View Full Version : From PL to Sl...HELP!!!!!

04-01-2012, 09:18 PM
so i have a level 65 Bird, a level 35 mage and a, level 29 warrior on PL so i know what i am doin :) I have also had SL sense the very first day it came out on ios but never got into it very much, what i wanted you to do for me is tell me is it worth getting into? If so i need some pointers because i am la level 16 op and am having trouble with this game, credits dont come as easy to me and leveling seems to take alot of time ( i like how the leveling is in PL time wise ) and it seems that when eveer i am starting to build up some credits i use them all on potions... HELP???!!!

04-01-2012, 09:46 PM
Same concerns for me when I tried to play SL! Any advice would be great :)

04-01-2012, 10:35 PM
Ok, umm... Sts have made the first few lvls easier now, so lvling will be quicker and less stim pack usage.
Op is a hard class to play as, especially if your not getting into it well, why don't you try a Com?
Probably be best to try again from the beginning.
Next you'll need to find a good starter guild, Sparxta and lil'pawnies are good ones for low levels.

Chatting on the forums about things your having difficulty is good, that will help you :-)

GL - Mitchturbo

04-01-2012, 11:59 PM
If you cant fight good group just do lvl1 of all the maps,that way its very easy and you can solo too.But if you can find a group then do farming to earn credits

Dynastar lvl3,4,5 for L5 armor and guns (not sure if lvl3 also drops rare)

Red Sun lvl5 for L10 armor and L9,L10 guns

Cycorps lvl5 for L11,12,13,14,15 armor(depending on your lvl) and L14/15 guns.Also epic chests appearing randomly anywhere in Cycorps also drop rare armor(Epic/Elite chest is a little bigger than the normal one).

Dynastar-You will gain xp from Level1 till you hit Level9
Red Sun-You will gain xp from Level4 till you hit Level13
Cycorps-You will gain xp from Level8 till you hit Level18

04-02-2012, 12:07 AM
A big help... Is premium character with the 11 auction spots you can farm, merch, and sell. You may be asking why go SL over PL (Don't! PL is better) because SL has more creativeness. Although pvp is kinda weak I think SL pve is better for the first 43 levels. (Yes I know you can only go 41) A major money maker in SL is vanities! There is a guide to vanities but I'm to lazy to link it so look it up.

Ps. This came from a guy who doesn't like SL pretty good eh?

04-02-2012, 12:32 AM
Hmm use commando to farm skill area blast++ cannon area dmg kill mob fast

04-02-2012, 12:50 AM
A big help... Is premium character with the 11 auction spots you can farm, merch, and sell. You may be asking why go SL over PL (Don't! PL is better) because SL has more creativeness. Although pvp is kinda weak I think SL pve is better for the first 43 levels. (Yes I know you can only go 41) A major money maker in SL is vanities! There is a guide to vanities but I'm to lazy to link it so look it up.

Ps. This came from a guy who doesn't like SL pretty good eh? Great thanks:)

04-02-2012, 03:22 AM
Hello, UrbanSquirrel!

And welcome to the world of tomorrow! (c) Futurama.. Lol

Let's decide from the start: do u like the sci-fi setting or u LOVE it?

If second, then take yo time to read my tips

As i can see, u have 3 major points to be helped with: credits, stims, levelling

Let's start from stimpacks:

There are several ways to obtain/save them

1. Find yourself a good friend engie to make runs with. If you can't find friend, then join a decent guild. When choosing a guild ask about Tier3 guildhall, coz stims are twice as cheap in the vendors there. If u feel like a jedi - then add me in game (ign flashbackflip) and i will invite u to the Jedi Council guild

2. You found an engie, but he/she is not THAT cool? Then slow down yo pace! Let the engie heal u twice b4 going to next mob

3. Still can not find an engie? Then make an engie alt especially for farming!

4. Another way to get stims is to make an alt, finish first campaign or two (after finishing full maps you get stims as bonus) then stash all of them, delete yo alt and pick the stims with yo main (personally i don't like this way, but you should know about it i guess). Starting campaigns were made easier just recently, so i guess u will have no troubles running them

