View Full Version : LIKES & DISLIKES need some feed back THX

04-15-2012, 01:43 PM



Can't avoid training session
Sts picks my 1st two skills
Can't lock camera angle to see far distance it always moves on me
In pvp I can't control camera angle besides left and right ( Basicly I can see about 10m around me

04-15-2012, 07:51 PM
Well, one of the skills you have to take as a prerequisite to other skills, but yes, it is quite annoying to be forced to put a point into an ability. At least they give you 10 free plat to respec with. Luckily that ability (Shadow Dance I believe) is a very popular PVP ability, so for most people, it won't really matter.

And are you playing on mobile? On Chrome, if you unlock camera, you have full control of the camera.

04-16-2012, 04:27 AM
OMG...you can unlock the camera. Thank jebus!!!

04-16-2012, 07:26 AM
Yes I unlocked it but what I'm saying is, while it's unlocked I accidentally drag it everywhere mostly I pull it to top view by accident. It would be nice to lock it behind me I just hate the overhead view I can see much really.

Also in pvp it seems like its not unlocked. Can't move it back behind me to see further distance in front of me.

Any tips? besides "get use to it" :P