View Full Version : Pausable Emotes (Applicable to Armor Holders)

12-17-2020, 03:27 AM
Note: Not sure how the current spacetime engine (more on that here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vePaOAey2AA) deals with model animations but I'm assuming it's using somewhat of an equivalent to the AnimationPlayer node in Godot.

It would be nice to have pausable emotes to get the most out of those who bought the emotes package/emotes in general. Having these emotes applicable to armor holders will also be quite nice. This will:

1.) Enable capturing screenshots on the right frames a lot easier
2.) Get more out of the emotes by pausing on specific frames you want
3.) Enable you to do more poses for decorative purposes on your armor holders
4.) Ensure that you don't need to take a Mug of Green Gog to look good while being AFK.

Before you start with the arguments of:
1.) This will defies physics
2.) This isn't important, devs could look into more serious matters in game

1.) the game literally gives a middle finger to physics since the only places it applies it to (over the top of my head) are skills/procs that pull/knockback -- gradually decreasing velocity on knockback/pull. Aside from that a lot of things in the game defies physics. Your skyward smash speed doesn't make sense.

2.) It isn't. It's an improvement for leisure. This is why I'm assuming that it's similar to the AnimationPlayer node in Godot so that it might make it easier to implement (AnimationPlayer has pause and play functions). Can't also just shrug "leisure suggestions" off as irrelevant when STS themselves added more emotes for plat.