View Full Version : Guild Hall Addons

04-04-2012, 02:40 PM
IMO the 3 Tier Guild Hall system is quite basic and leaves no room for customization.

I don't know if this has been suggested before, but an interesting system could involve clip-on attachments to the original hall, each costing in Platinum or Credits.

Here's some attachment/add-on ideas:
- Training Room (a room with infinitely re-spawning Holo-Sprites [a re-texture of Fire-Sprites])
- Shared Stack Terminal (allows deposits of unwanted or unusable items for other members)
- Guild Auction Terminal (a simplified Auction Terminal privatized to the guild members)

Also to replace the current 3 Tier system could be a theme-based system which replaces the wall and floor textures.

Here's some examples:
- Dynastar
- CyCorp
- RedSun

If this idea was implemented, it would definitely increase Platinum sales, while providing a more interactive Guild experience.


04-04-2012, 04:28 PM
IMO the 3 Tier Guild Hall system is quite basic and leaves no room for customization.

I don't know if this has been suggested before, but an interesting system could involve clip-on attachments to the original hall, each costing in Platinum or Credits.

Here's some attachment/add-on ideas:
- Training Room (a room with infinitely re-spawning Holo-Sprites [a re-texture of Fire-Sprites])
- Shared Stack Terminal (allows deposits of unwanted or unusable items for other members)
- Guild Auction Terminal (a simplified Auction Terminal privatized to the guild members)

Also to replace the current 3 Tier system could be a theme-based system which replaces the wall and floor textures.

Here's some examples:
- Dynastar
- CyCorp
- RedSun

If this idea was implemented, it would definitely increase Platinum sales, while providing a more interactive Guild experience.


Cool ideas!

04-04-2012, 05:20 PM
Did you really NEED to quote the entire post? By looking at the scrollbar it looked like 2-3 posts. xD

04-04-2012, 06:50 PM
Love it! If they added this i would never Leave Gh

04-04-2012, 07:15 PM
Is never leaving the Guild Hall a good thing or a bad thing?

04-04-2012, 07:48 PM
lol I like it XD

04-04-2012, 11:34 PM
I've wanted to see more stuff in the guild halls for awhile now! Great ideas Spaceyavin!

04-05-2012, 04:09 AM
There is so many things that I would love to add on to tier3.
This subject upsets me, because I didnt see tier1 or 2 for the longest time, which btw are way better.
All we got going for us is the vendors.
I mean c'mon, tier1 has a robot, AND a guild master chair, WITH rows of couches in front of it to hold cool meetings.
Seriously the fun we could have if those few things got put in tier3.
Yeah we got couches in tier3 but they are spread out in odd places.
Odd places like, the two chairs in each room facing a corner, with a plant.
What are we going to do, squeeze the whole guild on those two chairs and watch plant?
Man I was really bummed when I saw the ghall previews. Made me wanna burn tier3.

04-05-2012, 04:33 AM
lol In space... Plants provide Great Entertainment! 8-)

04-05-2012, 05:09 AM
lol In space... Plants provide Great Entertainment! 8-)

But they are obviously plastic!

04-07-2012, 02:52 AM
My guild suggestions thread was kind of going for this but I thank you for adding some detailed suggestions. I absolutely could never leave guild hall if we had these things. XD

04-07-2012, 12:40 PM
awesome. i really approve that this would increase the sales of platinum if we could chose what we cn add on our ghalls

04-07-2012, 01:34 PM
IMO the 3 Tier Guild Hall system is quite basic and leaves no room for customization.

I don't know if this has been suggested before, but an interesting system could involve clip-on attachments to the original hall, each costing in Platinum or Credits.

Here's some attachment/add-on ideas:
- Training Room (a room with infinitely re-spawning Holo-Sprites [a re-texture of Fire-Sprites])
- Shared Stack Terminal (allows deposits of unwanted or unusable items for other members)
- Guild Auction Terminal (a simplified Auction Terminal privatized to the guild members)

Also to replace the current 3 Tier system could be a theme-based system which replaces the wall and floor textures.

Here's some examples:
- Dynastar
- CyCorp
- RedSun

If this idea was implemented, it would definitely increase Platinum sales, while providing a more interactive Guild experience.


That's actually a really good idea (-: Guild Hall is always dead because there's nothing in there but Stash, Discount Enhs, and Discount Stims.