View Full Version : Tapatalk

08-09-2010, 08:52 PM
Any chance that you guys could integrate tapatalk to the forum so that it is easier to access from iPods and iPhones? From what I understand it is very easy to add. Would increase traffic for you and one up the community. Thanks :)

08-09-2010, 09:36 PM
Hey Chasem1991,

Yeah, we've looked at Taptalk. Our hesitation to add it was because the app is $2.99 and we didn't want to give the impression that you needed to shell out $$ to use the forums on your phone.

But a good reminder. Now that we have the mobile version of the forums available, it might be time to revisit adding it.

Forum Admin

08-09-2010, 09:58 PM
What's tapatalk?

08-09-2010, 10:47 PM
What's tapatalk?

Tapatalk (http://www.tapatalk.com/) - Allows one to visit a forum in a simplified way.

The iTunes Store lets you download it for free, you only pay for the version that allows you to reply, post pictures, ect.. Tapatalk is a amazing app. I suggest that if you haven't played with it, you give it a go.

I appreciate the speedy reply. Thanks.

08-09-2010, 11:11 PM
I downloaded it, I'd definitely use it if these forums were on there.

08-12-2010, 09:26 PM
SO what do you mods think? any possibility of seeing this any time soon?

08-20-2010, 05:09 PM
Hey Chasem1991,

Yeah, we've looked at Taptalk. Our hesitation to add it was because the app is $2.99 and we didn't want to give the impression that you needed to shell out $$ to use the forums on your phone.

But a good reminder. Now that we have the mobile version of the forums available, it might be time to revisit adding it.

Forum Admin

It's good to see this post on tapatalk suggesting it as well since I had posted mine (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?5282-Add-this-forum-to-Tapatalk-for-iPhone-use).

I look at it this way, this would just be another method of viewing the board. I understand you don't want it to seem that you must buy a $2.99 app. So, promote your mobile forum like you have been but also add the tapatalk mod. This way, if users just want to read the forums, they can get the free version of the app. If they want to reply and they like the app enough, they can buy the $2.99 version.

This would cost Spacetime nothing. I'm not a fan of vBulletin to begin with (I use SMF) but I gave the mobile version a try. The tapatalk experience would run circles around it. It would cost you nothing to set this up. It forces no one to use tapatalk either. But for those of us that already use tapatalk, we could enjoy the PL forums as an iPhone app.


08-23-2010, 01:24 PM
How long does it take to implement tapatalk into a forum?

08-23-2010, 03:49 PM
Less than a minute. I installed it on a message board that I run. It is just a mod (plugin). You basically go to tapatalk.com, setup a free account, choose your options, install the Mod and then your forum shows up in Tapatalk.

09-27-2010, 05:19 PM
I promise I'll stop bugging if the answer is NO. So, is this a dead issue or not with the Devs? I love using Tapatalk to browse the forums and I don't prefer the mobile version of vBulletin. Please consider adding this this forum to Tapatalk. Thank you kindly. :)

10-02-2010, 06:03 PM
I use tapatalk as well and would like to see these forums use it. Implementing it takes 5 minutes. It makes sense given that this is a "mobile" company. Going from the game to tapatalk would be great for the users who are trying to check forums for trading or selling items. The app is becoming a standard for people to use forums on phones as they have it for Android as well.

If they had an ipad app, I'd buy it too.

12-09-2010, 05:25 AM
+1 vote for Tapatalk.

I (and as I am sure, a ton of others as well) am already using this on Android for a couple of other forums, and I love accessing all of "my" forums from a single app. The mobile version does not really have that much functionality, at least not on a mobile device. Browsers, no matter if Android or iPhone, are simply inferior to the Tapatalk app when it comes to reading forums. Thatīs just a fact.

Itīs really a shame that the Devs are so hesistant to add this for their MOBILE GAME. Itīs free, there are (at least on Android) trial and/or free version of the Tapatalk app for the end users as well...

There is simply no reason NOT to do it!

12-09-2010, 05:41 AM
+1 from me also... i use around 8 forums daily, all are on my tapatalk except yours. Please reconsider going tapatalk! :D

03-10-2011, 10:54 AM
I hate to rehash an old thread but I'd love to see the STS forum on Tapatalk. It'd make mobile browsing on the forum SO much better. The Mobile site is okay, but Tapatalk is a much better way to browse forums on the go.

Another +1 for Tapatalk on STS forums here.

(sorry to bump both threads but I wasn't sure which was most active)

03-21-2011, 03:38 AM
+1 for Tapatalk!!!!