View Full Version : Against racism

03-26-2012, 09:24 PM
"I am Trayvon Martin. I died at 17. my last screams & cries wasn't enough to save me. all I had was some skittles & a drink. I did nothing wrong, so why did this man murder me? he called me suspicious & pulled out a gun. aimed it at me & fired. "BOOM!" I fell to my knees & hit the ground. as I took my last breath, my motionless body laid there drowning in a puddle of blood. he claimed he was the vi......ctim. he said it was self-defense. he said I was the aggressor, but he was the one who attacked me. he took my life & has no regret. he walks free & now I'm in a casket, it's not fair.. I was only 17 with a pack of skittles & a drink, so please tell me why this man had to murder me? Justice for Trayvon Martin"

this story made me sad :(
we are against racism! Its all over! but why do people dont get the message??? Its a messed up world we live in, Yet people are abusing others.

03-26-2012, 09:40 PM
Some people are messed up, theres some horrible human beings out there.
Where/when was this?

03-26-2012, 09:44 PM
Some people are messed up, theres some horrible human beings out there.
Where/when was this?

A month ago in florida, all over news here in chico, cali

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03-26-2012, 09:45 PM
I'think this thread will close...:angel::angel::angel:

03-26-2012, 09:47 PM
A month ago in florida, all over news here in chico, cali

Oh I see, gosh hah thats sad.
Theres been some terrible stuff happening here in vegas too.

03-26-2012, 09:48 PM
Was about to troll but decided it wasnt the right place...u may be proud of me now

03-26-2012, 09:52 PM
Was about to troll but decided it wasnt the right place...u may be proud of me now

Troll what, people getting murdered?

03-26-2012, 09:52 PM
I saw that story on the news couple days ago. Pretty sad, :sorrow:

Sending prayers to Trayvon Martin :positive:

03-26-2012, 10:03 PM
Well haters gotta hate and u always gotta watch ur back. Cold world...

03-26-2012, 10:20 PM
A. He doesn't walk free, he has been arrested and is awaiting trial.

B. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Does everyone just like to get swept up in the floods of people claiming "RACIST!" to go along with the crowd?

C. Who's to say the kid wasn't the aggressor? The trial is there to decide what really happened based on the evidence.

I am in no way racist toward anyone (nor will i ever be), however i do hate it when people get sucked into the tide of nay-sayers (most of whom have no clue what they are talking about, let alone any actual proof supporting what they claim.). As of right now i have no clue what happened, he might have been murdered because of someone's personal prejudice or he may have been the aggressor who was killed out of self-defense, that's for the court to decide.

Honestly i hope Delph visits this thread and does her thing, this has no possible future other than turning into a massive inferno because there are very few people on this forum who could hold a level head during a discussion of politics/public affairs.

03-26-2012, 10:28 PM
I think a little more research needs to be done on your part, swords. You don't have the entire story figured out. Also, this thread should be getting locked soon lol.

03-26-2012, 10:31 PM
Oh I see, gosh hah thats sad.
Theres been some terrible stuff happening here in vegas too.

You live in vegas? My girlfriend(not anymore) lives down there and she told me about one of her friends got killed i wont go into details it was pretty bad but that was sometime last year. We dont have anything like this or that down here last horrible thing that happened was months ago i think some drunk guy with a deer rifle camped in a bush at 2am killed a guy in an intersection he went to jail though thats the most that happens here not too bad.

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03-26-2012, 10:34 PM
Was about to troll but decided it wasnt the right place...u may be proud of me now

Troll what, people getting murdered?
Troll the thread actually...
But since u judge my trolldom i must inform you that I am very racist--- exterminate except the human race!!!!!! Everyone else is a freak!

03-26-2012, 10:40 PM
Hi guys,

I understand this story is trending and may be important some people. But we need to remember the forum rules. You can find the rules here: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/misc.php?do=vsarules

Most importantly, the rules state:
No inappropriate talk.
The Spacetime Studios forum is not a place to chat about drugs and alcohol related activities. Likewise, Sexual, racial or otherwise inappropriate talk is also not permitted.

This thread will be closed, thank you for understanding.