View Full Version : Why make an mmo where you really can't party with friends and guild?

04-12-2012, 11:49 AM
This game is not multiplayer friendly, can't host games, can't kick people from instances (losing energy this way would suck, but energy sucks already), then ofcourse energy prevents you from helping a friend or a guild mate. I dont see how they could go so wrong after doing very good on the other games. I see alot of changes if this game is ever going to take off like pocket legends, but I doubt it ever even comes close. Oh, sorry I can't join that mission cause I got a 3 hour wait from one of the previous missions...

I hope this is not the direction your company is headed in, for your sake. Someone really dropped the ball on this game. Games are about having fun, you'll make your money if players are having fun. I can see some nasty reviews headed in dark legends direction...

While the game has some good points, it just falls way short in my opinion.

This is not to condemn the game but to send a wake up call...... Wake up spacetime.

04-12-2012, 11:52 AM
Guilds are coming soon, lol.

04-12-2012, 11:57 AM
Doesn't matter when they get here you'll still be too restricted to actually party with them.

04-12-2012, 11:58 AM
Honestly, I think it's a little too early to criticize the game. What you say is true, but I think DL is going on a different direction that PL/SL. I don't think someone "dropped the ball", the game is awesome, the gameplay is pretty tight for a new game and it should only get better from here. The issue is connectivity and I'm sure we will see improvements in future patches. The energy is pretty brilliant as far as development is concerned, people tend to consume content too fast that a company cannot cope, the energy slows down consumption of content and allow newer players to catch up. Based on history, STS has tendency to speed things up (PL x2 combo, PL nerf xp, PL elixirs), this time, they want to slow things down a bit for everyone to catch up but eventually I think STS will come up of a way to speed things up. BTW, if you're waiting for your energy, CTF is more than enough to compensate for that, I find myself CTFing even after my energy goes back to full. That's just me though, so far so good.

04-12-2012, 11:58 AM
I would wait to see them implemented before making any assumptions

04-12-2012, 12:00 PM
the game just launched, of course not everything is perfect yet.
i'm sure they will fix those things later. like you can't host games or join your friends.
just give it some time, i can't believe people are complaining about it already.
the game launched 1 day ago, give them... a week or 2 and the game will be much better.

so stop complaining and just have fun :)

04-12-2012, 12:05 PM
I certainly do hope they make alot of changes. This games new? Thx Mr.obvious, you a real help. I can't have fun I'm out of energy.

04-12-2012, 12:05 PM
I would wait to see them implemented before making any assumptions

I have been trying to hold in my criticism of the game so far, so I will not elaborate too much on this yet. BUT, concerning this, it doesn't matter how they are implemented. Not being able to host games, not being able to kick people, and the restraints of energy, are going to make this a pretty hard game to party with friends. You have to coordinate with people who have enough energy to jump in a game with you... play it for 2 minutes until the stage is beaten.. and then your done. I agree that is not multiplayer friendly. I also agree that STS dropped the ball with this game.

I still enjoy the game in its current state, and I am still playing it thus far, BUT they took some AWESOME and watered it down/ ruined how awesome it could have been. If they would have just stuck to the same format as PL/SL, the game would be 20X better. I didn't care about having a totally new concept of gameplay. I like SL/PL, but I just wanted a more mature/bloody version of the game, with elements that relate more with my tastes. I got that, but with a gameplay that I did not want.

Like I said, I am still playing and still trying to give it time, so I am holding in a lot of my criticism, but I foresee myself writing a rather long post with all of my complaints soon.

04-12-2012, 12:14 PM
I think the problem is a lot people expected it to be a lot like SL and PL with a theme change. When in fact its a totally different game. Almost everything is different.

A lot different. But that's ok. Like Sam has said many times, its a different game and isn't for everyone. what i find interesting is that people are so infuriated at STS because it is different. As if they were owed a good game that is prefect for them.

Sure some things should probably be changed, but the game is what it is.

04-12-2012, 12:25 PM
I love the skill tree, the charge attacks and the graphics are good. The gameplay with energy and waiting are too much like farmville and other facebook games as mentioned numerous times. If they would have said we are putting out a new facebook game I would have never even installed let alone been excited and anxiously waiting. Thats great they want to change up thier concepts make some fresh changes, I think unfortunately many developments in this were based on collecting money not having another great mmo. I realy do hope things improve for dark legends.