The next tips are for getting credits:

First of all, credits ARE harder to get in SL than in PL, but this leads to less inflation and more stable market

Go to lower levels and farm there for greens or even orange items for 6-17 lvls. Sell them at the market. Yes, it IS repetitive and YES, sometimes nobody buyes anything, but if yoy plan your timing wise (notice when the most players are online and plce yo bets accordingly) you can get from 200 to 500 creds for oranges and from 1000 to 5000 for greens. Look at the DefyDuck's post in this thread - he gave you good advise on where to find what

The second option is... Begging! Lol joking .. Noone likes beggars

The last, but not the least is levelling:

The easiest way is to join a guild which provides power levelling (not all of them do).. I heard a story of a guy from Spartans guild who levelled from 1 to 41 in 12(!!) hours with the help of guildies.. He obviously had lots of coffee mugs, but i think u get the point))

The other way is to run first maps of campaigns over and over as generally you can solo first two or three maps easily

Another way is to find a friend at the same level (chat at BlackStar and you get acquainted with cool guys rather quickly) and do runs together.. Preferrably, this guy should be an engineer ;)

And a couple of words about Operative class:

Ops are the fast-killaz, but should pay attention to the amount of enemies they can handle.. If there's 4-5-6 dudes attackin you then don't hesistate to retreat and lose some of them when they reach their max radius of operation and return to their initial positions

The main skill to solo maps is 'pulling' - you come close, shoot, get attention and run back shooting and applying skills killing enemies one by one. When u r done with one mob - heal with inner focus and repeat

Personally i love Operative (its my main) and can handle large groups of bad guys alone, but this comes with experience and could be stim-consuming

I hope i helped you a bit.. If you have other questions or want to discuss any particular part of this post in more details - tell me

Also i hope you will stay and become real hardcore player)) we need those!

May the Force b with ya!

04-02-2012, 03:38 AM
Hello, UrbanSquirrel!

And welcome to the world of tomorrow! (c) Futurama.. Lol

Let's decide from the start: do u like the sci-fi setting or u LOVE it?

If second, then take yo time to read my tips

As i can see, u have 3 major points to be helped with: credits, stims, levelling

Let's start from stimpacks:

There are several ways to obtain/save them

1. Find yourself a good friend engie to make runs with. If you can't find friend, then join a decent guild. When choosing a guild ask about Tier3 guildhall, coz stims are twice as cheap in the vendors there. If u feel like a jedi - then add me in game (ign flashbackflip) and i will invite u to the Jedi Council guild

2. You found an engie, but he/she is not THAT cool? Then slow down yo pace! Let the engie heal u twice b4 going to next mob

3. Still can not find an engie? Then make an engie alt especially for farming!

4. Another way to get stims is to make an alt, finish first campaign or two (after finishing full maps you get stims as bonus) then stash all of them, delete yo alt and pick the stims with yo main (personally i don't like this way, but you should know about it i guess). Starting campaigns were made easier just recently, so i guess u will have no troubles running them

The next tips are for getting credits:

First of all, credits ARE harder to get in SL than in PL, but this leads to less inflation and more stable market

Go to lower levels and farm there for greens or even orange items for 6-17 lvls. Sell them at the market. Yes, it IS repetitive and YES, sometimes nobody buyes anything, but if yoy plan your timing wise (notice when the most players are online and plce yo bets accordingly) you can get from 200 to 500 creds for oranges and from 1000 to 5000 for greens. Look at the DefyDuck's post in this thread - he gave you good advise on where to find what

The second option is... Begging! Lol joking .. Noone likes beggars

The last, but not the least is levelling:

The easiest way is to join a guild which provides power levelling (not all of them do).. I heard a story of a guy from Spartans guild who levelled from 1 to 41 in 12(!!) hours with the help of guildies.. He obviously had lots of coffee mugs, but i think u get the point))

