04-12-2012, 08:51 AM
Hello LwMark here!
Welcome to Dark Legends Pink Weapons with Stats and Pictures List!
If this helps you in any way
Please "Thanks It"
L3 Affliction Maces (Legendary) [ Promo Code, stsfb20120410 ]
- 17.5 damage, 5 attack, 10 health
L3 Devastation Maces (Legendary) [Promo Code, massively20120410 ]
- 17.5 damage, 5 attack, 10 health
L3 Downfall Blades (Legendary) [Promo Code, mmorpg20120410 ]
- 17.5 damage, 5 attack, 10 health
L3 Fatal Dirks (Legendary) [Promo Code, ststwitter20120410 ]
- 17.5 damage, 5 attack, 10 health
L3 Havoc Clubs (Legendary) [Promo Code, gameruk20120410 ]
- 17.5 damage, 5 attack, 10 health
L3 Swords of Mortality (Legendary) [Promo Code, droid20120410 ]
- 17.5 damage, 5 attack, 10 health
L3 Swords of the Eternal (Legendary) [Promo Code, stsforums20120410 ]
- 17.5 damage, 5 attack, 10 health
L3 The Butchers (Legendary) [Promo Code, pocketgamer20120410 ]
- 17.5 damage, 5 attack, 10 health
L3 Timeless Daggers (Legendary) [Promo Code, 148apps20120410 ]
- 17.5 damage, 5 attack, 10 health
L3 Tomb Blades (Legendary) [Promo Code, girlgamer20120410 ]
- 17.5 damage, 5 attack, 10 health
L3 Mortal Bane (Legendary) [Promo Code, eurogamer20120410 ]
- 17.5 damage, 5 attack, 10 health
L4 Night Butchers of Onslaught (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/4nightbutcheronslaught.jpg) (Legendary)
- 15.8 damage, 5 attack, 1 defense
L5 Spirit Clubs of Hardiness (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/5spiritcluybsofhdness.jpg) (Legendary)
- 17.5 damage, 1 defense, 35 health
L7 Ancestor Clubs of Offense (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/7spiritcluboffense.jpg) (Legendary)
- 20.8 damage, 8 attack, 2 defense, 5 health
L7 Night Butchers of Offense (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/7nightbutchersoffense.jpg) (Legendary)
- 20.8 damage, 8 attack, 2 defense, 5 health
L7 Midnight Twins of Offesnse (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/7midnighttwinsofoffense.jpg) (Legendary)
- 20.8 Damage, 8 attaack, 2 defense, 5 health
L8 Dawn Hacks of Fitness (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/8dawnhackoffitness.jpg) (Legendary)
- 22.5 damage, 2 defense, 50 health
L8 Spirit Club of Fitness (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/8spiritcluboffitness.jpg) (Legendary)
- 22.5Damage, 2 Defense, 50 Health
L9 Dusk Cleavers of Fortitude (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/9duskcleaversoffortitude.jpg) (Legendary)
- 15.8 damage, 5 attack, 1 defense
L9 Night Maidens of Fortitude (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/9nightmaidenfortitude.jpg) (Legendary)
- 24.2 damage, 2 attack, 11 defense, 5 health
L9 Rite Hammers of Fortitude (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/9ritehammersoffortitude.jpg) (Legendary)
- 24.2 damage, 2 attack, 11 defense, 5 health
L10 Ancestor Clubs of Aggression (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/10ancestorclubofaggression.jpg) (Legendary)
- 25.8 damage, 12 attack, 2 defense, 5 health
L10 Soulcleavers of Aggression (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/10soulcleaversaggression.jpg) (Legendary)
- 25.8 daMAGE, 12 attack, 2 defense, 5 defense
L10 Night Butchers of Aggression (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/10nightbutchersaggresion.jpg) (Legendary)
- 25.8 damage, 12 attack, 2 defense, 5 health
L10 Midnight Twins of Aggression (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/10midnighttwinssgression.jpg) (Legendary)
- 25.8 damage, 12 attack, 2 defense, 5 health
L11 Spirit Clubs of Potency (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/11spiritclubofpotency.jpg) (Legendary)
- 27.5 damage, 2 defense, 75 health
L11 Skull Trimmers of Potency of Potency (http://i.imgur.com/2iDEE.png) (Legendary)
- 27.5 damage, 2 defense, 75 health
