View Full Version : Which set?

03-20-2012, 08:20 PM
Hey everyone,

I have an enchantress, and I dont know whether i should get the L65 Crafted Lilith staff or the L65 crafted wand and bracer set. If any of you have any advice, please post below. I have an uncrafted lilith cowl and robes. I 200k and absolutely NO crafting materials except for the uncrafted cowl and robes. If any of you can spare me some lilith items or advice, it would be greatly appreciated.


03-21-2012, 01:04 PM
Hey, I would go for the crafted Lilith staff set if you like aoe damage & nuking everything....the staff doesn't cost that much, you might all ready have enough. But if you got the patience or good at gathering gold, the Lilith crafted wand set is bad azzz too...gives mages over 200 armor & hear its nice for PvP. It is more expensive tho.

I bought the Lilith staff set first just to have something to wear & farm Mt Fang with...as I knew I wanted both sets eventually. Getting the crafting materials is easy as there are daily quests for those in Fang. I don't think the recipes drop tho...had to buy them with platinum...much easier.

03-21-2012, 06:25 PM
I'd go with the staff set if you're lacking in gold-- otherwise go with wand. The damage output is slightly less, plus you have more armor and mana/health regen. Although, a new update is coming out soon so if I were you, I'd really hold off on the set unless you really want to get it (just to save some gold.)

03-21-2012, 06:29 PM
If you don't plan on pvping, go with the staff set. Its much cheaper, and very good. For pvp though, the wand set is a lot better.

03-22-2012, 05:48 AM
If I was you, get both but first but the wand set. When you have enough money, go for the staff. They're both good for pvp in my opinion. :)

03-23-2012, 06:51 PM
Okay, thanks everyone! I just got my crafted lilith staff. I just need to craft my cowl and robes.

03-24-2012, 12:45 PM
The best set for YOU is a crafted wand ans bracer set. When I pvp or aoe those mages impress me the most. In pvp they are the most feared and in aoe they dont die. The price may be a lot higher but imo its wayyyy better High dodge from what i hear

Hey everyone,

I have an enchantress, and I dont know whether i should get the L65 Crafted Lilith staff or the L65 crafted wand and bracer set. If any of you have any advice, please post below. I have an uncrafted lilith cowl and robes. I 200k and absolutely NO crafting materials except for the uncrafted cowl and robes. If any of you can spare me some lilith items or advice, it would be greatly appreciated.
