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View Full Version : I'm so sorry that there are still racists in the world

04-05-2012, 09:18 AM
First time for the so long period of play, I faced a racist player. I'm so sorry that there are still racists in such international game as a PL is... People, be patient to each other. We all friends in the game, in the world... I’m not from Philippines, but nevertheless I am not pleased that attitude of other players.

04-05-2012, 09:29 AM
Don't make a spectacle out of this by starting a public thread about it. Just email support next time and it should be taken care of swiftly :)

04-05-2012, 09:29 AM
I'm sorry that this happened to you. I would simply report him and move on. He'll get what's coming to him. :)

I do suggest that you remove the image though. Calling someone out and showing their name isn't allowed here on the forums.

04-05-2012, 11:09 AM
I dont see how the word pinoy is being racist. Many proud pinoy label themselves as such. His first word was offensive, sure, as for being racist, i dont sense it here.

If you were trying to make us aware of vulgar language, understandable, but you claimed racism. I may sound harsh due to your situation, either way, i just want you to understand that if you're going to publicly release a players name with the purpose of making everyone aware of said player (for some reason releasing names is frowned upon, so i recommend you blot it out,) please make it valid to your title. As much as we dont need players like him within our community, we dont need false accusations flying around as well.

04-05-2012, 12:32 PM
I dont see how the word pinoy is being racist. Many proud pinoy label themselves as such. His first word was offensive, sure, as for being racist, i dont sense it here.

If you were trying to make us aware of vulgar language, understandable, but you claimed racism. I may sound harsh due to your situation, either way, i just want you to understand that if you're going to publicly release a players name with the purpose of making everyone aware of said player (for some reason releasing names is frowned upon, so i recommend you blot it out,) please make it valid to your title. As much as we dont need players like him within our community, we dont need false accusations flying around as well.
Most likely he just was doing a random boot and noticed your guild name, or perhaps he just booted another one of your guild members. However, such vulgar language was unesicary in a simpleboot.

04-05-2012, 12:45 PM
IMO the "dmont show names" rule flies out the window. To me, personally, this looked incredibly racist. Just because he used a poor epitaph doesnt make it anymore ok. Saying "fck off pinoy" in caps is clearly meant to be racial,.at least imo.

So onto the second issue, the name being on the forums. I totally agree that in 99% od.cases, this should have been blocked out. But when youre dealing with someone racist, it should never be hidden. Why? Because i want to know to stay away from this guy. I want him to knkw this sort of thing is absolutely not tolerated. I want him to know that no ones going to put up with his racist bs, not here, not in game, not in reall

I dont know.this mans.situation, and really it makes no difference. Grew up in a racist
family? Tough **it, learn how to be a positive member of society. Parents murdered by phillipino gangsters? Leaer that not all phillipino people are bad.

04-05-2012, 12:46 PM
Don't make a spectacle out of this by starting a public thread about it. Just email support next time and it should be taken care of swiftly :)

What RedRyder said. Please make use of the in game Report Player functionality or e-mail our support team with the details to support@spacetimestudios.com

Thread closed.