View Full Version : Dark Legend Thoughts

04-15-2012, 01:59 PM
Dark Legends Thoughts:

I wanted to write up my Dark Legends thoughts, but really I don't feel like spending the time writing out a super long post with each point written completely out, so I am just going to throw out bullet points with the general thoughts. I think there are A LOT of people that feel the same way, so this is pretty just a reiteration for my peace of mind.

About me- I play PL a lot and I've purchased over 10,000 plat easily and I still have thousands of plat on my account, therefore I am NOT against spending money for a good game when it makes sense.

- When everything can be purchased, there is no achievement

- The whole idea for DL is get you addicted, then charge!

- It makes sense for me to quit the game, since I REFUSE to spend money on DL in its current incarnation
- The problem is PL is SO DRY now that we've had the same content forever
- I am so bored of PL that I'll get on DL just to mix things up
- THEN I run into a 9 - 24 hour timer and since I want to keep going, I am enticed to buy plat
- But, I refuse since it feels so underhanded, become frustrated and then come on to the forums to rant (yeah, my bad)

- There are those people who LOVE DL
- They probably like facebook style games and aren't into the grind
- OR they said screw it and took the platinum plunge
- The amount of money (even a hundred+ dollars is not a lot, but I want to feel like I am giving it willingly instead of being duped out of it)

- When SL or PL expansions come out, DL will see a mass hiatus until players are SUPER bored again with the content.
- STS goal: Have everyone who will buy plat in DL do it. Once they money is spent, its spent. It doesn't matter how much they spend of it until they need more. You will most likely have left over in the game. THEN STS will release content and entice you to go back to PL or SL to play.
- More than likely its going to be: Get people to buy plat for DL, maybe some updates for other games, put out a NEW and ever MORE exciting game that requires more plat purchase. Oh yeah, no plat between games, so you gotta buy more!

- AGAIN, When everything can be purchased, there is no achievement

- STS needs to make more money, but this is not the way
- Many players will feel cheated/duped

- Pay to play Games should not be able to take you 100% of the way (like buying XP). They should be assistance only
- Example:
- Acceptable: In a class, pay $100 for organized notes on everything that has been covered in class. Gives you an advantage because you can easily read through everything and makes study time shorter. You will still need to study and learn everything. You are just trading money for a shortened study time.

- Unacceptable: Pay $1000 to get an automatic A in the class. No need to study, No need to learn anything, or even take the test.

04-15-2012, 02:13 PM
I think your being harsh on STS. They created a fun game that will appeal to a specific audience, with the knowpedge that the urge to buy platinum MAY occur. Remember STS is a business.

You tend to stereotype the average person who likes DL. I am NONE of those things. I enjoy both PL and SL, and havent been bored *ONE BIT*.

I dont play Facebook games
I dont buy Platinum in DL

Yet I love DL. Platinum is an optional perk. It can give an advantage, depending on what you perspective is on making like 2 million gold in 1 minute with Platinum.

Also, remember this is the first week of the game. Buying XP with Plat is totally unrealistic, and Outfits are unneccesary. Waiting or farming for Energy is fun, and good for passing the time.

I value your argument, and a lot of your past feedback on DL has been very mature, but I have to stress again STS has to make money, whether we like it or not.

04-15-2012, 02:22 PM
I had my reservations of DL at first. However, after playing for a while I'm pretty hooked.

I like the energy mechanics. I like Perry much everything. EXCEPT the price of platinum and the cost of plat items. But i suppose that was inevitable side there aren't any purchasable elixirs (yet?).

I think its a pretty nice change from the grind in PL and SL. I haven't had a problem playing the game for an hour them putting it down. I haven't purchased any energy with plat. The addition of the frequent energy drops has made things much more enjoyable. Also, if i don't have much time, i can still use my energy. I don't have to sit down for 3 hours grinding.

I also don't play fb games. And i do love a good grind in PL....

I have only spent 15 plat in game for a retro outfit. And I'm loving it. Sure, if you wasn't to look really cool, you'll have to spend a little more.

I also love ctf. I find it so much more entertaining than pl and sl pvp or ctf.

All in all I give it at A.

04-15-2012, 02:28 PM
- Unacceptable: Pay $1000 to get an automatic A in the class. No need to study, No need to learn anything, or even take the test.

Well,i would ask, why does that bother you? If they don't want to enjoy the game and just spend money, how does that affect you?