L11 Dawn Hacks of Potency (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/11dawkhacksofpotency.jpg) (Legendary)
- 27.5 damage, 2 defense, 75 health
L11 Wraithmauls of Potency (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/11wraithmaulspotency.jpg) (Legendary)
- 27.5 damage, 2 defense, 75 health
L12 Eternity Blades (Legendary) [ Gamble Plat Pack ]
- 37.5 Damage, 13 Attack, 4 Defense, 15 Health
L12 Dusk Cleavers of Shielding (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/12duckcleavershieldiing.jpg) (Legendary)
- 29.2 damage, 3 attack, 15 defense
L12 Night Maidens of Shielding (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/12nightmaidensofshielding-1.jpg) (Legendary)
- 29.2 damage, 3 attack, 15 defense
L12 Rite Hammers of Shielding (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/12ritehammersshielding-1.jpg) (Legendary)
- 29.2 damage, 3 attack, 15 defense
L12 Soul Mashers of Shielding (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/12soulmashersshielding.jpg) (Legendary)
- 29.2 damage, 3 attack, 12 defense
L13 Soulcleavers of Striking (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/13soulcleversstriking.jpg) (Legendary)
- 30.8 damage, 16 attack, 3 defense, 5 health
L13 Midnight Twins of Striking (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/13midnighttwinsstriking.jpg) (Legendary)
- 30.8 damage, 16 attack, 3 defense, 5 health
L13 Ancestor Clubs of Striking (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/13ancestorclubstriking.jpg) (Legendary)
- 30.8 damage, 16 attack, 3 defense, 5 health
L14 Wraithmauls of Well-being (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/14wraithmaulswellbeing.jpg) (Legendary)
- 32.5 Damage, 3 Defense, 90 Health
L14 Ghoulspikes of Well-being (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/14ghoulspikewellbeing.jpg) (Legendary)
- 32.5 Damage, 3 Defense, 90 Health
L14 Skulltrimmers of Well-being (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/14skulltrimmerswellbeing.jpg) (Legendary)
- 32.5 Damage, 3 Defense, 90 Health
L14 dawn Hacks of Well-being (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/14dawnhackwellbeing.jpg) (Legendary)
- 32.5 Damage, 3 Defense, 90 Health
L15 Rite Hammers of Warding (Legendary)
- 34.2 damage, 4 attack, 18 defense, 5 health
L15 Night Maidens of Warding (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/15nightmaidenswarding.jpg) (Legendary)
- 34.2 damage, 4 attack, 18 defense, 5 health
L15 Soul Mashers of Warding (Legendary)
- 34.2 damage, 4 attack, 18 defense, 5 health
L16 Ancestor Clubs of Barrage (Legendary)
- 35.8 damage, 19 attack, 4 defense, 5 health
L16 Night Butchers of Barrage (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/16nightbutchersbarrage.jpg) (Legendary)
- 35.8 damage, 19 attack, 4 defense, 5 health
L17 Dawn Hacks of Vigor (Legendary)
- 37.5 damage, 4 defense, 110 health
L17 Ghoulspikesof Vigor (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/17ghoulspikesofvigor.jpg) (Legendary)
- 37.5 damage, 4 defense, 110 health
L17 Skulltrimmers of Vigor (Legendary)
37.5 damage, 4 defense, 110 health
L17 Wraithmauls of Vigor (Legendary)
37.5 damage, 4 defense, 110 health
L17 Feeders of Vigor (Legendary)
37.5 damage, 4 defense, 110 health
L18 Night Maidens of Redoubt (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/18nightmaidensredoubt.jpg) (Legendary)
- 39.2 damage, 5 attack, 22 defense
L18 Soul Mashers of Redoubt (Legendary)
- 39.2 damage, 5 attack, 22 defense
L18 Dusk Cleavers of Redoubt (Legendary)
- 39.2 damage, 5 attack, 22 defense
L18 Goreblades of Redoubt (Legendary)
- 39.2 damage, 5 attack, 22 defense
L18 Rite Hammers of Redoubt (Legendary)
- 39.2 damage, 5 attack, 22 defense
L18 Heartgashers of Redoubt (Legendary)
- 39.2 damage, 5 attack, 22 defense
L19 Ancestor Clubs of Bashing (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/19ancestorclubsbashing.jpg) (Legendary)
