View Full Version : Need help with gl

12-14-2020, 08:20 PM
I havent played in a very long time
I need help what gear would go best gold loot wise(im planning on getting avarice set)
Does the artifact lvl matter since i will have lvl 10 gear? Whats the best price for a reasonable artifact, are dragon blades still usable? And what pet loadout would be best? Chester over arcanite(for base) chester is there a difference between the bit of % gold loot? Happiness noe or regifter? And aa grouch?
I would also like to know the prices as i dont know any of the current prices as of now, and is maus still good to farm? Or are there better maps
I would really appreciate the help!

12-14-2020, 09:28 PM
Well if you're looking for additional dmg might as well get AA 30-60 or Mire artif

Arcanite chester is also good for base pet for hb Arm zhulong is really good for farming maps AA depends on your playstyle if you want to boost gl u can go groucho + noe at hb if you want easy runs Arm zhu + (Werewiger, Guinevere,Fatima, Groucho)

Dragon blades ah I don't think so xD
Better buy Ebon blades or duggar bow GL for extra dmg

As of now groucho is 14-16m
Arm zhu 19-22m
Noe 19-20m
Werewiger 3.5-4m (myth)
Arc were 17-22m
Fatima 800k-1m (myth)
H Fatima 50m+
Guinevere 37-43m

Mauso idk kinda hard to tell if its worth running or not mauso might be worth running right after seasonal lb ends new seasonal char might boost by buying coffers which u get from tokens in mauso anyways for me mauso is kinda good really depends on the map