View Full Version : Guilds and Hardcore Play Content

08-08-2010, 03:15 PM
With the soon to be addition of guilds, which I am extemely excited about, I want to just give a few suggestions about "raiding"

Right now raiding, while I've devised a way to do it with guildys, still lacks pazzazz. PL is definitely created to be a casual gamers game, and thats expected on a MOBILE MMO. I personally along with several others, would really like to see some things go into play for the more hardcore players. I personally play a good 4 hours a day. Sometimes more. Sometimes a little less.

My suggestion is raid dungeons with fixed/random table loot bosses. I'm talking dungeons that CANNOT be "rushed" through. Dungeons that take a good hour to clear and the end boss would definitely drop pinks, however those pinks can be 1 of say, 8 things, still keeping a lot lower chance for the really good pinks, but maybe having a higher chance than say, the drop rate of plasma of thoth off.

I just cant help but remember the feel of clearing a huge map in other MMO's, the anticipation of killing the boss finally, and then alas the phat loot that I can recieve through rolling/buying with raid points/or being "god looted'.

EDIT: Also is there any possibility that in the future "guild raid zones" could have 10 people instead of 5?
Please dev's give me some kind of feedback about implementing longer, harder, and more rewarding dungeons for hardcore players and guilds!

P.S. I appreciate you guys more than any other dev's of any other games i've ever played. Seriously.

08-08-2010, 06:09 PM
I would also like to see more of a serious/realistic vibe in pocket legends. They could start off by letting us choose from people as our characters instead of animals.

08-08-2010, 06:33 PM
I would also like to see more of a serious/realistic vibe in pocket legends. They could start off by letting us choose from people as our characters instead of animals.

Well if you read the game lore, animals were summoned to protect the land.

08-08-2010, 06:42 PM
O...M...G- Kavanah u hit the sledgehammer on the needle ! we need a dungeon where a nice portion of your guild can fitin which would be challenging, - also i have to say raid zones sounds like an intense yet fun way of pvp if they dont allow ur person to respawn pretty much next to the char but say a minute walk away huh?

08-11-2010, 01:21 AM
I think choosing people would be lame the animals add something special to this game makes it a lot more original.

08-11-2010, 02:13 AM
I would also like to see more of a serious/realistic vibe in pocket legends. They could start off by letting us choose from people as our characters instead of animals.

There's a bunch of games that you can pick people, no reason to come here and complain about it:)

08-11-2010, 03:23 AM
I'd absolutely love to have nightmare/raid dungeons, you'll be pleased to know they've had good feedback from the devs, and with the game now leaning further into what seems like a fully fledged MMO, I'd hope there was enough interest from the community to warrant some hardcore oriented content.

A shared looting system with various loot order & need/greed roll functions, a reworked health system and a pve combat mechanic tweak & rebalance would be pretty much essential, a larger group capacity would also be epic.

08-11-2010, 11:49 AM
Please don't mistake my comment as complaining. I love the game I just don't like that one aspect.

08-11-2010, 04:16 PM
Please don't mistake my comment as complaining. I love the game I just don't like that one aspect.

Which is why it should never be a complete replacement for the more casual side of the game. I think everybody wants groups and guilds; but hardcore dungeons should only ever be an option, you shouldn't need them to level, and if enough people share your view, as I'm sure they would; plenty of people would still play the more casual side of the game.

However those of us that thirst for a more hardcore element with a requisite for good group cohesion and more complex strategical gameplay should not be ignored, there's room for everyones playstyle :)

08-11-2010, 07:48 PM
Agreed. I hope they offer a deeper player custimization soon.