View Full Version : So much going on plz help

04-14-2012, 07:39 PM
Can someone post a walk through for the first 20 minutes of the game. Seems like my skills are being picked for me and can't disable that until lvl 3-4. Also is it better to fight in grps or solo?
There is so much to learn it seems like very detailed game
Any guide to 22 would be cool :)

04-14-2012, 08:22 PM
It's like in sl, you need to disabled auto -leveling in the game options :)

04-14-2012, 08:26 PM
Just look up any basic skill tree guide, and yes as Tar said, you have to disable auto leveling to customize what you want on the power page.
When you start the game it gives you a lot of pop ups describing everything in detail when you first open a page.
I am sure guides are on the way though, give it time.
Lol DL has not been out that long. People are busy killing things!