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View Full Version : The reason why you guys "think" 1.3 "has issues"

08-09-2010, 09:34 PM
You rushed the devs!

As simple as that. You guys kept asking, "when is 1.3 coming out?!?!" or demanding, "Hurry up devs!!" And therefore, since they wanted to create 1.3 finally to shut you guys up, they messed up on a few things.

And now the devs are being more stressed based on the fact that your telling them right in their face that there are many bugs! If only you guys were patient, none of this wouldn't have happened!

No offense....

08-09-2010, 09:43 PM
No offense taken I think we should wait until the the next major update! And dev should make it freaking awsome

08-09-2010, 09:44 PM
Lightning i absolutly agree with u except for the fact that i think 1.3 doesnt suck. I think its different than before and i think some ppl just cant handle the changes. Personally i like 1.3 alot so devs u did a good job keep up the good work.

08-09-2010, 09:44 PM
meh i would have rather had it come out early and have the devs fix the bugs up after, they have already had like 5 patches or somthing since 1.3, i think the devs are going great ;)

only thing i can criticise is the changed weapon models and the fact everything looks so basic that its made out of playdoh, but im sure that will be fixed in time, at first it bugged me like crazy cos all the weapons looked different, but now it doesnt bother me as much.

08-09-2010, 09:45 PM
No offense taken I think we should wait until the the next major update! And dev should make it freaking awsome

well, the next update is gonna be 1.4 and I'm not sure what will happen in there. Hopefully it IS something major lol.

08-09-2010, 09:47 PM
Okay I can't wait for 1.4 it's going to be epic

08-09-2010, 09:48 PM
Lightning i absolutly agree with u except for the fact that i think 1.3 doesnt suck. I think its different than before and i think some ppl just cant handle the changes. Personally i like 1.3 alot so devs u did a good job keep up the good work.

I didn't say 1.3 sucks lol. I like it! I'm just saying the devs were rushed due to the fact that people were demanding for 1.3.

meh i would have rather had it come out early and have the devs fix the bugs up after, they have already had like 5 patches or somthing since 1.3, i think the devs are going great ;)

only thing i can criticise is the changed weapon models and the fact everything looks so basic that its made out of playdoh, but im sure that will be fixed in time, at first it bugged me like crazy cos all the weapons looked different, but now it doesnt bother me as much.

So You prefer the devs to mess up and force them to fix the bugs and give more stress to the devs? Really? :l.

08-09-2010, 09:50 PM
srry lightning my mistake lol. I would have liked to see some kinda map come out while we were waiting for 1.3 though cuz for us lvl45's that dont do much farming there was hardly anything to do. Oh well 1.3 is out and now its all good.

08-09-2010, 10:02 PM
Lightning, you are way off base here. We did not rush it out, and it is totally understandable that people want content as soon as they can get it. We were ready for it to go.

Our impression is that 1.3 had a rough reception because:

1) We locked the Stash until players had done some quests. Mistake on our part. The idea was for NEW characters to have to unlock it, existing ones should not have had to.
2) We locked dungeon levels until you had completed their predecessor. Again, mistake. At least until Swamps, we think that people should be able to play whatever they want, when they want.
3) Art revamp - we touched EVERY art asset in the game. Many have not fully recovered, but there is no reason we cant bring them back to approximate their previous level of visual flair.
4) All content produced was for lower-level players.
5) Navigation changed. People don't like change.

None of these things are critical in and of themselves, but it really threw a lot of people off, so much so that they missed the much larger implications of an open world and quest-based structure.

We feel we hit 1.3 right out of the park. We had a few missteps (you always do with such a monumental release) but we are fixing issues as quickly as they come up.

Last week everyone was still jammed in the same towne, with nothing to do but spam "FOR SALE TOTH PINK 75K" and hit NEW GAME to go to a host screen. Today Alterra is a living, breathing world... ever-expanding with more and more to do. By now you guys should realize now what we have our hands on... a platform so powerful and flexible that it really can rival the best MMO on ANY platform.

08-09-2010, 10:07 PM
Lightning, you are way off base here. We did not rush it out, and it is totally understandable that people want content as soon as they can get it. We were ready for it to go.

Our impression is that 1.3 had a rough reception because:

1) We locked the Stash until players had done some quests. Mistake on our part. The idea was for NEW characters to have to unlock it, existing ones should not have had to.
2) We locked dungeon levels until you had completed their predecessor. Again, mistake. At least until Swamps, we think that people should be able to play whatever they want, when they want.
3) Art revamp - we touched EVERY art asset in the game. Many have not fully recovered, but there is no reason we cant bring them back to approximate their previous level of visual flair.
4) All content produced was for lower-level players.
5) Navigation changed. People don't like change.

None of these things are critical in and of themselves, but it really threw a lot of people off, so much so that they missed the much larger implications of an open world and quest-based structure.

We feel we hit 1.3 right out of the park. We had a few missteps (you always do with such a monumental release) but we are fixing issues as quickly as they come up.

Last week everyone was still jammed in the same towne, with nothing to do but spam "FOR SALE TOTH PINK 75K" and hit NEW GAME to go to a host screen. Today Alterra is a living, breathing world... ever-expanding with more and more to do. By now you guys should realize now what we have our hands on... a platform so powerful and flexible that it really can rival the best MMO on ANY platform.

Word Justg! Word!

Just please keep the crossbows as they are I love the new look!!!!

Especially the jeweled crossbows:)

08-09-2010, 10:08 PM
3) art revamp, bring back the old art and u will have my eternal gratitude.

oh and u spelt thoth wrong ;)

great work with 1.3 devs, im proud of you all ^^

08-09-2010, 10:09 PM
Ahh, mmk I get it. Thanks G ;).

08-09-2010, 10:16 PM
The jeweled cbows are my favorite. i love them!

But even tho PL only been out for close to a half a year, its pretty close to WoW. Never played it myself, but it seems people like it. In my opinion, PL is the equivalent of WoW for the Iphone, Ipod, and Ipad. But it still has a long way to go, Im sure we all agree, before people put it on the number 1 spot for any platform. But hey, its on my list. But the devs have done an extremely well jobm and hopefully if i dont lose intrest, i will play it for a while.

08-09-2010, 10:18 PM
We've been out 4 months! Just wait till we're out for a year!


08-09-2010, 10:25 PM
"Oldies" have issues with 1.3, not the other way around. Maybe oldies ought try being newbies again. It could be fun.

08-09-2010, 10:28 PM
World of warcraft progresses a little too slow. Once the new expansion comes out, everyone rushes to play it, then when their is nothing to do, everyone sits in town spamming. Except, in Pl the changes are often and not every 1 -2 years ><

08-09-2010, 10:31 PM
"Oldies" have issues with 1.3, not the other way around. Maybe oldies ought try being newbies again. It could be fun.

I never complain about the updates, there hasn't been one that sucked for me:)

Well maybe just one, when pinks dropped like crazy, I didn't like that :) hehe peace:)

08-09-2010, 10:34 PM
hey justg can u sticky my giveaway on the 13th of august to celebrate its 1 month anniversary ;)

its almost at 5000 views!

08-09-2010, 10:38 PM
hey justg can u sticky my giveaway on the 13th of august to celebrate its 1 month anniversary

its almost at 5000 views!

In my experience, if you ask for one, they tend to not do it. It doesnt matter if they do or not, because us forum peeps will bump your thread forever! screw the no bumping rule!

08-09-2010, 10:39 PM
In my experience, if you ask for one, they tend to not do it. It doesnt matter if they do or not, because us forum peeps will bump your thread forever! screw the no bumping rule!

Haha lol!!!

08-09-2010, 10:44 PM


but seriously... sticky my thread! =D

and when are u guys planing to release alien oasis part 3, because 1.3 was almost all stuff for new players, with the exeption of a few new ao2 pinks.

i dont want you guys to rush it or anything but we oldies are the backbone of the community and we need stuff to do too ^^

P.S im gettin my ipad on thursday and im gonna quest then so that should keep me busy for a few days

08-09-2010, 10:51 PM
In my experience, if you ask for one, they tend to not do it. It doesnt matter if they do or not, because us forum peeps will bump your thread forever! screw the no bumping rule!

