View Full Version : Help! CyCorp's Chief Xenobiologist not on Numa Prime Outer Limits?!?

04-11-2012, 09:06 AM
So I'm a level 27 almost 28 and I have this quest to talk to the Cycorp cheif xenobiologist on outer limits of Numa Prime. When I go there by the "go to" thing in quest helper I have to kill like 5 of those pigs or whatever then before the yellow bridge my arrow points me to a spot where the xenobiologist should be. But he is not ere! All I see is the little red station lol. Then the funny thing is when I got back to the Numa prime base it shows the chief xenobiologist right there right next to the cycorp officer.

Idk what to do :dejection: :dread: :grey: :offended:

04-11-2012, 09:11 AM
Found her now after starting my own game