04-12-2012, 12:28 PM
I think the problem is a lot people expected it to be a lot like SL and PL with a theme change. When in fact its a totally different game. Almost everything is different.

A lot different. But that's ok. Like Sam has said many times, its a different game and isn't for everyone. what i find interesting is that people are so infuriated at STS because it is different. As if they were owed a good game that is prefect for them.

Sure some things should probably be changed, but the game is what it is.

I disagree. I don't think anyone is upset that it's different or because people feel they are owed anything..

Different is awesome, I actually hoped for many things different in DL. However, the problem comes from them making it different in a bad way. There is a certain element of gameplay associated with "legends" titles that people have come to love/respect/expect. Probably the BEST thing about PL/SL is the social aspect of the game. I, and many others, mainly play these games for their guild and friends. It is very easy to jump on, socialize, farm, run dungeons with, or generally just play unrestrained with your guild members and friends.

I think this was the biggest shock to people. They just assumed that DL would be similar (at least in the social aspect and team ability) to the other legend games. Playing as vampires, without classes, with gore and higher age restrictions in a legends game, and with your guilds/friends seemed amazing. But what STS did was take the base format of their games (which people are used to and loved), came up with an awesome schema for that format, got everyone super excited about it, but then threw us a curve ball with an ENTIRELY different game, which limits all of the things we loved about the PL/SL games. The difference of gameplay and format is not the issue, the restrictions of doing the things we love.. is.

Not to mention the extremely overpriced plat prices. Anyway, gonna go play some more.

04-12-2012, 01:14 PM
Well that's what i mean. People are expecting things to be similar.

If Bethesda releases a game unlike skyrim or fallout, then would fans have such a problem? Would they quit buying games made by Bethesda?

Consider Square and the final fantasy franchise. They are not sequels even though they share the same name. And people don't expect it to be the same.

A lot of people i think were hoping it would be a sequel to the other two. But it isn't. Its its own game.

All i mean is, this is one if those cases where folks have to make a decision whether they like the game and will continue to play. But don't be outraged because it isn't the way you hoped.

I do understand what you are saying though. There are a lot of things i love about PL that aren't in the game. But, what can you do? Its a different game.

04-12-2012, 01:24 PM
Well that's what i mean. People are expecting things to be similar.

If Bethesda releases a game unlike skyrim or fallout, then would fans have such a problem? Would they quit buying games made by Bethesda?

Consider Square and the final fantasy franchise. They are not sequels even though they share the same name. And people don't expect it to be the same.

A lot of people i think were hoping it would be a sequel to the other two. But it isn't. Its its own game.

All i mean is, this is one if those cases where folks have to make a decision whether they like the game and will continue to play. But don't be outraged because it isn't the way you hoped.

I do understand what you are saying though. There are a lot of things i love about PL that aren't in the game. But, what can you do? Its a different game.

We expected it to be different in a good way. This is different in a bad way. Mainly energy, plat, and the litlle social aspect there is.

Sent from my CM9 powered Droid X

04-12-2012, 01:25 PM
Well that's what i mean. People are expecting things to be similar.

If Bethesda releases a game unlike skyrim or fallout, then would fans have such a problem? Would they quit buying games made by Bethesda?

Consider Square and the final fantasy franchise. They are not sequels even though they share the same name. And people don't expect it to be the same.

A lot of people i think were hoping it would be a sequel to the other two. But it isn't. Its its own game.

All i mean is, this is one if those cases where folks have to make a decision whether they like the game and will continue to play. But don't be outraged because it isn't the way you hoped.

I do understand what you are saying though. There are a lot of things i love about PL that aren't in the game. But, what can you do? Its a different game.

04-12-2012, 01:37 PM
Ahh, but what if they released a new Final Fantasy game... but based on energy! You only got to play 10 minutes before you had to just sit in town for an hour or so. And you had to pay $5 for each additional members to be on your team! Then you would have some outraged FF players! :p

That was an extreme example I know, as FF games were never based on a cash shop. But the point I was making, is that the Final Fantasy series do all have a similar core style/mechanics. You kind of know what to expect out of the gameplay.

Same with this. People knew what to expect from "Legends" games. Or thought they did.

And there are many people (myself included), that do not really care about the energy. It's annoying, we all agree on that (pretty much), but you can get used to it, and has -some- positive things to it. But to raise the plat prices on every single thing.. AND cut out the good plat deals, is crazy.