- 40.8 damage, 23 attack, 5 defense, 5 health
L19 Lightcutters of Bashing (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/19lightcuttersbashing.jpg) (Legendary)
- 40.8 damage, 23 attack, 5 defense, 5 health
L19 Soulcleavers of Bashing (Legendary)
- 40.8 damage, 23 attack, 5 defense, 5 health
L19 Life Mauls of Bashing (Legendary)
- 40.8 damage, 23 attack, 5 defense, 5 health
L19 Night Butchers of Bashing (Legendary)
- 40.8 damage, 23 attack, 5 defense, 5 health
L19 Ravagers of Bashing (Legendary)
- 40.8 damage, 23 attack, 5 defense, 5 health
L20 Night Maidens of Protection (Legendary)
- 42.5 damage, 5 attack, 25 defense
L20 Feeders of Vitality (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/20feedersvitality.jpg) (Legendary)
- 42.5 damagem 5 defense, 125 health
L20 Ancestor Clubs of Assault (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/20ancestorclubsassault.jpg) (Legendary)
- 42.5 damagem 5 defense, 125 health
L20 Soul Mashers of Protection (Legendary)
- 42.5 damage, 5 attack, 25 defense
L20 Wraithmauls of Vitality (Legendary)
- 42.5 damage, 5 attack, 25 defense
L20 Reapers of Protection (Legendary)
- 42.5 damage, 5 attack, 25 defense
L20 Night Butchers of Assault (Legendary)
- 42.5 damage, 25 attack, 5 defense
L20 Ghostsplitters of Protection (Legendary)
- 42.5 damage, 5 attack, 25 defense
L20 Lightcutters of Assault (Legendary)
- 42.5 damage, 5 attack, 25 defense
Dont see a item listed?
Please post the item with stats and a picture if you can, thanks!
Need more help?
Check out my other list for Dark Legends!
Dark Legends Store Items List! (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?54852-Dark-Legends-Store-Items-List!)
Do you play Pocket Legends also?!
Maybe this will help also!
Pocket Legends Official Discontinued Tradeable Item Guide! (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?51785-Discontinued-Tradeable-Item-Guide!)
Hello LwMark here!
Welcome to Dark Legends Pink Weapons with Stats and Pictures List!
If this helps you in any way
Please "Thanks It"
L3 Affliction Maces (Legendary) [ Promo Code, stsfb20120410 ]
- 17.5 damage, 5 attack, 10 health
L3 Devastation Maces (Legendary) [Promo Code, massively20120410 ]
- 17.5 damage, 5 attack, 10 health
L3 Downfall Blades (Legendary) [Promo Code, mmorpg20120410 ]
- 17.5 damage, 5 attack, 10 health
L3 Fatal Dirks (Legendary) [Promo Code, ststwitter20120410 ]
- 17.5 damage, 5 attack, 10 health
L3 Havoc Clubs (Legendary) [Promo Code, gameruk20120410 ]
- 17.5 damage, 5 attack, 10 health
L3 Swords of Mortality (Legendary) [Promo Code, droid20120410 ]
- 17.5 damage, 5 attack, 10 health
L3 Swords of the Eternal (Legendary) [Promo Code, stsforums20120410 ]
- 17.5 damage, 5 attack, 10 health
L3 The Butchers (Legendary) [Promo Code, pocketgamer20120410 ]
- 17.5 damage, 5 attack, 10 health
L3 Timeless Daggers (Legendary) [Promo Code, 148apps20120410 ]
- 17.5 damage, 5 attack, 10 health
L3 Tomb Blades (Legendary) [Promo Code, girlgamer20120410 ]
- 17.5 damage, 5 attack, 10 health
L3 Mortal Bane (Legendary) [Promo Code, eurogamer20120410 ]
- 17.5 damage, 5 attack, 10 health
L4 Night Butchers of Onslaught (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/4nightbutcheronslaught.jpg) (Legendary)
- 15.8 damage, 5 attack, 1 defense
L5 Spirit Clubs of Hardiness (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/5spiritcluybsofhdness.jpg) (Legendary)
- 17.5 damage, 1 defense, 35 health
L7 Ancestor Clubs of Offense (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/7spiritcluboffense.jpg) (Legendary)
- 20.8 damage, 8 attack, 2 defense, 5 health
L7 Night Butchers of Offense (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/7nightbutchersoffense.jpg) (Legendary)
- 20.8 damage, 8 attack, 2 defense, 5 health
L7 Midnight Twins of Offesnse (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/7midnighttwinsofoffense.jpg) (Legendary)
