View Full Version : A Guide to Making a Great PVP Guild!

04-14-2012, 06:42 PM
after many fails and attempts on my guild to rise more i found out a way.

it depends on many things.
-the gm behavior most of all! (bcuz i found out behavior mattered i changed my whole self... now you will probably c a lot of my char making locked games to teach new players)
-this allows other players to like u and join the guild!!!
-the name of guild not very important!
-u dont want a name with bad words or something cuz it can lead to reports.
-nice twinks in a pvp guild will inspire others to join
-also pros can also inspire. (thats y i went into remember the legends when it was alive bcuz it had hate and wrath!!!)

First topic!!
-u want to be nice and kind and very very helpful (help is one main reason y ppl join guilds!)
-funny can also boost joining
-helping ppl against "rushers" (not a term in my knowledge but u kno pl has...)

Second topic!!
-this isnt always important but ive seen some ppl who join guilds bcuz of nice names.
-also u wood not want urself banned xD

Third topic!!
-also very important!!!
-a "rushing" guild wants "rushers" in there
-a "regular" pvp guild wants "go or rushers" in there but mostly "go"
-nice ppl help the guild very much!! (they r nice by giving builds, ehh power lvling..., combos, and etc)
-pros inspire others. idk y but u just feel good if u r in a guild with pros

Fourth topic!!
-have guild talks every so often (funny talks r good) example of guild with a lot of guild chatting: DEVILS REAPER in sl (love that guild)
-be friends with all of them
-parties is a definently but that only when u get like 15-all members on. example: the old guild STAY CLASSY ALTERRA (I LOVED THIS GUILD BUT IT GONE :(...)
-what to do in parties
-have funny talks, super rare items (past rare insanely rare items) for very cheap prices, and a lot more can be done!!!
-most of all pvp with them a lot!!!!
-this makes guildies happy and makes them like guild better so they stay for a while or forever!!!

TIP: u should start a guild with a close friend of urs... i didnt do that but i know it helps a lot!!

Well its a pretty short guide, but i hoped it helped... hope u liked it!:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana ::banana::banana::banana: