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View Full Version : scammers paradise

03-23-2012, 01:09 AM
Dear SL team,

Obviously scammers are a part of sl and I have personally seen first hand that your team does indeed resolve legitamate issues through banning of players and paying restitution to the victims. Conversely, I have reported multiple players who have personally attempted to scam me and who I know have scammed others. In all of these cases there has been no follow through and no resolution. In fact on several occassions I have had to mediate these issues myself and thankfully was able to work things out for both players. Also, I have players coming to me daily reporting their frustrations after being scammed, reporting the players and having had no action taken. As I said earlier, I have seen first hand that the sl team can indeed resolve these issues, however I believe there need to be a higher percentage of resolved issues. Thank you for your time.



03-23-2012, 01:18 AM
I'd thank the post but I've reached my thank limit o.O

I am completely in agreement that this should be something cared for with somewhat more attention than there is now.

I've been scammed largely from generous credit loans and I'd like this resolved please. :(

03-23-2012, 04:18 AM
I think you just have to fill out a report.

03-23-2012, 08:38 AM
Well there's a couple things you should know.

First off

The support team gets hundreds if not thousands of reports everyday, so you can't expect them to solve every little issue that arises.


Not all "scams" need to be an immediate ban, usually you speak with said scammer and address the issue. They'll stop and/or apologize for what they've done.


Not everything that you think is a scam, is actually a scam. If a player mindlessly agrees to a certain trade in which he isn't getting his item (the item he's trading for) until "later", that really is their fault. Don't get me wrong, I'd help this person out, but that's why trade has two conformation screens.


Filling out a detailed report on the matter always helps the support team look further into the issue. If you just report, or don't give sufficient evidence that is was a scam (or said reportee is a scammer), it can be false. Giving enough evidence helps a lot.

Give a lot of detail and evidence in your report, and then say if the problems weren't handled.

03-23-2012, 09:04 AM
Well there's a couple things you should know.

First off

The support team gears hundreds if not thousands of reports everyday, so you can't expect them to solve every little issue that arises.


Not all "scams" need to be an immediate ban, usually you speak with said scammer and address the issue. They'll stop and/or apologize for what they've done.


Not everything that you think is a scam, is actually a scam. If a player mindlessly agrees to a certain trade in which he isn't getting his item (the item he's trading for) until "later", that really is their fault. Don't get me wrong, I'd help this person out, but that's why trade has two conformation screens.


Filling out a detailed report on the matter always helps the support team look further into the issue. If you just report, or don't give sufficient evidence that is was a scam (or said reportee is a scammer), it can be false. Giving enough evidence helps a lot.

Give a lot of detail and evidence in your report, and then say if the problems weren't handled.

Javier has it correct here. Many times the Team will get reports that say nothing. A detailed description of what happened can really help!

03-23-2012, 10:27 AM
not everything that you think is a scam, is actually a scam. If a player mindlessly agrees to a certain trade in which he isn't getting his item (the item he's trading for) until "later", that really is their fault. Don't get me wrong, i'd help this person out, but that's why trade has two conformation .
point to be noted...

03-23-2012, 11:59 AM
Not everything that you think is a scam, is actually a scam. If a player mindlessly agrees to a certain trade in which he isn't getting his item (the item he's trading for) until "later", that really is their fault. Don't get me wrong, I'd help this person out, but that's why trade has two conformation screens.

I've said it before: If two trade confirmations are not enough for you, then please do not trade at all. There is something called the Consignment Shoppe that does not discriminate and does not prey on people's usage of language.

Anything outside of Trade or the Consignment Shoppe is at your own risk.

03-24-2012, 04:10 AM
I just got done chatting with a player who was attempting to convince me that he was able to exploit a glitch that allowed him to increase the power of weapons. All one has to do is give high end weapons like razer and nova to said player and when he is finished they will become more powerful and he will happily return them. Hurray! Perhsps I have misunderstood what sl considers a scam, and if I have please correct me. However it appears reasonable to me that this player has attempted to and probably succeeded in scamming many younger players out of their merch vis this technique. I took into account the advise posted earlier in this thread and gave a detailed account of what happened when I reported this player. I have screenshots of the chat and have spoken with the player. Forgive me for being a little over zealous with scammers but it pisses me off when people are taken advantage of and there are no rammifications for these actions. Hopefully this player gets more than a slap on the wrist.