- 20.8 Damage, 8 attaack, 2 defense, 5 health
L8 Dawn Hacks of Fitness (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/8dawnhackoffitness.jpg) (Legendary)
- 22.5 damage, 2 defense, 50 health
L8 Spirit Club of Fitness (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/8spiritcluboffitness.jpg) (Legendary)
- 22.5Damage, 2 Defense, 50 Health
L9 Dusk Cleavers of Fortitude (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/9duskcleaversoffortitude.jpg) (Legendary)
- 15.8 damage, 5 attack, 1 defense
L9 Night Maidens of Fortitude (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/9nightmaidenfortitude.jpg) (Legendary)
- 24.2 damage, 2 attack, 11 defense, 5 health
L9 Rite Hammers of Fortitude (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/9ritehammersoffortitude.jpg) (Legendary)
- 24.2 damage, 2 attack, 11 defense, 5 health
L10 Ancestor Clubs of Aggression (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/10ancestorclubofaggression.jpg) (Legendary)
- 25.8 damage, 12 attack, 2 defense, 5 health
L10 Soulcleavers of Aggression (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/10soulcleaversaggression.jpg) (Legendary)
- 25.8 daMAGE, 12 attack, 2 defense, 5 defense
L10 Night Butchers of Aggression (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/10nightbutchersaggresion.jpg) (Legendary)
- 25.8 damage, 12 attack, 2 defense, 5 health
L10 Midnight Twins of Aggression (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/10midnighttwinssgression.jpg) (Legendary)
- 25.8 damage, 12 attack, 2 defense, 5 health
L11 Spirit Clubs of Potency (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/11spiritclubofpotency.jpg) (Legendary)
- 27.5 damage, 2 defense, 75 health
L11 Skull Trimmers of Potency of Potency (http://i.imgur.com/2iDEE.png) (Legendary)
- 27.5 damage, 2 defense, 75 health
L11 Dawn Hacks of Potency (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/11dawkhacksofpotency.jpg) (Legendary)
- 27.5 damage, 2 defense, 75 health
L11 Wraithmauls of Potency (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/11wraithmaulspotency.jpg) (Legendary)
- 27.5 damage, 2 defense, 75 health
L12 Eternity Blades (Legendary) [ Gamble Plat Pack ]
- 37.5 Damage, 13 Attack, 4 Defense, 15 Health
L12 Dusk Cleavers of Shielding (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/12duckcleavershieldiing.jpg) (Legendary)
- 29.2 damage, 3 attack, 15 defense
L12 Night Maidens of Shielding (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/12nightmaidensofshielding-1.jpg) (Legendary)
- 29.2 damage, 3 attack, 15 defense
L12 Rite Hammers of Shielding (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/12ritehammersshielding-1.jpg) (Legendary)
- 29.2 damage, 3 attack, 15 defense
L12 Soul Mashers of Shielding (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/12soulmashersshielding.jpg) (Legendary)
- 29.2 damage, 3 attack, 12 defense
L13 Soulcleavers of Striking (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/13soulcleversstriking.jpg) (Legendary)
- 30.8 damage, 16 attack, 3 defense, 5 health
L13 Midnight Twins of Striking (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/13midnighttwinsstriking.jpg) (Legendary)
- 30.8 damage, 16 attack, 3 defense, 5 health
L13 Ancestor Clubs of Striking (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/13ancestorclubstriking.jpg) (Legendary)
- 30.8 damage, 16 attack, 3 defense, 5 health
L14 Wraithmauls of Well-being (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/14wraithmaulswellbeing.jpg) (Legendary)
- 32.5 Damage, 3 Defense, 90 Health
L14 Ghoulspikes of Well-being (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/14ghoulspikewellbeing.jpg) (Legendary)
- 32.5 Damage, 3 Defense, 90 Health
