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View Full Version : An elite quest for gear (AKA Cyber) for the next campaigns!

04-02-2012, 07:49 PM
Cyber was a huge success IMO.
Almost everyone wanted it and it looked cool.
The stats were also similar to the farmed sets.
This was awesome, because it allowed those who don't have the gold to buy the premium sets, to have a slice of the goodness.
The quest is related to the elite leveling quests to get the elite vanities, but not all people have the time, or the platinum to get there.
The new quests could be cyber related or they could be completely redone to have different objectives other than continuously killing a boss 100 times ( the quest gear would be campaign themed, of course.)
The game started to be really fun to me because I was poor and once I received my Cyber set, my items were compared to the elite items... without incorporating the elite price.
When the game is more enjoyable, then more people play it.
It also adds a balance.
I have noticed some really good people (skill wise) that play PL, but simply cannot afford the premium gear, so they get overpowered by the opponent because the opponent has more cash. The Crafted is strong and even verses a skilled person, the crafted has a high chance of winning unless they don't buff.
I'd love to see it again when skill is based on skill, and not how much money one possesses.
Why not add this into the next campaigns to come? :encouragement:

04-02-2012, 07:52 PM
I love this idea. I personally am about to complete the cyber and snowball quests on my bear and bird to get all 3. I feel like they keep you motivated. Does not feel like you are killing bosses over and over again for nothing (unless you get a good drop.) I love it :)

04-02-2012, 08:03 PM
Totally agreed!! +1 for awesome idea!!

04-02-2012, 08:43 PM
Fully agree. +10 :)

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04-02-2012, 08:57 PM
Yeah I and several others have suggested this. The devs are silent, FYI LET'S DO THIS THINGY!

04-02-2012, 09:05 PM
Agree with everything, I do!

04-08-2012, 10:43 AM
Sweet idea! They should also bring back dolls and stuff. They looked cool :D

04-08-2012, 03:28 PM
I miss the good old cyber times.vwe had best dev support these days, i remember. Everyone was bored so devs threw im cyber, which was a perfect idea. Allcthey did was change the skins and remodel old gear, make it look black which looked 10x better then normal one, and threw it in there as a elite quest. It was great, i made lots of new friends during these times, and it keeped most f uscbusy for another 2-3 weeks or even longer, then they released shadow caves which was an awesome campaign but then some forum users killed it by complaimimg it was too easy blah blah, 1 week later it was dead. ( besides the 100% drop rate at first ) i loved the support and creativity of the campaign. Good old times.

04-09-2012, 10:28 AM
DerSchuetze, I agree with you. I made a LOT of friends doing the cyber quests. Unfortunately, many of these folks have quit.

04-09-2012, 06:20 PM
Such a great idea, fingers crossed something is done on this :)

04-09-2012, 06:26 PM
That was part of the awesomeness of the AO3 cap imo, cuz u got to cap then ur like whoa these exrensive quests with great rewards, it would also lower endgame prices which is a good thing