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View Full Version : The Greatest Bait?

12-16-2020, 05:26 AM

Now before I start let me post this so others can understand because different people may have different names for it.

Bait : food used to entice fish or other animals as prey.

Hello my fellow Arlorian’s [emoji1480] , I am a regular fisher in-fact I would consider myself an Angler at this point. Now to go into the topic I’ve been going down to the dock to go fishing at a local beach near me for the past week and I met a guy who made me pose the question what’s the greatest bait? Now to give context this past week I’ve been using great bait and to say in laymen’s terms I’ve filled the boat a couple of these days but the last 2 days have been a little bit unfulfilling now I usually use live bait for example, meal worms, wax worms and crickets or sometimes I use a finesse worm but I usually don’t have problems with these types of bait they work very well with the fishes but today I seen a guy using bread? Like plain wheat bread he rolled it into like a ball and he was catching way more fish then me but it didn’t make much sense to me so now I’m here asking you guys maybe some of you having some fishing experience what would you say is the greatest bait? Usually I use live bait but today the guy introduced me into a different type of bait which is really successful for catching big fish can any fellow angler’s in the forums?? Your input it greatly appreciated thanks players [emoji41][emoji1474]

- The Burger Baron

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12-16-2020, 05:28 AM
This. This is the greatest bait of all.

12-16-2020, 05:33 AM
This. This is the greatest bait of all.

What exactly do you mean by this bro? Just looking for some input from fishers have you tried it before? Really relaxing bro trust me [emoji41][emoji1474]

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12-16-2020, 05:36 AM
Lunging yourself at them barbaric works sometimes.
It has a surprise element, catching them off-guard.
Huge splash collateral, covers a large surface area.
Eco-friendly and also low budget friendly, no need for nets and bombs, damaging marine ecosystem.
Also burns a part of your calories. A healthy exercise.

I can recommend you to hit up the grandmaster fisher himself, Bear. [emoji41][emoji1474]

12-16-2020, 05:41 AM
Lunging yourself at them barbaric works sometimes.
It has a surprise element, catching them off-guard.
Huge splash collateral, covers a large surface area.
Eco-friendly and also low budget friendly, no need for nets and bombs, damaging marine ecosystem.
Also burns a part of your calories. A healthy exercise.

I can recommend you to hit up the grandmaster fisher himself, Bear. [emoji41][emoji1474]

[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] thanks but I’m not gonna jump in the water bro [emoji23] seems counter productive and might waste a lot of time also my clothes will be soaked I’m not trying to deal with that bro [emoji41][emoji1474]

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12-16-2020, 05:47 AM
I agree with Silentninja. Makes sense, all of it, especially the eco-friendly part. Also, a survey showed that people who throw themselves into cold water are less likely to get ill.
So throw yourself off that dock MistaGrinch, really get to grips with those fish and then come back and let us know if it works.
Good luck. "Gone Fishin" 🎣

12-16-2020, 05:53 AM
I agree with Silentninja. Makes sense, all of it, especially the eco-friendly part. Also, a survey showed that people who throw themselves into cold water are less likely to get ill.
So throw yourself off that dock MistaGrinch, really get to grips with those fish and then come back and let us know if it works.
Good luck. "Gone Fishin" [emoji476]

Ah I see thanks for the advice player maybe one day I’ll take it into consideration [emoji848] or not but I appreciate the advice player thanks [emoji41][emoji1474]

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12-16-2020, 06:34 AM
Ah I see thanks for the advice player maybe one day I’ll take it into consideration [emoji848] or not but I appreciate the advice player thanks [emoji41][emoji1474]

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You're most welcome MistaGrinch. I'm going to get off now before I get told off for posting something that belongs to off topic board.
Have a good day and stay safe especially if you decide to dive off that dock. (Only consider this if you can swim and you have a towel and a flask of something hot to warm you up). ☕

12-16-2020, 06:43 AM
You're most welcome MistaGrinch. I'm going to get off now before I get told off for posting something that belongs to off topic board.
Have a good day and stay safe especially if you decide to dive off that dock. (Only consider this if you can swim and you have a towel and a flask of something hot to warm you up). [emoji477]

I’m pretty sure this is the right place thanks player I appreciate your advice [emoji41][emoji1474]

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Prabsimar Chhabra
12-16-2020, 07:06 AM
I’m pretty sure this is the right place thanks player I appreciate your advice [emoji41][emoji1474]

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkThis is not the right place.
This is Al General Discussion.
There is an Off-topic section go there [emoji4]

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12-16-2020, 07:08 AM
This is not the right place.
This is Al General Discussion.
There is an Off-topic section go there [emoji4]

Sent from my Babe️ using Tapatalk [emoji3590]

This is the right place

This is AL General Discussion

And this is a general discussion sir thanks [emoji41][emoji1474]

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12-16-2020, 07:30 AM
Heres the explanation in case you are new to the forums:

12-16-2020, 07:32 AM
Heres the explanation in case you are new to the forums:

Heyo Quaset how ya doing bud thanks for the information have a nice day player [emoji41][emoji1474]

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12-16-2020, 08:06 AM
The Burger Baron (or well-known as the man with fake offers) make more and more useless thread ! x)

Envoyé de mon Mi 9T en utilisant Tapatalk

12-16-2020, 08:07 AM
Wrong section.

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