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View Full Version : Rage of Bahamut ref# tgq28195

03-21-2012, 05:39 AM
Rage of Bahamut is a fantasy trading card game. Pretty fun. Write this referral code number down
enter this number after tutorial for an automatic 100k Rubies an a limited edition GOD card an 2000 friendship point

03-21-2012, 07:16 PM
is it for app store or online?

03-28-2012, 10:03 PM
Rage of Bahamut is by Mobage, it is an android game app.
I have been playing for a couple weeks, and so far it's great. You collect cards, evolve them, and battle others to see who have the better deck.
I am a daily player, so add me and let's become "fellows".

Referral Code - XOP23770
Enter my referral code after tutorial to get your 100k rupies (currency) and a Rare God Card (Angelic Knight). I will also get a card and some rupies, so it's a win-win. Make sure to enter code when prompted or you will lose your chance!
Name -Anthonyc2
I'm a daily player and help new people. I'll give you cards and rupies, just send me a request. I'll see you in game.

03-30-2012, 10:14 AM
Add fgr73445 as code after the tutorial for free cards and a LOT of coins. Also, if you add this code I will help you level a gather more cards!!! Just give me a massage!

03-30-2012, 03:22 PM
Enter uty90077 for a 100k coin boost and a free guardian angel card.
Message me in game to join my order: Eternal