View Full Version : Anyone else badly miss their childhood?

12-27-2020, 05:10 PM
Alright I'll start with a bit about myself. I'm currently studying medicine at uni and as anyone knows, these demanding disciplines require a lot of work and studying and very little free time. Even the christmas holiday is used to review everything covered in the semester rather than chilling.

I keep thinking back to that time when I started high school. Reflecting back, it was literally heaven. Hardly any work, practically no studying at all or homework even. It would just be hurrying home as fast as possible and watching video game walkthroughs on my big plasma tv or playing some of the best video games that existed at that time (imo pocket legends and tanki online, both were really good games back in the day). I have fond memories of taking my ipad to the beach and playing survival games on it. It wasn't just all video games tho. Getting to talk to friends and family for hours on end. I felt like I was in a dimension where time was infinite. There was no such thing as wasting your time. As kids, we're not expected to do much except for going to school and existing. And that was the charm of it. Even school wasn't so bad. I would just chat to my friends all day during lessons cos school work didnt count for anything. But even then the lessons were more fun since there were no stakes. It wasnt like an exam was looming in the horizon or anything.

I assume most of my childhood felt great because this was when pocket legends was doing really well as a game and maybe as the game died, I felt like a part of me and my memories died with it. Just a guess.

There. Sorry it came out all in a jumbled mess. I reallyy didn't have time to finetune it. It will sound more mature and professional when I ge the time to edit it.
In the meantime, please do let me know if you relate to this and feel free to share ur own story. I sounded a bit spoilt lol but as said, I need more time to amend this post.