View Full Version : Scamers and scams

04-08-2012, 01:05 PM

How to know when sum1 is scamming or trying to scam you

lets be honest no likes to get scammed not even the wealthiest pl players
this is a really dirty act which most noobs do...cuz they dont know how to play the game..and r u lazy to earn the money and items the hard way
Now it is important for us to becarefull...cuz we cant just trust any guy..this is a really serious matter

Even though "superss" has made a really helpful list which includes common scams
Check it out here http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?23590-beware-of-scamming!-list-of-common-scams

Now snice i hav experienced many scammers ..i know how it feels when u get scammed .... -.- not GOOD

So heres guide to those who are unsure wheather the r dealing with a scammer or not

Scammers try to act there way out...either by trying to be friendly or by being emotional

Those scammer who try to be emotional swear alot..and i mean alot, they also try to be a bit nice for example they might be telling u that they desperatly need sum money and u r there only hope ...or maybe they'll say no 1 listens to me.... plz help me and u'll eventually fall for it and become there friend and then later on they'll scam u. When i mean swearing i do mean it...scammer swear alot ALOT!! they might even say "i swear ovr my fathers grave" cuz this is what exactly happenend with me... They will do god promise and other various types of promises so that u put ur faith in them and then they'll scam u and run away and u will eventually be heart broken...
Scammers favourite trick is taking money on loan...and by loan i mean is making the fool of the person who gives them money...
Nvr give any money to any stranger ..even if they r in ur friend list or not....
Give money to those only whom u know u can trust....that mean being 100% sure abt what u r doing.....

Just tell the scammer to go earn ur living by yourself...cuz seriously the game is made for this purpose

Those scammer who try to be a bit friendly ...r often very confident abt what they r doing....For example nowdays scammer hav start selling fake account ....They often tend to sell it for 1mil to 500k
Sum of us who hav only 1 charc often do get exicited when we see sum1 selling accounts for cheap...
But seriously nvr do that dont buy account...cuz this time u hav no safe side, no guarantee....this is the worst of em all...u kose a whole lot of money and ur will to carry on playing this game
Even though sum reduces the price of there account form 500K to 300K dont BUY IT....Dont ...they'll try to gain ur trust they'll try thier best but dont fall for it....they will again start swearing..they might tell u "dont worry im a high lvl i dont scam" or maybe "U can trust me im a good guy/girl and that ur in safe hands" but DONT!!!

1.Selling accounts
2.borrowing items and money and nvr returning it back

These scams r really popular nowdays

Theres another a bit rare though...but dangerous
There r often guys who hav kept there names such as Crafter, xxcraftXX these people catch whenever they see u wearing an item which is used in recipe..now offcourse scammers know how to trap people really well....so that mean some of us can fall into the trap here
as a matter of fact my friend got scammed this way.....

a guy approached him and saw his glyph armour...he told him that he could turn his glyph sword into demonic ...eventually he fell for it and then he got scammed which is pretty sad...He has stopped playing pl now...although i did manage to catch him and report him...hope he gets permanently banned from pl....

So heres sum final tips There r good guys and bad guys playing and so not every1 is a scammer
But Make 100% sure before going into any deal
100% 100% 100%
or sumtimes its good to say no to certain people....who u think cant be trusted
try to make sure that he wont scam u
Like most of us would ask....how can i trust u
He he does not give a valid answer
End of sory !!! run away

and make sure to report if u r 100% sure that he is a scammer

Hope this a helped u a little bit
This is actually my first thread ...so if there is sumthing wrong hopefully i'll ge better :) (plz dont mind my english)

Lets take another step foward in making pl more fun and less dangerousZ