03-24-2012, 04:41 AM
I enter my daily quest on voleria and immediately I get messaged by someone. He said " hey, can I borrow your razer for a minute? I wanna show my friend a glitch and ill give it right back." In which I promptly replied," what, so you can rob me?" After that statement he replied, "geez,thats what everyones sayin." Obviously this Guy keeps tryin this on multiple sl players who earn their legendaries through hard work and gameplay so im callin him out. Beware of a Character named "Trickmaster". Coincidence? I think not

03-24-2012, 05:58 AM
I appreciate your frustration zakkb. I have already reported that player and several others today for using similar strategies... While Id love to call them all out let's give the mods here some time to do their thing and straighten things out without us naming names. If no action is taken after a reasonable ammount of time, then that's a different story. :-)

03-24-2012, 10:08 AM
I enter my daily quest on voleria and immediately I get messaged by someone. He said " hey, can I borrow your razer for a minute? I wanna show my friend a glitch and ill give it right back." In which I promptly replied," what, so you can rob me?" After that statement he replied, "geez,thats what everyones sayin." Obviously this Guy keeps tryin this on multiple sl players who earn their legendaries through hard work and gameplay so im callin him out. Beware of a Character named "Trickmaster". Coincidence? I think not

Now I really resent this dude, he's off my friends list.

03-24-2012, 12:11 PM
Alright so here is the deal... There is one scammer in particular that I swear to god must be on the top ten biggest scammers of sl. His name is blackrenjer and he has scammed people out of everything from creds to vans to weps.... You get the point, do not trust anything this pkayer says. He cannot help you in any way. I am warning you, do not trade with blackrenjer. Those that I have spoken with have reported him with a detailed account of what happened. Now, since nothing is being done about this character I am asking that if you have been scammed by blackrenjer in particular please post what happened and how much or what you were scammed out of. This should help raise awareness for this scammer.

03-24-2012, 01:07 PM
I enter my daily quest on voleria and immediately I get messaged by someone. He said " hey, can I borrow your razer for a minute? I wanna show my friend a glitch and ill give it right back." In which I promptly replied," what, so you can rob me?" After that statement he replied, "geez,thats what everyones sayin." Obviously this Guy keeps tryin this on multiple sl players who earn their legendaries through hard work and gameplay so im callin him out. Beware of a Character named "Trickmaster". Coincidence? I think not

Please don't call people out on the forums, if your having a problem please contact support and give them a detailed explaination of what happen and let STS deal with the person.


03-24-2012, 01:13 PM
Alright so here is the deal... There is one scammer in particular that I swear to god must be on the top ten biggest scammers of sl. His name is blackrenjer and he has scammed people out of everything from creds to vans to weps.... You get the point, do not trust anything this pkayer says. He cannot help you in any way. I am warning you, do not trade with blackrenjer. Those that I have spoken with have reported him with a detailed account of what happened. Now, since nothing is being done about this character I am asking that if you have been scammed by blackrenjer in particular please post what happened and how much or what you were scammed out of. This should help raise awareness for this scammer.

Like I just told Zakk please don't call people out on the forums this might cause trouble and we don't need any trouble if your having a problem please contact support with a detailed explaination and let STS handle it. If you think nothing is being done don't forget STS is not EA they only have 35+ employes and their managing three mmos give them sometime and they will deal with these scammers.

03-24-2012, 02:44 PM
I understand they have a small staff and I believe they are doing everything impn their power to solve these issues. But to say that alerting other sl players to a HUGE scammer via the forums could be trouble while disregarding the trouble that this particular player is causing so many others... To say that is rediculous.

Perhaps the mods can give star guards more authority and they can investigate issues for the team. Maybe they can have a core group of players that keeps their eyes out for this sort of thing. There are lots of solutions. I dont want you to think I come rushing to the forums everytime i hear the word scammer. On the contrary i deal with most of these issues in my own, acting as a mediator betwwen players. But in this particular matter the only viable option I have left to help other sl players from being scammed is to alert them to this player.... Blackrenjer

03-24-2012, 02:59 PM
I understand they have a small staff and I believe they are doing everything impn their power to solve these issues. But to say that alerting other sl players to a HUGE scammer via the forums could be trouble while disregarding the trouble that this particular player is causing so many others... To say that is rediculous.

Perhaps the mods can give star guards more authority and they can investigate issues for the team. Maybe they can have a core group of players that keeps their eyes out for this sort of thing. There are lots of solutions. I dont want you to think I come rushing to the forums everytime i hear the word scammer. On the contrary i deal with most of these issues in my own, acting as a mediator betwwen players. But in this particular matter the only viable option I have left to help other sl players from being scammed is to alert them to this player.... Blackrenjer


Ok now, lets see.

There's a rule (written or not, it's been said quite a few times twice in this thread), your not suppose to call out players on forums BC of the possible flame war that can result from it. I know I know, your just trying to warn others. I get that, but why don't you speak with said player?

He seems to have added my main, I'll speak with him about this. Lets see if we can get him to stop shall we?

Also, the SGs don't need the power to do what you have stated. When an SG reports a player, that's a big red flag and the support team looks at it. Why is it a big red flag you ask? Well since the SGs are know for their help and honesty, when they report someone it must be for something bad. There's no need to give any power, as the titles are just a TY from the team.

Also, you say there should be a core of players who address issues like this? I believe there is. I myself am a part of that core, and I can name a few others. Do you know why I see us as part of that core? Well, we go out of our own way to help other players and deal with issues (as the one you have presented here) and solve them. We enjoy helping others, BC we like to make it so everyone has fun (I guess?).

