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View Full Version : I think the game favors kids over adults

04-12-2012, 02:49 AM
People who jump in several times per day: kids with lots of small breaks, like between classes, and with short attention spans.

People who can play only one longer session: their parents who finally have a little time off after a long day of work and after putting the aforementioned kids to bed.

People who are favored by Dark Legends: kids

I know there are different threads for feedback on the energy mechanism. But i want to emphasize that my point isn't about the energy mechanism as such but about how it favors kids over the adult audience STS claims to be targeting.

04-12-2012, 07:35 AM
In before the lock :p

I'm not a child, but I don't have the time or would want to play hours on end on all my free time. I like playing here and there. Play DL, do a painting or two, read some chapters of a book, go out with friends, go to work, play DL.

04-12-2012, 07:42 AM
Hey Pizzaman,

Thanks for sharing your opinion. I can see where you are coming from. However, I would hesitate to draw such broad stereotypes about people. Not all kids have blocks of time like you describe. Similarly, not all parents have free time like you describe. I think it's a stretch to consider the game targeted to kids. We have branded the game clearly as Mature in all of our marketing materials. On Google Play and on the Chrome Webstore Dark Legends is rated "High Maturity."

Thread closed.