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View Full Version : It's irritating that CS is NOT usable for costly items

01-08-2021, 05:33 AM
CS is there for a good reason and it's best for supply and demand based item price, the best natural and player driven item pricing along with that we don't have all day to spam "S) item x", "B) item y" all good.

BUT there's something that irritate me for long now, when it comes to costly items, the listing price gets extremely high and there's a good chance that item wont be sold at first try forget about knowing right price of an costly item from cs.

I mean
1) Players doesn't sell costly items in cs, you don't get price check from that
2) Costly items doesn't sell easily so u need to keep listing em and each time u pay huge amount of gold
3) Can lead to unnatural pricing of a costly item
4) And that opens a play ground for scammers.

CS listing price is outdated for long now.

I'm putting all these for one simple change, at least reduce the listing price significantly just like real world equity market, imagine if u pay 1% brokerage for 100$ equities, u don't pay 1% for 10,000$ equities, it's like 0.1% or even 0.01%.

Currently it's ~1%, it should be like 0.1% for 10m-99m and then 0.05% for 100m+ items
There's another alternative with a little hazard, i. e - Listing price is charge when we list items but what if it would be charged when actually the item get sold, and ya hazard is that ppl might list items for nothing.

01-10-2021, 09:02 PM
I agree but the issue is that you can't increase the CS price cap, beyond the gold cap. You also can't just increase the gold cap, because inflation is bound to happen. The other issue I see is that the wealth gap is insanely high, so listings for higher priced items should stay the same. They need to find some way to efficiently tax the players that hoard items or have say, over 5b on their accounts. Nobody should be out here trading 2 white tourneys for a black tourney, for example.

01-11-2021, 05:10 AM
I agree but the issue is that you can't increase the CS price cap, beyond the gold cap. You also can't just increase the gold cap, because inflation is bound to happen. The other issue I see is that the wealth gap is insanely high, so listings for higher priced items should stay the same. They need to find some way to efficiently tax the players that hoard items or have say, over 5b on their accounts. Nobody should be out here trading 2 white tourneys for a black tourney, for example.

lol, how come listing price gonna help in wealth gap situation?
Again ppl do sell costly items but not in CS, that's the point make cs viable for that.

Your point is bit different, the wealth gap and gold cap which has nothing to do with CS listing price, if they wanna do something for that 'gap' in a good way & increase gold cap, it's pretty welcome but again cs listing price is just the hazard that hardly anyone wanna deal with, making it not viable for costly items along with the other negative points about it I already mentioned.

The real supply & demand based pricing is kinda missing for costly items, it's a guess game and sometime manipulated pricing is currently going on all due to high listing price of an item which require multiple tries to sell.

01-12-2021, 07:28 AM
I don't think Counter Strike (cs) will be implemented any time soon.

Haha get it it's like a joke?

01-12-2021, 08:32 AM
ya its a joke even if u haven't said that.

01-12-2021, 12:20 PM
I don’t think the cost is the issue, but rather the risk of the item not selling
The current list cost is a base amount + a % of item list price
I like the last part you said and I think the best solution would be to just charge the base amount to list the item, then the % would be deducted from the earnings once the item sells

01-12-2021, 04:43 PM
Haha the madman actually put math in a post. Math. U lost me at % sign

01-12-2021, 11:50 PM
I don’t think the cost is the issue, but rather the risk of the item not selling
The current list cost is a base amount + a % of item list price
I like the last part you said and I think the best solution would be to just charge the base amount to list the item, then the % would be deducted from the earnings once the item sells

Ya both can improve the situation, either listing cost cut or cost cut from sold item.
Only thing require is a man called Cinco, help cinco dont have all day to spam in ship "s\ zap helm @op" "B/ galaxy set cheap or free"

01-20-2021, 11:35 AM
Now I have a very good alternative that Cinco can't refuse.

Let's say current listing price stays same as it now but if the item gets expired (was not sold) then beside cancel, there's an new option appear to re-list the item in desire price but this time there's no more listing cost at all, since we already paid that, so we can re list items as long as it's not sold unless we cancelled after expiry.

Now there's no reason to avoid this suggestion.

Bullet proof idea XD