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View Full Version : New Humania info, as well as Easter 2012

03-21-2012, 04:15 PM



Something I forgot to capture (just look through the chat box logs), Humania will not be released until after Dark Legends is done. No dates, as usual, so don't ask.

Edit: the complete log. Credit goes to snakespeare for compiling it

Hey there! Just catching up on the chatbox. Hope you guys are doing great

TY! I think DL is going to be pretty epic. I am not sure how much time I have logged in playing the pre-release version... but it's TONS of time, and I'm still really loving it! Combat is extremely cool.

Instead of details - how about I say something super mysterious that sounds like a lot of info... but actually isn't?

For example: the city of Carvina has a 'subway system' that Vampires can use to travel quickly to all of the different suburbs and sub-divisions of the city!

When your vampire leaps onto her prey and drains the life out of them... it's TOTALLY AWESOME!!!11!1!!1

There might be some loco abounding around the time of PL's second birthday...

I think the next DL video is going to show how weapons and player powers can be 'charged -up' over time...

We added technology to the particle system to allow the blood spatters and zombie vomit to smack onto the screen.

When your vampire is exposed to sunlight... she dies.

So... we put "window blinds" in the capture-the-flag arena that vampires can open up as a sort of 'sunlight trap.'

I wanted the entirety of the play area in DL to be 'night' so that vampires don't have to worry about getting burned up in the sun while they're just walking to the store or something

A 'Cake Hat' is a very funny idea. I'll make sure the designers see it!

Vampires can be male or female. I was just practicing use of female pronouns.

Sam's got actual work to do. I am just chillin' in-between builds of DL... thinking about upcoming content for all the 'Legends' games.

Easter content for PL and for SL is on the way, btw. Very fun stuff! New items, etc.

Humania was designed, built, play-tested... and then the designer responsible for it got pulled over to Dark Legends to do campaigns, achievements, vanity outfits, story stuff, etc. She'll be back on Humania very (very) soon!

We also decided to make some changes with the way that Humania was situated in the level hierarchy. We want to entertain more than just a small number of people in a particular level-band, so we had to make some big changes to the content.

We'll see how it works. We've also got some very good ideas going in to the next Star Legends campaign. The 'Scorn' story is what started it all and I am very excited to get back to it.

DL is going to come out before we put out Humania.

No time to put rumors to rest (or start any new ones). Got to get back to the grind!!

03-21-2012, 04:22 PM
So it will be for more than 65-70...
Sensing new twink gear... better sell all of my old stuff

03-21-2012, 04:25 PM
So it will be for more than 65-70...
Sensing new twink gear... better sell all of my old stuff

That there, is how rumors get started :p

03-21-2012, 04:26 PM
Well as long as its a true rumor :D

03-21-2012, 04:31 PM
I am now very curious about the new content and how it will work with levels...

Maybe it will have areas rated at different levels, or maybe it will scale to all levels?

03-21-2012, 04:33 PM
I am now very curious about the new content and how it will work with levels...

Maybe it will have areas rated at different levels, or maybe it will scale to all levels?
Hence my suspicion of new twinking gear o_O

03-21-2012, 04:36 PM
Wow this is some cool infor.big changes!!
I wonder how they planned this all out!

03-21-2012, 04:46 PM
My expectations before this: (-----)

My expectations now: (-------------------------------------)

03-21-2012, 04:47 PM

Muhaha excited

03-21-2012, 04:48 PM
I'll crop my screens for you guys now

03-21-2012, 04:51 PM
I'll crop my screens for you guys now

Lol thx

03-21-2012, 04:55 PM
Nice! (starts up MovieMaker.exe.) hehehe ;)

03-21-2012, 04:57 PM
LoL.. Cinco told us that he didn't want new rumors to come out. I think it failed xD... Just let's hope it will be in a very few time because i can't wait lol :)

03-21-2012, 04:59 PM
thanks! <3

03-21-2012, 05:04 PM
RUMOR- All levels will have new and better gear!!!!!! Sell all ur stuff while u can!!!!!! Tell ur family, tell ur friends, tell ur guild, tell the devs too!!!!!!"

