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View Full Version : Scrolling Back on Chat Log!

03-27-2012, 02:59 AM
Havent you ever noticed to go further back in chat log you have to click on someone and scroll back!
Wouldnt it be nicer if we can just scroll further back on the normal screen!
Dont get me wrong il click on my favoritest lookin player in the map so i can look at them!
Or maybe a side button where you can click and like a huge full screen chat log appears!
But wouldnt it just be better?
Or is it just me?

03-27-2012, 03:57 AM
Just you, when you're about to type something there is an arrow pointing up on the top right
If you dont have that then idk lol:D

03-27-2012, 04:17 AM
lol of course i have it but it doesnt go back as far if u were to click on a player and scroll back.
i have android idk if its dif on dif stuff
say all i only can scroll back 3 times on lil arrow..but on person it scrolls bakk like 10 pages

03-27-2012, 04:33 PM
I use both android and ios. On my iphone you can scroll back just fine but, like you, on android I have to click on someone to scroll back on chat. Thought it was just me doing it. Nice to know I am not alone!

03-27-2012, 05:27 PM
on both android and ios for me I Can scroll back without looking at people.although it is very hard on android. Just act like ur gonna type something then there's an arrow...sorry if you already knew but just didn't understand too well