L14 Skulltrimmers of Well-being (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/14skulltrimmerswellbeing.jpg) (Legendary)
- 32.5 Damage, 3 Defense, 90 Health
L14 dawn Hacks of Well-being (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/14dawnhackwellbeing.jpg) (Legendary)
- 32.5 Damage, 3 Defense, 90 Health
L15 Rite Hammers of Warding (Legendary)
- 34.2 damage, 4 attack, 18 defense, 5 health
L15 Night Maidens of Warding (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/dlweplist/15nightmaidenswarding.jpg) (Legendary)
- 34.2 damage, 4 attack, 18 defense, 5 health
L15 Soul Mashers of Warding (Legendary)
- 34.2 damage, 4 attack, 18 defense, 5 health
L16 Ancestor Clubs of Barrage (Legendary)
- 35.8 damage, 19 attack, 4 defense, 5 health
L16 Night Butchers of Barrage (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/16nightbutchersbarrage.jpg) (Legendary)
- 35.8 damage, 19 attack, 4 defense, 5 health
L17 Dawn Hacks of Vigor (Legendary)
- 37.5 damage, 4 defense, 110 health
L17 Ghoulspikesof Vigor (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/17ghoulspikesofvigor.jpg) (Legendary)
- 37.5 damage, 4 defense, 110 health
L17 Skulltrimmers of Vigor (Legendary)
37.5 damage, 4 defense, 110 health
L17 Wraithmauls of Vigor (Legendary)
37.5 damage, 4 defense, 110 health
L17 Feeders of Vigor (Legendary)
37.5 damage, 4 defense, 110 health
L18 Night Maidens of Redoubt (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/18nightmaidensredoubt.jpg) (Legendary)
- 39.2 damage, 5 attack, 22 defense
L18 Soul Mashers of Redoubt (Legendary)
- 39.2 damage, 5 attack, 22 defense
L18 Dusk Cleavers of Redoubt (Legendary)
- 39.2 damage, 5 attack, 22 defense
L18 Goreblades of Redoubt (Legendary)
- 39.2 damage, 5 attack, 22 defense
L18 Rite Hammers of Redoubt (Legendary)
- 39.2 damage, 5 attack, 22 defense
L18 Heartgashers of Redoubt (Legendary)
- 39.2 damage, 5 attack, 22 defense
L19 Ancestor Clubs of Bashing (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/19ancestorclubsbashing.jpg) (Legendary)
- 40.8 damage, 23 attack, 5 defense, 5 health
L19 Lightcutters of Bashing (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/19lightcuttersbashing.jpg) (Legendary)
- 40.8 damage, 23 attack, 5 defense, 5 health
L19 Soulcleavers of Bashing (Legendary)
- 40.8 damage, 23 attack, 5 defense, 5 health
L19 Life Mauls of Bashing (Legendary)
- 40.8 damage, 23 attack, 5 defense, 5 health
L19 Night Butchers of Bashing (Legendary)
- 40.8 damage, 23 attack, 5 defense, 5 health
L19 Ravagers of Bashing (Legendary)
- 40.8 damage, 23 attack, 5 defense, 5 health
L20 Night Maidens of Protection (Legendary)
- 42.5 damage, 5 attack, 25 defense
L20 Feeders of Vitality (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/20feedersvitality.jpg) (Legendary)
- 42.5 damagem 5 defense, 125 health
L20 Ancestor Clubs of Assault (http://i1059.photobucket.com/albums/t435/lwmark/20ancestorclubsassault.jpg) (Legendary)
- 42.5 damagem 5 defense, 125 health
L20 Soul Mashers of Protection (Legendary)
- 42.5 damage, 5 attack, 25 defense
L20 Wraithmauls of Vitality (Legendary)
- 42.5 damage, 5 attack, 25 defense
L20 Reapers of Protection (Legendary)
- 42.5 damage, 5 attack, 25 defense
L20 Night Butchers of Assault (Legendary)
- 42.5 damage, 25 attack, 5 defense
L20 Ghostsplitters of Protection (Legendary)
- 42.5 damage, 5 attack, 25 defense
L20 Lightcutters of Assault (Legendary)
- 42.5 damage, 5 attack, 25 defense
Dont see a item listed?
Please post the item with stats and a picture if you can, thanks!
Need more help?
Check out my other list for Dark Legends!
Dark Legends Store Items List! (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?54852-Dark-Legends-Store-Items-List!)
Do you play Pocket Legends also?!
Maybe this will help also!
Pocket Legends Official Discontinued Tradeable Item Guide! (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?51785-Discontinued-Tradeable-Item-Guide!)