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View Full Version : Winter event

12-19-2020, 09:23 AM
What was the reason behind making brooding grounds need a weak flamestone per run instead of buying a badge that allows the player to do runs?

Why remove the "hunt for brood egg" which gave ppl the chance to an exclusive title when finding it?
The good part of farming brood is that no item was required per run (just a badge and you're set for the whole event) now besides farming for energies we need to farm flamestones and "waste" craft slots for these stones while we could be crafting more energies.

Why are arcanite slag and arcanite toor included in the loot table of the event locks? I would understand arcanite iceball since it's winter related (also WHY arc fossil...).

Why the krampus sack vanity looks like has random balls spinning instead of making its whole texture move? (that way would look like something is actually moving inside the sack, currently it looks weird).

Why vanity weapons keep getting smaller and smaller? Ie: The craftable vanity sword from brood has longsword in its name while it's actually pretty small, same problem with rogue daggs and warriors shields, it's nice to have a couple of butter knives I guess but pls don't make all vanities tiny style...

Why is winter king vanity shield so small? A shield is supposed to protect u from enemies attacks, not to work as a serving tray to bring ur buddies drinks, really start making vanities bigger.

Why do we keep getting shiny like effect on the vanity textures? It's fine in some vanities but not on every vanity that gets released, krampus vanity tongue and skin(not the furr) look like they've been polished so ppl can see their reflect. Just look at the clean design of the vanity backpack from platinum tier reward, cmon sts we all know u can do better.

Why do we get crate tokens as a tier rewards? I wouldn't care if they were actually useful, sadly, even tho ppl has alrdy asked for an upgrade on the crate token vendor, the vendors still remain with same outdated rewards.

Why are the lb rewards so bad balanced? Not talking bout design (some may like em some may don't, I personally don't like em), basically the only difference between top 25 and 50 are the amount plats and the gem tier.

Why do the weapons from the snow dragon gear chest have the EXACT SAME design as last year weapons? The only difference on the weapons is the name that's all, was it so hard to choose any different weapon and make a recolor?

12-19-2020, 01:17 PM
I’m gonna say “because” and then I’m gonna close this thread.

Happy Holidays, fam ;-)