View Full Version : just got started

03-26-2012, 12:43 PM
hey i started playing a few days ago, im level 23 now. i bought a couple elixirs :p, probably wont buy any more though, as platinum is kind of expensive.

anyways though, im an avian/archer. i was reading guides on here, i cant seem to find the one ill be referencing now. what i gathered though the best set up seemed to be 100% dexterity, so thats what i did.

while reading i saw this one person talking about the auto targeting and how rangers should use their attack which knocks opponents back, to help the mages with their aoe attacks. but how do you target a specific enemy. one is always chosen for me, sometimes one will be directly in front of me yet ill attack someone else. or if ive targeted someone around the corner while someone else is hitting me i cant even switch targets. any tips on how to be more effective in terms of team fighting.

about items is their maybe a pricing guide? i, only having 50 slots, sell most of my finds. i see some items are color coated indication rarity, but if that item liquidates for 89 gold, will anyone buy it for more, or am i safe just liquidating it? how will i know when i have a very rare item that i shouldnt sell? and what should i be on the look out for, with my level/set-up? right now i have completely random items, a robbers spiked bow and red armor.

oh and last thing, is it worth buying a lot of health potions? i usually spend a lot of my cash on health and mana pots, should i just let myself die more?

thanks for the help :)

03-26-2012, 12:52 PM
You can farm potions in any of the forest haven zones. You want to die as little as possible.
As far as targeting, just tap the screen on the target if you want to target something specifically or if the game auto targets some random mob around the corner.
you can always check the price of items in CS in Balefort town. Most of your greys, whites, oranges & greens can just be liquidated. There are some items you can sell for more of those colors.
You can generally sell purples & pinks for more than liquidation but not always. It's always best to check CS until you get familiar with items.

03-26-2012, 01:01 PM
If you have the extra time stash all your potions then run through forest haven until you get to 25 of each again, then stash those and repeat process till u have infinte potions

03-26-2012, 01:01 PM
Hey im conradin. If you have any questons, no matter how small, please email me on here or Add me ingame on Conradin or riseabove. I can help you with almost anything.

03-26-2012, 07:39 PM
oh great thanks guys!

@mrgoober so the colors are what people refer to when talking "pinkies" right? im not sure what cs is but i will go look for it. now i can clear out my inventory slots thanks.

@elyseon thanks for the tip on potions ill definitely do that!

@conradian definitely will do thanks :)

03-27-2012, 01:41 AM
thanks for the tips!

im not sure what the cs is. ive been to balefort havent really seen much other than the auction place.

i tried running through forest haven but i only ended up getting 4 potions and it was kind of slow.

thanks conradin

03-27-2012, 01:49 AM
Hey! Im skeletonlord! Feel free to add me in game! The cs is for buying/selling items. You approach a person on a chest in the main room in Balefort Castle (There are three), and choose "buy/sell". You can filter by item rarity, by "search", and the category (helmets, weapons, armor, shields, crafting items and vanities)

03-27-2012, 01:57 AM
oh ok, i didnt even realize that'ts what that was haha, thanks.

04-09-2012, 10:10 PM
Welcome to the forums and PL(Pocket Legends) here is our local welcoming whale committee:


04-16-2012, 12:45 PM
Looks like they got you well taken care of, welcomezz