View Full Version : Some ideas after cap

03-20-2012, 06:28 PM
I saw So many people are leaving game after game because they're too bored and lack of of contents.. Making alts=all those boring maps again..
Well i was looking for what to do and got some crazy ideas...

Well here i go

1.dungeon that is only for capped people
-more challenging and show what capped people can do! They might feel more specialed :p

2. Special equips that is only for capped people
-im not talking about vanities. Im talking about equips that changes your gameplay

Ex(pocket legends) if i wear mage flame set(if there is one), flame skill will do bigger flame, or less cooltime of the flame, or more damage of the flame skill.

Or for archer. Lets say there is a archer root set. If you were the set, root wil hold enemies longer, or more dmg per sec, or more debuff.
*would be more challenging to get it items were based on dice/luck :p and low drop rate( not like xrays -.-)
Or maybe there can be separate rooms in one map and have a boss (challenging boss) each room and each gives those special equips! (like boss something in forest haven

3. World chat(?)
Thing that lets everyone in the game hear what you say(like system)

This might let some people's life whole lot easier.. Like when selling or buying, congratulating, or just for fun

4. More fun events that has quests or something
-i dont mean like go talk to a npc... I mean quests like jetpack event
Ex) go collect something from someone or stay logged in for 1hr or like go find a dev and take a pic with him or something!!!!
*and more affordable mahlybe..(no offence sts :p)

5.naming rooms
-i mean it would be better if we can name our runs right..? Like xp run, boss run, afk room or something like that!!!!

6.party quests?
-REQUIERED to have 4 people in run such like that... Having to get our minds together and not letting someone jump ahead...
Ex) stand on first four blocks exept the middle one to go to next round...

6.gathering room(?)
-well i know that guildhall guide is gathering room but its not official... Gathering room so people can yell as much as they want or you know .. Have fun

Well this is all i got.. I hope sts read this and do something about fun after the cap.. Pvp can get little... Dirty and many people hates it

03-20-2012, 06:34 PM
Oh and i had to write this on itouch.. So.. Please excuese my grammer errors or spelling errors.. Crashed 4 times while i was writing this q.Q

03-20-2012, 06:42 PM
Gathering room? Hmmm where have i heard of this.....oh right townes.....and you can't say that the difference is one lets more ppl join than the other because the reason sts capped the number of ppl per towne is to reduce lag/prevent it.other than that its great that you have these creative ideas.i agree more events like jetpack event which you previously mentioned would be interesting

03-20-2012, 06:54 PM
Gathering room? Hmmm where have i heard of this.....oh right townes.....and you can't say that the difference is one lets more ppl join than the other because the reason sts capped the number of ppl per towne is to reduce lag/prevent it.other than that its great that you have these creative ideas.i agree more events like jetpack event which you previously mentioned would be interesting
I see..

03-21-2012, 05:11 AM
Making alts=all those boring maps again...
Im making a commando, and I've only played operative so far, and its enjoyable ( at least to me) to go through those same maps, knowing what to do and from a different way of playing (tanking).
1 Dungeon for only capped players
Not sure about this one...
2 Special equips
I don't really like this much, it would ruin PvP
3 World Chat
Really a good idea, but there are a few bad things that could/will happen:
A. Someone is constantly spamming and no one can see anything that anyone else says
B. Some immature person goes and spams curse words
C. It is a big game, there might be people talking nonstop, you wouldn't even be able to say anything lol
4 More events
Great idea. the Jetpack one was great, would love to see more.
5 Naming rooms
Great idea!
6 Gathering Room
Ever gone to the Tier 3 Guid hall preview? Sorta a gathering place...

03-21-2012, 11:18 PM
here are some of my ideas to make the world chat work, sorta :eagerness:

#3 World Chat -
*Make ppl pay a certain amount of platinum per messages
*World Chat Message limit per day
*Make the item purchasable at DTOD (deal of the day) once in a week

well..there u have it