8 plat to respec skills
50 plat for additional character slot
10 plat to refresh energy (for another 5 minutes of play)
18 plat for 100 blood/stims/potions
25 plat to skip mission timers
10 plat to bypass a playable mission
5 plat for 25 experience
600 plat for 225,000 gold (there is a vanity chest for 150,000, pants for 150,000, and mask for 100,000. So for 600 plat you can buy one vanity chest and have some chump change leftover).

and $50 to buy 500 plat. Soooo. For $50 you can only afford the 100,000 gold option... not even enough to buy 1 of those expensive vanities/legs. Crazy stuff I tell ya!

Back to game. ;p

04-12-2012, 01:49 PM
Enjoy it for what it is.. It is as f2p as you want it to be. Sure things need to be changed with the instancing.. And maybe the energy consumption and return rates.. But definitely not the game for everyone..

I'll be CTFing or leveling up in PL while my energy fills back up.

Thanks STS for a new game.

04-12-2012, 03:14 PM
this is meant to be more casual than SL, im cool with that dont really see it though,
if ur watering down an mmo, and expect it to appeal to all kinds of audience, then thats not gonna work because only those who have struggled in a real mmo will appreciate the ease of it, for the causual players, this is where they start so its all still uphill
a lot of time you seem to be doing nothing, the cutscenes arent so gripping

04-12-2012, 03:33 PM
Ahh, but what if they released a new Final Fantasy game... but based on energy! You only got to play 10 minutes before you had to just sit in town for an hour or so. And you had to pay $5 for each additional members to be on your team! Then you would have some outraged FF players! :p

That was an extreme example I know, as FF games were never based on a cash shop. But the point I was making, is that the Final Fantasy series do all have a similar core style/mechanics. You kind of know what to expect out of the gameplay.

Same with this. People knew what to expect from "Legends" games. Or thought they did.

And there are many people (myself included), that do not really care about the energy. It's annoying, we all agree on that (pretty much), but you can get used to it, and has -some- positive things to it. But to raise the plat prices on every single thing.. AND cut out the good plat deals, is crazy.

8 plat to respec skills
50 plat for additional character slot
10 plat to refresh energy (for another 5 minutes of play)
18 plat for 100 blood/stims/potions
25 plat to skip mission timers
10 plat to bypass a playable mission
5 plat for 25 experience
600 plat for 225,000 gold (there is a vanity chest for 150,000, pants for 150,000, and mask for 100,000. So for 600 plat you can buy one vanity chest and have some chump change leftover).

and $50 to buy 500 plat. Soooo. For $50 you can only afford the 100,000 gold option... not even enough to buy 1 of those expensive vanities/legs. Crazy stuff I tell ya!

Back to game. ;p

Yap... Ty morfi

04-12-2012, 03:52 PM
We expected it to be different in a good way. This is different in a bad way. Mainly energy, plat, and the litlle social aspect there is.

Sent from my CM9 powered Droid X

You mean... "In my opinion its bad". I don't think the energy is that bad at all. I don't really care for the astronomical plat prices. I'm not going to drop $17 for an outfit in the game (which is what it will be when the limited time price of plat ends).

The social aspect, I don't mind it that much either. Then again, I'm not much of a social butterfly in game. It would be nice to host games to run with guildies for instance. But one thing I really dislike about PL and SL is the boot feature. That's just me personally.

04-12-2012, 04:28 PM
Ahh, but what if they released a new Final Fantasy game... but based on energy! You only got to play 10 minutes before you had to just sit in town for an hour or so. And you had to pay $5 for each additional members to be on your team! Then you would have some outraged FF players! :p

That was an extreme example I know, as FF games were never based on a cash shop. But the point I was making, is that the Final Fantasy series do all have a similar core style/mechanics. You kind of know what to expect out of the gameplay.

Same with this. People knew what to expect from "Legends" games. Or thought they did.

And there are many people (myself included), that do not really care about the energy. It's annoying, we all agree on that (pretty much), but you can get used to it, and has -some- positive things to it. But to raise the plat prices on every single thing.. AND cut out the good plat deals, is crazy.

8 plat to respec skills
50 plat for additional character slot
10 plat to refresh energy (for another 5 minutes of play)
18 plat for 100 blood/stims/potions
25 plat to skip mission timers
10 plat to bypass a playable mission
5 plat for 25 experience
600 plat for 225,000 gold (there is a vanity chest for 150,000, pants for 150,000, and mask for 100,000. So for 600 plat you can buy one vanity chest and have some chump change leftover).

and $50 to buy 500 plat. Soooo. For $50 you can only afford the 100,000 gold option... not even enough to buy 1 of those expensive vanities/legs. Crazy stuff I tell ya!

