View Full Version : Non tradeable gold sets

12-28-2020, 02:21 AM
Why this could be a good idea:

1. It helps players to make gold while not changing too much the economy in the game.
2. It's an interesting way of making players spend their platinum. I'm convinced more people will buy platinum.
3. Just another way of getting gold loot without having to spend gold. It's kinda hard to buy gold loot without having gold or gold loot.

How to make this:

1. Well, I don't think it should have awaking slots. It won't be cheap to make gl awakes for those items.
2. Just make gold loot simple. Something like 200, 300, 400, 600 gold loot.
3. Don't let this combine with current gold loot in game. In this way, you can add a significant amount of gold loot without changing the income of rich players. It's aimed towards players who need gold but don't have 100m-10m for avarice/greed/desire set.
4. You can actually make it interesting, like, to not change stats or to be applied for 10 seconds with a button.
5. Prices should be fair. Anything from 200-1000 platinum. This won't make players rich, they still have to play a lot for it to be worth.

12-28-2020, 05:03 AM
-1 plat spender provide most of this game I don't see this a good thing for those guys the word fair isn't an mmorpg thing get used to if you're f2p expect hardships not everyone started with golds and gold loot so farm and save buy GL item ty