The only reason that matters is if you want others to have a better view of your accomplishments.

04-15-2012, 02:43 PM
- Unacceptable: Pay $1000 to get an automatic A in the class. No need to study, No need to learn anything, or even take the test.

Well,i would ask, why does that bother you? If they don't want to enjoy the game and just spend money, how does that affect you?

The only reason that matters is if you want others to have a better view of your accomplishments.
Would you think it acceptable if a person only did Thrasher Punch Elixer'd themselves to the lvl cap and didn't know how to tank or heal or revive?

04-15-2012, 02:46 PM
Anyone that's willing to pay for experience all the way through to the level cap is awesome!!! This is EXACTLY the type of customer STS wants. Spend a lot, get rewarded! Heck of a business plan.

Klitz, I totally understand where you are coming from, but that's what happens when developers release a "free" game and need to start earning some money out of it. Looks like DL is on the fast track to big bucks!

A big problem with DL is that it's extremely easy, almost a no brainer game, for those with money, but extremely difficult for the "grinder" type of player willing to invest many hours of gameplay to make up for the lack of funds. No matter how much you want to play and grind it out, unless you have plats to burn, you can only go as fast as the energy system lets you. Yes, you can keep creating new toons while you wait, but that's gets old fast, especially since you can't even start a new build, unlike PL where you can create a bear, mage or bird. The early parts of DL have absolutely no variation and boredom and frustration starts to creep in.

OK, my new level 9 just hit 3 energy, I'm off to play a PVE level in Dark Hallows for 2 mins before I wait until 13 minutes to be able to do something again.

04-15-2012, 02:51 PM
Would you think it acceptable if a person only did Thrasher Punch Elixer'd themselves to the lvl cap and didn't know how to tank or heal or revive?

Well..in DL, you can just buy experience and hit level cap without ever entering a dungeon. I need to calculate how much that would cost. Lol!

04-15-2012, 03:03 PM
Would you think it acceptable if a person only did Thrasher Punch Elixer'd themselves to the lvl cap and didn't know how to tank or heal or revive?

So? If they can afford it, why not? Just because they didn't power level their toons is no guarantee they know what they're doing.

Sent from my HTC Evo 3D

04-15-2012, 03:13 PM
Would you think it acceptable if a person only did Thrasher Punch Elixer'd themselves to the lvl cap and didn't know how to tank or heal or revive?

I could care less what they do.

anyhow, its like that in the other two games. Op was implying this is something different about dl.

04-15-2012, 03:37 PM
I dont play Facebook games
I dont buy Platinum in DL

This. Three times.

I despise facebook games with a burning passion. I'm too poor to put large amounts of money into this game (so far only spent 10$). Yet I enjoy this game significantly more than I've enjoyed either of their other games.

You don't need plat. With full energy, you can do missions for around 1-2 hours. That's more than enough time for me. You only need to buy plat if you want to go through all the content in a day or two. The timers give you time to level, and they give you a break. There is still some grinding in this game, but after years of playing MMOs, the minimal amount of grind from this game is quite a relief.

Also. Facebook games are nothing but grind. This is a lot more than a facebook game.

04-15-2012, 03:38 PM
Would you think it acceptable if a person only did Thrasher Punch Elixer'd themselves to the lvl cap and didn't know how to tank or heal or revive?

Someone's got to pay sts.

04-15-2012, 04:03 PM
I'm enjoying DL quite a bit also.

I haven't spent any plat on energy either. I've spent it on some of those mystery pack things and a costume that was on sale.

When I want to grind, I don't spend energy except in dungeons. When I want to go eat, etc. I activate all the missions. I don't collect missions unless I'm going forward in the campaign or unless I will be grinding dungeons. Then I collect until I get a buff or two.

DL is definitely different from the other two games and I think there will be plenty of people who like DL without playing PL or SL. I had pretty much stopped leveling in SL before this -- it looked very pretty but for some reason wasn't grabbing me. I love PL but after capping 3 characters I was tired, plus there's only so much cutesy I can take.

I am so totally in love with DL right now, and am actually enjoying the pacing of the energy mechanics. It stops me from total grinding/boredom mode, which is nice.

I can't really decide at the moment about seeing friends mostly in towns -- partly due to the random join thing and partly to the 3-person dungeon limit. But maybe we'll end up talking more? or playing two games at the same time? I guess time will tell.