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View Full Version : boot voting

04-03-2012, 12:55 PM
So, today in fang floor two, a mage, the only mage in the game, joins. we didnt realize that mage was doing nothing but standing behind us and following. At the boss, the mage was standing far away from us, refusing to revive us nor heal nor fight. The host died and was waiting for mage, so me, and the two other were telling mage to come. We told host to kick that mage so we can invite another, but minutes later hosts still didnt kick mage. we wouldnt want to join new game espicialy that we were at the boss (which me and two others except host and mage)

Wouldnt it be cool to have a "request boot"? Heres how it work. In the game, a person can go to the persons character page, where it shows kdr and status, and click "request boot" then type in reason. the message would appear to only host. Then Host can press accept or deny. If accept, everyone but host and the person being booted can vote boot or decline. Majority vote wins.

Im a bad explainer hopefully people understands. Lol.

04-03-2012, 01:03 PM
You can have a dev move your threads,
Instead of reposting just message Sam or any other dev.
Actually a forum moderator like Delphina would be the one to talk to about moving your thread.