, but for some players that won't, it would be frustrating trying to find an open game with vanities.

03-20-2012, 05:48 PM
I think there should be an option for the host to pick vanities or no vanities. If it is no vanities, the stat bonus would just be negated in that arena. Plus, hiding the gear would be weird, cause who doesn't like showing of those sparkles or mist or whatever it is. I don't think the gear really can show your build.

03-20-2012, 06:02 PM
Ultimately the best player will win reguardless.
Do they add an unfair advantage? I would say no. Yes they give an advantage as does the crafted sets, so should only naked fights be allowed?

03-20-2012, 06:13 PM
Ultimately the best player will win reguardless.
Do they add an unfair advantage? I would say no. Yes they give an advantage as does the crafted sets, so should only naked fights be allowed?

Yep, it's truly about the players himself.