View Full Version : Two Observations and One Suggestion

Baron Cappuccino
04-08-2012, 09:15 PM
Hi everyone. I've been pretty hooked on Pocket Legends, and have been playing and remaking characters quite a bit, lately, tending to get to between 20 and 30 before trying something new. Anyhow, the first thing I noticed is that you automatically abandon your first quest upon leaving the tutorial. I hope this doesn't count against me. I don't think it does, because my world map tends to show full completions where I should have them. Still, I restarted a couple of times trying to rectify this. Not that big of a deal, except that it's the first impression, and those count.

My next feedback is the very first stage you enter on skipping the tutorial, or completing it. The villain Silkknight ambushes a caravan in this stage, and more often than not, the staged is glitched at nine enemies remaining, despite being cleared for all intents and purposes. Again, not really a big deal, but the little things count early on in the game.

My one suggestion relates to the selection of an instance to place a player in on selecting to enter a map. I suppose my suggestion would be to create some algorithm to select the least completed instance available. For example, one time, I chose to teleport to a quest, and was placed in a map with one enemy left. This happened a few times in a row, till finally I was placed in a map only half completed. Had I not entered 1-3 enemy left time wasters, that final instance might have been starting from the beginning. This is occasionally advantageous, if for example, I only need to kill the boss, and the number of enemies remaining allows me to essentially walk straight to the goal unobstructed and clear a quest in no time, but far more often, the map has been cleared of the objective I'd entered the map for, doing nobody any good.

Other than that, I'll just reiterate that I'm loving the game so far.

04-08-2012, 09:31 PM
While I do agree with your suggestion, I have no clue what you are speaking of with your observations. Maybe ill try recreate it on a new toon. Maybe.