I consider myself part of this core BC many players come to me seeking help on scams, hacks, etc. If the same happens to you, just give out the detailed report and don't call out this player.

Your report has been sent, no need to call him out again on forums. The staff isn't the biggest staff in the world, but they make sure that everything they can do is done to provide you and enjoyable play time.

Please be patient on what happens, don't get impatient and begin to call him out.

Have a pleasant day(:

03-24-2012, 03:23 PM

Thank you for your response. Perhaps I wasnt clearcin my other posts. I have tried on numerous occassions to speak with this player directly regarding this issue. This yielded no positive results so I then brought in other players who were "friends" of his to speak with him. This also yielded no positive results. It was at this point, when it was obvious that this player was going to pcontinue scamming, that I called him out. Why? To warn others. He us very good at what he does. He even got me for a couple g and all i do is trade all day.

I completely and one hundred percent disagree with you regarding the neccessity to call this player out publicly. If this was a real life crime, say a woman getting beaten, and the cops were too busy to help out at the moment... If i were to use your logic we would all just leave her alone and allow her to get pummelled. Now of course this ISNT real life and the analogy is rediculous.... But you get the point. :-) And frankly my friend I am a paying player, so if I have an issue that i feel is pertinent and needs to be uncovered, forgive me if I have a disregard for the lex unscripta of the sl forums. If a mod personally pm's me and asks me to do otherwise that is a different story. But I'm willing, for now, to sacrifice ceremony for the sake of other pkayer's hard earned merch and creds,

03-24-2012, 03:43 PM
Nice letters... I'd email STS

03-24-2012, 04:13 PM

Thank you for your response. Perhaps I wasnt clearcin my other posts. I have tried on numerous occassions to speak with this player directly regarding this issue. This yielded no positive results so I then brought in other players who were "friends" of his to speak with him. This also yielded no positive results. It was at this point, when it was obvious that this player was going to pcontinue scamming, that I called him out. Why? To warn others. He us very good at what he does. He even got me for a couple g and all i do is trade all day.

I completely and one hundred percent disagree with you regarding the neccessity to call this player out publicly. If this was a real life crime, say a woman getting beaten, and the cops were too busy to help out at the moment... If i were to use your logic we would all just leave her alone and allow her to get pummelled. Now of course this ISNT real life and the analogy is rediculous.... But you get the point. :-) And frankly my friend I am a paying player, so if I have an issue that i feel is pertinent and needs to be uncovered, forgive me if I have a disregard for the lex unscripta of the sl forums. If a mod personally pm's me and asks me to do otherwise that is a different story. But I'm willing, for now, to sacrifice ceremony for the sake of other pkayer's hard earned merch and creds,

You certainly don't get the point of calling someone out on forums do you?

The reason in which we stated that you shouldn't is that what if the person had a forum account? He could easily come here and argue with you and say your a liar and start a flame war.

In the forums, we say not to call the player out for one sole reason:

We're just reading one part of the issue.

We never know if you're lying or not, maybe you just don't like the guy and want to see him banned.

I am 100% sure that isn't the issue here, I believe you in what you have said that he is a scammer and blah blah blah. That's what's support is for.

You spoke with the player and it ended badly? Maybe you didn't speak with him correctly, maybe he was offended from something you said.

I didn't say it was bad to warn the community of this scammer, it isn't bad I like that and have at it do as you wish. All I said is that calling out other players on forums can lead to a possible flame war, which is why we are asked not to do so.

Yes your analogy is ridiculous, you're comparing scamming to beating a woman. If you where to have typed some sort of real life scam, it'd be a different story.

I am a paying customer as well, I have also been on the forums quite awhile. Which is why I warned you about not calling out players.

Now do me a favor. Go back and read what I have said in previous posts. I never once stated I was against you not letting the community know about a scammer, I simply stated you shouldn't call out other players.

03-24-2012, 05:54 PM

03-25-2012, 05:03 PM
I spoke with said scammer, he told me that he was not a scammer. He said he told me it wasn't true.

Now he could be lying, possibly.

I have informed him that if he is scamming, I would report him myself. He then repeated he was not doing it, then just asked me to sell him my Nova for 48k lol.

Well that's that, no need to worry about him anymore.

03-28-2012, 04:52 AM

it appears the problem is not resolved after all.

03-29-2012, 08:23 AM
Well, now I don't need to do anything. I will inform the devs about your post.

Ty for the evidence.

03-31-2012, 10:47 PM
U know what scammers I hate the most? "Gimme ur account and I'll put 5000 plat on it.".... Seriously?

03-31-2012, 11:23 PM
U know what scammers I hate the most? "Gimme ur account and I'll put 5000 plat on it.".... Seriously?
Yup and ones that overprice items. (I.e. recipes that you can just get cheaper at a terminal) Account stealers are the worst.