The other way is to run first maps of campaigns over and over as generally you can solo first two or three maps easily

Another way is to find a friend at the same level (chat at BlackStar and you get acquainted with fool guys rather quickly) and do runs together.. Preferrably, this guy should be an engineer ;)

And a couple of words about Operative class:

Ops are the fast-killaz, but should pay attention to the amount of enemies they can handle.. If there's 4-5-6 dudes attackin you then don't hesistate to retreat and lose some of them when they reach their max radius of operation and return to their initial positions

The main skill to solo maps is 'pulling' - you come close, shoot, get attention and run back shooting and applying skills killing enemies one by one. When u r done with one mob - heal with inner focus and repeat

Personally i love Operative (its my main) and can handle large groups of bad guys alone, but this comes with experience and could be stim-consuming

I hope i helped you a bit.. If you have other questions or want to discuss any particular part of this post in more details - tell me

Also i hope you will stay and become real hardcore player)) we need those!

May the Force b with ya! Thanks soooooo much! Restarted and now have a level 11:) thanks all and git a green in low lever but only worth 400c:( haha night all!

04-02-2012, 03:45 AM
git a green in low lever but only worth 400c

Greens r different - some r cheaper, others r more expensive..

Also, pay attention on how many of those are being traded at CS. If there r too many of them - then u might consider to wait and sell it later with more profit

Also - 400c is not that cheap in SL, not to mention 'one credit makes a million' proverb ;)

Have fun

04-02-2012, 01:08 PM
Same concerns for me when I tried to play SL! Any advice would be great :) Add me on PL and SL?!?:)

04-02-2012, 01:13 PM
git a green in low lever but only worth 400c

Greens r different - some r cheaper, others r more expensive..

Also, pay attention on how many of those are being traded at CS. If there r too many of them - then u might consider to wait and sell it later with more profit

Also - 400c is not that cheap in SL, not to mention 'one credit makes a million' proverb ;)

Have fun can i add you?

04-02-2012, 02:36 PM
can i add you?

Sure thing!

The igns are flashbackflip (main) and Consular (AoB toon)

04-02-2012, 03:04 PM
If you need a good engineer friend my engie! I never bought any stims since beta. :p
Ign is Abekrie

Edit: I just gave my spell checker a time out

04-02-2012, 03:06 PM
can i add you?

Sure thing!

The igns are flashbackflip (main) and Consular (AoB toon) ok my ign is LvlCap so look for me!

04-02-2012, 04:33 PM
Another way to cut the price on stim costs is to join a guild with a tier 3 guildhall. Half-priced stims and reduced cost elixers in the guildhall make this a nice option. Plus, there's the added benefit of having guildmates to do runs with.

Also, when you run, carry less than 25 stims, as the game will occasionally drop stims on kills. Once you hit 25, though, they quit dropping, so go stash them.

Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5

04-02-2012, 04:51 PM
@flashbackflip, VERY good reply!

I'm going to elaborate on one thing, the stim generating game. After they nerfed the first two campaigns on Friday I went into Dyna with a level 5 with no stims and no credits and played the maps through from I to V. When I was done I had 9 stims and 8 powerpacks (the blue stims) and about 350 credits.

I am leveling a L33 in Biosphere at the moment and I use no stims or powerpacks, and the boss sometimes drops a sellable item.

So, really, the whole stim issue is solved. If I need them, and have no credits, I can farm them. But if I play carefully, I don't use them.

However, I did spend a day leveling random toons to L5 and then stashing and deleting. You can do half a dozen or more per hour, and get about 150 of each plus a thousand credits. You just have to be patient.

04-02-2012, 05:02 PM
How to get rich.
1Buy a premium character (for the auction slots)
2Find a helpful guild
3Ask the guild to help u lvl (/g Hey guys, I'm trying to level, all help is appreciated)
4reach L30+
5Farm CyCorp5 for greens.
6Sell the greens in CS for about 1k each.
7Repeat steps 5-6 until you are rich.
Hope this helped and welcome to SL :)