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View Full Version : Official Dark Legends Feedback Thread - Combat

04-11-2012, 11:52 AM
After you have played Dark Legends, we would love to hear your feedback about combat. How does it feel? What do you like about it? What suggestions do you have to improve it?

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04-11-2012, 06:01 PM
I love it. Just needs a mini health bar for mobs :)

04-12-2012, 02:47 PM
Showing mob damage would be awesome for us testers, but I guess it is too much of a load on the system?

04-12-2012, 06:06 PM
Hmmm, I think adding unlimited enemy respawn and it's either a big map or enemies respawn fast. And maybe adding some bosses for items, and boxes and barrels, and other "treasure boxes" for extra gold would be good so if we were waiting for energy or were bored.

04-12-2012, 11:48 PM
1) Like the weapon charge. Nice feature to use in betwen mobs.
2) Like the blood and animations.
3) Like the drain blood feature. Still getting used to using on chrome. I think I will like alot better on handheld device.

1) Random games only. No cooperative effort.
2) no auto attack, have to keep mashing spacebar.
3) no enemy health meter. Not a big issue yet, when enemies get tougher may become problem.

Most, if not all of my issues may be rectified when I can play on ios. Chrome is clearly not what the game was created for.

Can the game be played on a Kindle Fire? I may be able to steal from the wife for a bit.

04-13-2012, 02:55 AM
Graphics and animations are great. I play from the HTC EVO and the gameplay is fluid from charging to dying. I think the mob needs health bar even if it only shows me the one im targeted on it would help me not waste a skill. Auto attack would help so I can stop using skills instead of attacks and vice versa. Having the ability to use more of my skills since I might have to unlock all to use certain ones maybe slide bar like SL. plz add the create a game feature so you can play game with friends or having a friends list would be pointless. I should have made a bulletin board.

04-13-2012, 10:59 PM
So far, the missions seem to be much more fun than in SL/PL. I do feel like there is not enough options though for playstyle customization though. The skill tree is very shallow, and does not allow for varying roles; only damage damage damage.

04-13-2012, 11:48 PM
After killing thousands of goons the most disturbing thing for me is the vertical camera.
When I swing the camera around like in PL I also switch the vertical angle which puts me in chaotic situations quite often xD
Maybe you guys could make an option where we could have a fixed vertical cam like you implemented in pvp :)

The splatter is np for me but pls don't let it cover the screen. It's get quite disturbing.

Another thing is (I don't know where to post this), could you make potions and vanities stashable, pls?
I play with three chars now and Sometimes I wanna share pots or vanities with my other chars so I don't have to buy for each separately.

I will test the game further on...

04-14-2012, 01:27 PM
I love the combat. I wish the animations for the weapons were different, rather than, using a rapier that feels no different from using daggers. I would like to see a variety of weapons, such as claws, fans, chakrams.

I like to use ranged spells and fight from afar so I would like to see fire arms make it into the game. Pistols, machine guns, rocket launchers, crossbows.

04-15-2012, 05:37 PM
I hate waiting for timer to unlock missions also wish there was lock on at least for special moves. Most time you don't even know if your hitting target

04-15-2012, 07:15 PM
I hate waiting for timer to unlock missions also wish there was lock on at least for special moves. Most time you don't even know if your hitting target

Items scale to level so feel free to run some of the many missions you have unlocked while you wait. The also cost the same 3 energy and you get the same 10 exp.

04-15-2012, 08:35 PM
Love the graphics on this game. Blood awesome. The only thing i complain about its the buffs u get from completing small screen missions. The timer ticks as soon u finish the mission and if u dont have enough energy to do dungeons.....total waste. I do small missions cos of buffs but u dont always get buffs so u do multiple missions. when u get buffs that last 15mins and dungeons last wat?? 2-5mins and we ran out of energy to do more dungeon. WASTE.
Need to let us have buff ticks just in dungeons or gives us the buffs in potions and we get the option to when to use it and once used and if we finish the dungeon before the buff ends, then we got no choice to either waste it or run another dungeon.

but i still LOVE THE GAME

04-15-2012, 08:53 PM
Combat is quick and Diablo-esque. I do wish there were two-handed and ranged weapons for more variety and maybe a boss or two that require a bit more strategy. I do love that I can run a dungeon with no blood packs as long as I drink enough of the blood of my enemies.

