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View Full Version : Things id think would be good at DL

04-11-2012, 10:01 PM
Hello! I found this things on DL that I think are problems:
Leatherboard doesnt update
There are only two types of vampires
The price of things its too expensive
The time for recover energy is tooooooo much
I know people who dont play DL cuz of energy, I, personaly, think that its boring because we dont have things to do while waiting, just shopping or CTF
Friends Lists should be organized by name

This is all. I hope you dont take this as a dislike to the game! ATM, I would give him 4 stars.

Btw, i tried to rate the game but the rate button doesnt appear at Google Play Store


04-11-2012, 10:05 PM
The leaderboard does update, just not every single second. It's the first day of the launch, things are bound to be expensive. The wait times are kind of ridiculous though...

04-11-2012, 10:05 PM
Even Google has bugs lol :eek:
Yea maybe if the energy cooldown was brought down 30-60 seconds or around that would help a lot.