I <3 bhmoing

08-09-2010, 11:22 PM
Lightning, you are way off base here. We did not rush it out, and it is totally understandable that people want content as soon as they can get it. We were ready for it to go.

Our impression is that 1.3 had a rough reception because:

1) We locked the Stash until players had done some quests. Mistake on our part. The idea was for NEW characters to have to unlock it, existing ones should not have had to.
2) We locked dungeon levels until you had completed their predecessor. Again, mistake. At least until Swamps, we think that people should be able to play whatever they want, when they want.
3) Art revamp - we touched EVERY art asset in the game. Many have not fully recovered, but there is no reason we cant bring them back to approximate their previous level of visual flair.
4) All content produced was for lower-level players.
5) Navigation changed. People don't like change.

None of these things are critical in and of themselves, but it really threw a lot of people off, so much so that they missed the much larger implications of an open world and quest-based structure.

We feel we hit 1.3 right out of the park. We had a few missteps (you always do with such a monumental release) but we are fixing issues as quickly as they come up.

Last week everyone was still jammed in the same towne, with nothing to do but spam "FOR SALE TOTH PINK 75K" and hit NEW GAME to go to a host screen. Today Alterra is a living, breathing world... ever-expanding with more and more to do. By now you guys should realize now what we have our hands on... a platform so powerful and flexible that it really can rival the best MMO on ANY platform.

6) We added a turn to shoot which causes the character to go into seizures.

(Sorry, I have to add this to all complaining threads because it drives me insane. )

08-09-2010, 11:46 PM
kinda makes sense tho, i mean how can a archer shoot something unless there facing it. unless they put their bow over the top of their head and shoot backwards. that would be pretty fancy lol

08-10-2010, 12:51 AM
why does this kid still make threads....

08-10-2010, 01:13 AM
why does this kid still make threads....

i honestly dont know Jstizar, his obviously the forum troll

rangepwnsmeel bid 170k on a red scarab bow of thoth and lightning responded with this...




08-10-2010, 01:20 AM
Violent. Don't even start.

Same with you Jstizar.

08-10-2010, 01:47 AM
the reason why i disliked 1.3 was because it was too much change all at once. the stuff that was once very simple, basic, and fun. became frustrating, confusing, and killed the fun factor a bit. felt like i was playing a completely different game.

im one of those that likes to be given the chance to adjust to changes. i prefer updates that slowly enhance the user experience. say for instance, they pushed 1.3 out and all it did was add quests. then ok thats great. another that only adds new towns.
then another that only changed the interface up a little.
then just one update that tinkered with the graphics.

THEN i would not be full of complaints. if this were a free game with free content, then i wouldnt complain at all. but because ive invested a lot of time and money into this game... well you cant blame me for being pissed off that everything got turned upside down on me.

do i think its rushed? all the changes do seem a bit forced instead of easing into new territory. i certainly dont think the devs are careless or foolish enough to just throw something out to appease users. they seem to take a lot of pride and care with this game.

08-10-2010, 02:07 AM
i dont mind the new update, just the way they changed the look of all the weapons threw me off allot. i dunno why it was necessary.

08-10-2010, 08:13 AM
the reason why i disliked 1.3 was because it was too much change all at once. the stuff that was once very simple, basic, and fun. became frustrating, confusing, and killed the fun factor a bit. felt like i was playing a completely different game.

im one of those that likes to be given the chance to adjust to changes. i prefer updates that slowly enhance the user experience. say for instance, they pushed 1.3 out and all it did was add quests. then ok thats great. another that only adds new towns.
then another that only changed the interface up a little.
then just one update that tinkered with the graphics.

THEN i would not be full of complaints. if this were a free game with free content, then i wouldnt complain at all. but because ive invested a lot of time and money into this game... well you cant blame me for being pissed off that everything got turned upside down on me.

do i think its rushed? all the changes do seem a bit forced instead of easing into new territory. i certainly dont think the devs are careless or foolish enough to just throw something out to appease users. they seem to take a lot of pride and care with this game.