04-15-2012, 09:10 PM
Combat is quick and Diablo-esque. I do wish there were two-handed and ranged weapons for more variety and maybe a boss or two that require a bit more strategy. I do love that I can run a dungeon with no blood packs as long as I drink enough of the blood of my enemies.

There definitely needs to be more boss mechanics. I remember a few earlier on that were challenging, but after a while, bosses just become tank-n-spanks.

And addition weapon types would add a lot more depth to the game (which it could use), especially if each weapon type had a unique charge-up attack.

04-16-2012, 10:17 AM
Not sure if this is the right place for this, but its kind of related to combat.

So as we've seen, the enemies in a given mission will scale if you are soloing. But what happens if you are playing a MP game? If I am 20 and I'm running with a lvl 5 and a lvl 6 how will the enemies scale?

04-16-2012, 10:20 AM
Not sure if this is the right place for this, but its kind of related to combat.

So as we've seen, the enemies in a given mission will scale if you are soloing. But what happens if you are playing a MP game? If I am 20 and I'm running with a lvl 5 and a lvl 6 how will the enemies scale?

They scale up to the highest players' level from my experience, I hosted/joined a multi game with a dev L21 on day 1 so I was still like L8 or something. Anyway, I didn't seem to be making a dent in the enemies (they don't have health bars but that was the impression I was getting), also I know for fact that I didn't get a single kill in the entire map. So yeah...

04-16-2012, 10:26 AM
They scale up to the highest players' level from my experience, I hosted/joined a multi game with a dev L21 on day 1 so I was still like L8 or something. Anyway, I didn't seem to be making a dent in the enemies (they don't have health bars but that was the impression I was getting), also I know for fact that I didn't get a single kill in the entire map. So yeah...

Ouch... well that's going to make going back and playing old maps difficult. Especially since you can't lock games.

04-17-2012, 02:39 AM
ya we need better skill tree. before the release they always saying this skill tree lets u change the way ur char becomes but so far i only can c only 1 type of vampire only available to all of us. which is Melee dps. Theres no tank, theres no range dps. only melee. so in pvp theres no challenge at all. U never gona hear...OMFG a range dps pwn a melee or WOW a tank just wipe the whole floor. Hopefully they will change the VARIETY of this game and become CHOICE of gameplay.

04-17-2012, 05:40 PM
ya we need better skill tree. before the release they always saying this skill tree lets u change the way ur char becomes but so far i only can c only 1 type of vampire only available to all of us. which is Melee dps. Theres no tank, theres no range dps. only melee. so in pvp theres no challenge at all. U never gona hear...OMFG a range dps pwn a melee or WOW a tank just wipe the whole floor. Hopefully they will change the VARIETY of this game and become CHOICE of gameplay.

With a few relatively small changes, they could fix this problem. My thread (My overall thoughts of the game) goes over this problem. My suggestion is a pretty simple one.

Leap doesn't belong in mid branch since it's completely opposite of Hellblade and Dark Binding's effect, and instead should be in the top branch to synergize with Shadow Dance and Fire Aura (Shadow Dance to get to the enemies, activate Fire Aura since you're right next to them, and then Leap to keep them in range longer). Fire Aura makes more sense to be in the top branch so you can use Shadow Dance to get enemies in range of it.

Unholy Blessing is fine and all in top branch, but it would be much better in the bottom branch since it has obvious synergy with Fatal Burst.

Curse should be move to the middle branch since something from the bottom branch has to move, and it can't be Fatal Burst (and for other reasons described below).

On final change is that a fourth ability (A TRUE support ability) should be added to the middle branch not only to add a support role to the game, but also since middle branch is the only one to lack a fifth ability.

With these changes the following things would be established.
Top Branch: DPS tree that sacrifices long disables for large amounts of damage (This should have the highest DPS out of all the branches)
Middle Branch: Between Curse, the Root and -Armor from Dark Binding (and hopefully a new support ability to make up for the lack of a fight ability) this would function as a Support Branch.
Bottom Branch: DPS tree that doesn't do as much damage as Top Branch, but has more utility with long range abilities and long disables.

Other than making a new ability for Middle Branch, this would be a very simple change to add consistency and defined roles to the various Branches.

04-19-2012, 01:00 AM
Currently on the PC version of the game... I have pressed every button on my keyboard and came to this conclusion.

WASD and NUMPAD 8,4,6,2 will move your character. Spacebar is your auto attack, and 1-4 are your skills. I absoluteley LOVE using WASD to move since it's the normal thing in mmo's on PC. but it's not possible to use WASD and press 1-4 for your skills at the same time. This makes me have to play like a weirdo with my right hand pressing 1-4 while my left presses WASD. can you PLEASE make J K L ; also skills 1-4?????? Or at least allow us to rebind our keys so I can make new binds for skills 1-4... if that can happen this game will become THAT MUCH BETTER. I already love it for PC and mobile which I play on both, but I would really apprecaite if you could take this small fix into consideration!

04-27-2012, 06:17 PM
plat pvp league, ppl pay plat to enter, winner and store gets plat

05-05-2012, 01:04 AM
I really like that the health bars are blind. Please don't change that. It add another dynamic to the game. I use a lot of faux dying in my kiting game play. People chase me thinking I'm dying...while I charge skill, then I turn around and pwn them.

05-18-2012, 06:42 PM
Combat is quick and Diablo-esque. I do wish there were two-handed and ranged weapons for more variety and maybe a boss or two that require a bit more strategy. I do love that I can run a dungeon with no blood packs as long as I drink enough of the blood of my enemies.

I second that! Some guns would be nice, dualwield pistols that doesnt make so much damage like axe/knife/blades but its a buttonsmasher so you can shoot alot and fast! This is a modern age vampire game and i think they would use shooting guns :topsy_turvy:

05-21-2012, 01:02 AM
Showing mob damage would be awesome for us testers, but I guess it is too much of a load on the system?

Has this idea been entertained yet? I'm all for it.

05-21-2012, 01:06 AM
It's highly unlikely, but maybe have the energy for the passive missions so u guys can still make cash, and make the action missions just like pl/sl so us mmo fans can grind our butts off.

Jake Miller
05-30-2012, 09:53 AM
You know what really bothers me sometimes..

is it just me or do..
The female vampires' have cooler combat moves than the males?
for example.. they do this really cool acrobatic back-flip after feeding- thats when it all caught my attention.

Is there something that can be done to maybe spice up the boring males' combat maneuvers a little bit?
The female vampires are making them look absolutely horrible!

Jake Miller
05-30-2012, 09:57 AM
The splatter is np for me but pls don't let it cover the screen. It's get quite disturbing.

Another thing is, could you make potions and vanities stashable, pls?
I play with three chars now and Sometimes I wanna share pots or vanities with my other chars so I don't have to buy for each separately.

Forgot all about that.. YEA that would be nice! These are great suggestions!
I would also like to add... I don't really like the way the stash is set up in separate categories
of each individual gem. Ugh!

05-30-2012, 11:39 AM
Combat mode is different in pvp and pve:

Pve: It is very good, if you do not take in consideration the energy needed to play it, the fact that there is no GCD helps in doing map faster but I would love to have something like a raid for more than 3 persons to join a game and kill mobs
What I dislike about pve is the fact that I can solo every single map and by soloing I get low gold so if i multiplayer the gold will be extremely low

Pvp: Just thrilling. It can't be compared to pvp of SL or PL in any way. Complete masachre happening, nonstop fights with great comebacks and when one team wins or the other, you say "finally i want a break" (especially in ctf)
What I don't like in pvp are the zombies because i always hit them with spells like stacked fatal bursts but they have saved me so many times I can't say a word :D

Keep this up and please make game creation available in next patch :/


OUT OF THE COMBAT I WANT VANITIES TO BE STASHABLE ( as well as pots but pots not so urgent ) And gold ....

09-03-2012, 01:46 AM
Plz fix.the level requirements lots of high levels loved helping us nooblets but with the update they can't which means I cnt play w my Bf v.v sniffle.

09-03-2012, 02:17 PM
I think if we added another game type to pvp like ground war or something or maybe even 1v1 or 2v2 or juggernaut would be incredible. Think about it;D

09-26-2012, 09:01 AM
I would greatly appreciate it if you can make DL available to those who still have the 1st gen iPad.