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04-03-2012, 08:09 PM
I'm a what I like to call: a well informed pvper (>.>) I would like to say that I'll help anyone with builds/attributes/Combos/items to pick. Just shoot me a pm or make a new thread. Remember no thread is stupid. I made a thread asking what's a ring, it helped me a ton!

04-03-2012, 08:58 PM
I have a lv 50 bird, but i dont know how many skill points should go in each skill and the gear to use.

04-03-2012, 09:04 PM
Ok well dex or str/dex mix. Dex gives most Dps and skill damage (Besides int) and decent crit. Strength gives a but more dodge armor and most initial hit damage for a 2 handed weapon.

04-03-2012, 09:05 PM
ok so for full dex what spells do i want?

04-03-2012, 09:17 PM
For full dex:
Shadow Shotgun set.
Or Cheaper alternative:
Cyber Gun, Or void sunbless bow set.
Platinum Gear:
11 Damage ring 1crit%
Penguin Face (Extra dodge)
1Armor vanity (Or founders)

6 Blind
6 Focus
6 Repulse
1-4 Avian Scream (4 Gets you out of roots and Ice)
1-6 Shattering
1-4 Restore

Simple Combo:
For birds, Bears, Late shield mages:
Break, Blast, Root, Blind, Repulse.

Earl shield mages:
Blast, Repulse, break, Root, blast, blind, repulse.

Crueal blast:
Break, root, Shattering scream, Blast, Blind, Repulse.
Always use: Evade and Focuse when available. Restore (If you use)

For more advanced combos post here, remember your own combo is very important!