View Full Version : Dodge Code

08-10-2010, 02:07 PM
It appears that there is an issue with the dodge flag, and it should be moved higher up the tree. Right now, when an attack happens, the routine goes through everything, then gets to the damage part, and just sets it to zero if a dodge or a miss occurs. Shouldn't the code be checking the miss or dodge flag first, and if they are set jump out of the attack routine? This is most noticeable when a person is stunned by an attack that is missed or dodged. Please let me know if this is a bug or the way it is intended to happen.

08-10-2010, 03:27 PM
Quite possibly the key to procs landing when they shouldn't (still won't fix the self stacking issue though) and pain noises being triggered even when the player hasn't been hit.

Does quite badly need fixing, but then requires rebalance in other areas; a good thing IMO. the loger these balance issues get left unchecked the more content there's gonna be to balance out when it eventually happens.