View Full Version : Being able to trade Vanity & Plat

04-11-2012, 03:10 PM
I think its only fair if were able to sell plat online to gain some money & stimulate our economy in the game. The plat per cred in the game isnt fair. Im not gonna waste all that money and get a lil bit of credits. sorry.

And some people can't buy plat so it would make it much easier for them to be able to get plat items and buy it from other merchandisers.

Especially selling 3xp combo and etc

04-11-2012, 07:28 PM
This idea has been suggested to many times to count. I should probably tell you why SPACETIME Studios wouldn't allow this. Say you have 15 plat enough to buy a cultist hood. Now you bought that platinum using lets say... $3. Now this guy in BLACKSTAR is saying SELLING RUNETECH ARMOR ( engineer scorn armor ) for 15 plat!. Now you have enough plat but you have 15000 credits and a RUNETECH armor is worth only 50 credits. Now think of the major ripoff. Basically Space time studios doesn't consider this a scam but they consider losing your value of money you payed therefore a player would get mad wasting their money and they would demand refunds. With demanding refunds SPACETIME studios would lose more money rather than earning, and yes you would wonder why someone would sell a RUNETECH armor for 15 plat when you could by for 50 credits? Well it's simple somebody could have just reached level 40 and they want that awesome looking armor and never have even checked the auction terminal. Basically Emanny what I'm trying to say is you'd get less value for what you'd pay for plat. SPACETIME doesn't wanna lose their customers and players. Now as the vanity I would have to agree only a little but like I said before... Buy plat , buy vanity, sell vanity that's a rivet for say only 200k and you have 750 plat there fore you payed $99.00. If you buy a rivet which is 500 plat for 200k your scamming yourself. You can trade 750 play for 250k. I hope you understanding what I'm saying and good luck with any other idea.

04-11-2012, 07:35 PM
To be honest, it wouldn't be a good idea because of scamming reasons and platinum being trade. Sts wouldn't get any profit if platinum is just being trade and not being bought from them anymore.

04-12-2012, 07:06 AM
They need money to be supported.
Trading Plat is like trading money.

04-17-2012, 09:59 AM
NO just NO. Although I would love the option to buy plat things with credits it's also a matter of giving RIDICULOUS financial advantage to players who are rich IRL and capable of buying platinum like it's nothing. I'm too lazy to go into the long winded explanation as to why this would potentially destroy the SL economic system in place now.