03-21-2012, 05:10 PM
They wouldnt make new gear for all lvls.that woulld mess up everythinnn! It would b a catastrophe! Cant wait for new stuff tho!

Martin Tander
03-21-2012, 05:38 PM
bad for merchs...yes
good for all the rest though)

03-21-2012, 05:52 PM
Well, at least we have something besides a title now lol.

03-21-2012, 07:00 PM

My expectations before this: (-----)

My expectations now: (-------------------------------------)

Had to ditto u fellow ninja lol :)

03-22-2012, 09:03 AM
I sure hope the next update with Humania will be more than just new maps and gear with reskinned enemies. I love this game and it's pretty much the only game I play. I have to admit tho, it's gotten kinda boring last few updates. There needs to be some new elements to game play or skills or SOMEthing. I don't wanna be the next person to leave and do a big gold and pinks giveaway. :(.

03-22-2012, 01:18 PM
From what cinco said, Humania is going to be significantly different than what we're used to. We'll be busy playing DL anyways to pay too much attention to when Humania will be out lol. At least we'll have something to play later as we wait for Humania.

03-22-2012, 02:03 PM
Here's a complete (almost) log of what Cinco said yesterday. Cinco is the Chief Visionary at Spacetime Studios, so like all visionaries, he imagines what can be. It isn't always what we get, so take it with a grain of salt.

Hey there! Just catching up on the chatbox. Hope you guys are doing great

TY! I think DL is going to be pretty epic. I am not sure how much time I have logged in playing the pre-release version... but it's TONS of time, and I'm still really loving it! Combat is extremely cool.

Instead of details - how about I say something super mysterious that sounds like a lot of info... but actually isn't?

For example: the city of Carvina has a 'subway system' that Vampires can use to travel quickly to all of the different suburbs and sub-divisions of the city!

When your vampire leaps onto her prey and drains the life out of them... it's TOTALLY AWESOME!!!11!1!!1

There might be some loco abounding around the time of PL's second birthday...

I think the next DL video is going to show how weapons and player powers can be 'charged -up' over time...

We added technology to the particle system to allow the blood spatters and zombie vomit to smack onto the screen.

When your vampire is exposed to sunlight... she dies.

So... we put "window blinds" in the capture-the-flag arena that vampires can open up as a sort of 'sunlight trap.'

I wanted the entirety of the play area in DL to be 'night' so that vampires don't have to worry about getting burned up in the sun while they're just walking to the store or something

A 'Cake Hat' is a very funny idea. I'll make sure the designers see it!

Vampires can be male or female. I was just practicing use of female pronouns.

Sam's got actual work to do. I am just chillin' in-between builds of DL... thinking about upcoming content for all the 'Legends' games.

Easter content for PL and for SL is on the way, btw. Very fun stuff! New items, etc.

Humania was designed, built, play-tested... and then the designer responsible for it got pulled over to Dark Legends to do campaigns, achievements, vanity outfits, story stuff, etc. She'll be back on Humania very (very) soon!

We also decided to make some changes with the way that Humania was situated in the level hierarchy. We want to entertain more than just a small number of people in a particular level-band, so we had to make some big changes to the content.

We'll see how it works. We've also got some very good ideas going in to the next Star Legends campaign. The 'Scorn' story is what started it all and I am very excited to get back to it.

DL is going to come out before we put out Humania.

No time to put rumors to rest (or start any new ones). Got to get back to the grind!!

03-22-2012, 02:07 PM
Sam's got actual work to do.

That statement just shot the credibility of the whole thing. :D

03-22-2012, 02:17 PM
That statement just shot the credibility of the whole thing. :D

Like I said, Cinco is the visionary officer...

03-22-2012, 02:46 PM
Here's a complete (almost) log of what Cinco said yesterday. Cinco is the Chief Visionary at Spacetime Studios, so like all visionaries, he imagines what can be. It isn't always what we get, so take it with a grain of salt.

Ran out of thanks :( adding this to the first post

03-22-2012, 03:01 PM
For me, im going not going to play dark legends :3, just make m characters for the future, until i do what i need to do in Pocket legends ill play dl, and after dl then Star legends :3