View Full Version : The Vending Machine Game.

08-07-2010, 10:56 PM
Some of you will know this, but for those that don't it goes like this:

First poster

Puts in a bomb

Second poster

Takes out the bomb, adds plutonium, and nukes First Poster into dust.

Puts in an egg.

Third poster

Takes out the egg and eats it raw...mmmm protein

Puts in a squirrel

and so on....


Takes out the squirrel, trains it in the martial arts, and makes his own real life pocket legends style squirrelninja

Puts in a rattlesnake.

08-07-2010, 10:59 PM
Nukes the toaster and puts in a play-doh nuclear war set.

08-07-2010, 11:38 PM
I am so lost. You want me to go to a vending machine while eating an egg and out in a bomb while juggling a rattle snake and a squirrel? ;)

08-08-2010, 12:48 AM
Takes the Play-Doh nuclear war set, makes some P4 (Military-grade Play-Doh nuclear explosive) and attaches it to Mystic.

Throws the detonator in the machine.

08-08-2010, 01:50 AM
Removes all the bombs activated and throws a grenade in a small room with mystic locked in it. ;).

08-08-2010, 05:14 AM
Breaks out of the room and throws the grenade next to Lightning who is distraction from CODWAW and blows up and than takes a nuclear warhead out of the disguised vending machine and drops it on Herbiez car ;)

08-08-2010, 07:26 AM
Takin a raygan and putin it on Lightnings head. Me- BY ***

Boom ;)

08-08-2010, 08:14 AM
Ok, well either you don't understand the game or don't like the concept.

You make two statements, first you do something to the object that the last person put in the machine.

Then you put something back in the machine.

Written in two sentences separated by a blank line.

Uses the P4 to blow everyone up, killing them instantly.

Throws in a beehive.

08-08-2010, 02:04 PM
Duplicates beehive, makes the bees in them really poisonous, and grenade launches them next to barb and mystic.

Prepares a super-deadly nuclear grenade.

08-08-2010, 03:04 PM
Duplicates beehive, makes the bees in them really poisonous, and grenade launches them next to barb and mystic.

Prepares a super-deadly nuclear grenade.

I thought Bananer and I killed you already, anyways. Shoots the super-deadly nuclear grenade with an RPG, causing it to blow up in lightnings face!

08-08-2010, 03:24 PM
I thought Bananer and I killed you already, anyways. Shoots the super-deadly nuclear grenade with an RPG, causing it to blow up in lightnings face!

1.) You STILL didn't get what bmc said.
2.) You misspelled barbamitsos's name wrong :P.