I agree with this. Until now all updates were incremental in nature. After this update the learning curve to play the game exploded, even for a lot of us oldies. I know a few people who're currently taking their break from PL because of the shock.

@Justg: Please tell me you guys are prioritizing the enchantress's head's graphic? Pretty please? :D

08-10-2010, 11:31 AM
kinda makes sense tho, i mean how can a archer shoot something unless there facing it. unless they put their bow over the top of their head and shoot backwards. that would be pretty fancy lol

Growl ... lol.
But you are right that facing your target makes sense, and it seems the issue is not turning to face your target, but having to turn back to move. Should be able to move backwards to get rid of the seizures.

08-10-2010, 11:52 AM
Lightning, you are way off base here. We did not rush it out, and it is totally understandable that people want content as soon as they can get it. We were ready for it to go.

Our impression is that 1.3 had a rough reception because:

1) We locked the Stash until players had done some quests. Mistake on our part. The idea was for NEW characters to have to unlock it, existing ones should not have had to.
2) We locked dungeon levels until you had completed their predecessor. Again, mistake. At least until Swamps, we think that people should be able to play whatever they want, when they want.
3) Art revamp - we touched EVERY art asset in the game. Many have not fully recovered, but there is no reason we cant bring them back to approximate their previous level of visual flair.
4) All content produced was for lower-level players.
5) Navigation changed. People don't like change.

None of these things are critical in and of themselves, but it really threw a lot of people off, so much so that they missed the much larger implications of an open world and quest-based structure.

We feel we hit 1.3 right out of the park. We had a few missteps (you always do with such a monumental release) but we are fixing issues as quickly as they come up.

Last week everyone was still jammed in the same towne, with nothing to do but spam "FOR SALE TOTH PINK 75K" and hit NEW GAME to go to a host screen. Today Alterra is a living, breathing world... ever-expanding with more and more to do. By now you guys should realize now what we have our hands on... a platform so powerful and flexible that it really can rival the best MMO on ANY platform.

I have to reply to this item by item because I was partly responsible for the grumbling...

1. I think you unlocked it at 4th too quickly. It only took us about a day to figure out which three quests we had to do, and it would have been OK, IMHO. Especially seeing as it only take about 5 minutes to unlock it even for a level 1. But oldies whined because they had stuff in stash and had to learn yet how to get to it.
2. Well, yeah... It was oldies here who had already unlocked things in higher levels only to find them re-locked. Too bad the data was over-written that we had unlocked things. But that's the price of change, sometimes.
3. Art revamp was generally cool, with the exception of the loss of some face paint, but now that we know there will be a wide variety of facial customization coming INSTEAD, that's worth it, too!
4. Well, again it was oldies complaining here, because this was a huge fun thing for newbies. And frankly, this was a good thing. You guys make a profit only when someone buys plat. You have to make a profit. You have to have something to entice upgrading. This is very good.
5. Another awesome thing, except for the positions of world map during play. We don't really need the world map during play, do we? This particular item is something that you depend on our heavy use and feedback to make perfect, and that's what we're doing.

Anyhow, I TOTALLY AGREE that the open world and quest-based development is the right direction. Keep up the good work.

And thanks for taking our feedback seriously. That speaks volumes about the sort of devs you are!

08-10-2010, 11:59 AM
Since I was the first player to enter into 1.3 I just want to say I loved it =)

Sure it needs tweaks, just like the old content and mechanics need tweaking. They can only do so much with such a small dev team on a whole new platform with a whole new engine and such. I can only imagine this has pushed the devs beyond their know how and this has been quite a learning experience and probably a very frustrating one for them as well.

Keep up the good work guys!

08-10-2010, 12:01 PM
i dont mind the new update, just the way they changed the look of all the weapons threw me off allot. i dunno why it was necessary.

Graphic optimization to increase performance, allow character customization, and open up the world.

08-10-2010, 12:08 PM
Customization ftw!!!!!!!!!

08-10-2010, 12:16 PM
Graphic optimization to increase performance, allow character customization, and open up the world.

So the weapons are going to look like playdoh forever?