Back to game. ;p

Well, I agree with you whole heartedly on the plat prices. They are a little bit out there. And I probably won't be buying it. We'll see how long the game is enjoyable enough to keep playing without it.

04-12-2012, 04:49 PM
I expected it to be part of the series. I immediately bought plat worth 10 bucks and went for the premium pack and so froth.

I facepalmed fairly hard when it dawned on my that I've been misled. Yes, misled, after all the hype about this game here in the forums and in game SL/PL, you would think that it would be fair to mention this energy feature beforehand. It's not a novel idea and warps the entire game into something that I (and evidently many others) find unacceptable.

I didn't check the game far enough before I went for the plat, so I take it as my bad, but I do feel cheated. I'm just gonna uninstal this with the plat unspent aside from the premium pack you lured me with.

04-12-2012, 05:50 PM
Yeah, the funny thing is that all the videos and ALL the hype had zero indication of any of the facebook mechanics. The reason why people are disappointed is because we expected a PL/SL type game based on all the STS generated hype.

Woulda been funny for them to put out a video. "DL is coming! Get ready to click on 3 missions and wait 15 minutes for the timer to run out, and then log off for 2 hours so the energy can refill before you come back to play more!"

04-13-2012, 07:57 AM
Well, I'll say this much... with all the great things that STS does as far as responding to the community and absorbing suggestions, they are pretty lacking on the PR side when it comes to divulging details on major changes to come. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying this is necessarily bad on their part. But what we see happening over and over is that people make a lot of assumptions about how things will be and are very disappointed when it isn't that way.

Now I think the problem is... in some aspects STS provides some very clear detail. Like for instance, a lot of the gameplay previews, building hype, showing skills, etc. Then at other times very major details are left out. For example, the Christmas content for PL, removal of certain plat packs, increases in platinum pricing, just to name a few.

I think that if STS was either very guarded or very forthcoming with detail, it would solve a lot of issue.

04-13-2012, 08:36 AM
Probably best if I don't get involved in this thread but I couldn't resist.

Sounds like, almost everyone is concerned about energy. I myself am not pleased with the energy but it's something you get used to. I agree with many of you that they could have made the game a bit more social but I also agree that it's a bit to early to be judging the game. I mean it came out on Wednesday, the earth wasn't made in a day. (If your religious, if not that's a story for another day...)

My suggestion, we hold off on the criticism for awhile and come back to it in a month maybe? That way we can see what STS really has in store for Dark Legends. I bet they have a lot of plans and stuff in the works but we have to give them time to do it.

Like I said, didn't mean to comment but I couldn't help myself. Like drinking blood from one of the bosses... I didn't just say that out loud. 0_o

Your vampire slaying/Turkey slaughtering game addict,

04-13-2012, 11:09 AM
i'm sure the intent of them making the game like this was to make it different. because people have been complaining about being bored with Pocket Legends and Star Legends. Why make a third game exactly the same? Minus having different characters and such. I'll admit I was a tad bit disappointed when I first started playing. But, the more I thought about it... The conclusion I came to made much more sense. If they keep making games the same way, then people will get tired of their stuff and they won't advance as a gaming franchise. Every gaming franchise switches it up a bit when they make their games. ;)

Also, as people said.. they just released it. Give them time to hear people's complaints and etc. They'll fine tune some things we have bad feelings about. haha :)

04-13-2012, 11:13 AM
It's not too early to say that the current energy implementation is not to our liking for some of us and that it certainly came out of the blue.

Think about those who paid plat to reserve a name, where they expecting a zynga experience? How about those who paid the name reservation for their alts, too, only to find a fee of 50 plat per alt starting from the very second one.

Criticism must be directed at the current implementation, not some imaginary end result. People made that comment (i.e. give them time, they'll fix it) a lot when GCD was introduced to PL. Guess what, it's still there and I still can't play it. And that happened to a game I had paid money for and in spite of the outcry.

From my perspective STS actually has a somewhat poor track record of listening to their player base. Past year we've seen far more changes from their business division rather than "Suggestions and Feedback" sections here in the forums. At least that is how I've experienced it, your mileage may vary. This energy nonsense is a prime example of it.