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View Full Version : DL: The good, bad and the ugly

04-15-2012, 10:06 PM
Heres my thoughts on DL, you can add me in game as "Tepes"

The good:

-charge up abilities
-player custumization
-skill trees
-unbelievably smooth
-no cookie cutter looks becuase of gems
-drain feAture is cool
-No elixir noobs
-you can smash tons of stuff and cool skills

The bad:
-3 to a party
-blood packs are expensive
-deaty while leaping to drain
-The time limit on unlockong some areas. It literally takes hours without plat
-xp for plat (its better than elixirs though)
-health doesnt regen at the beginning of a lvl.
-cant make a game for your friends
-no ranged weps

The ugly:
-some costumes lOok badd
-heavy influnce on buyjn plat.
-Not enough costumes for new player without 200k to spend
-no dropably vanities
-looting a gem will never be as cool as looting a shild
-you can miss drops

Its late and this this is not nearly finished. Feel free to tell me your opinions and offer up ideas to add

04-15-2012, 10:31 PM
What player customization?

...other than choosing male and female.

04-15-2012, 10:35 PM
Concerning the blood packs, I don't think they are too expensive (and this is coming from someone who doesn't buy Plat except once in a really, really blue moon). I have my red assassin look and always carry 20 blood packs around, never going below 10. Maybe it's because I'm only on Market Subway, but I think my blood pack count is good. (Note: I don't hang back. I get into the thick of things!)

As for the 3 to a party point, again maybe me being only mid-way through the story has something to do with it, but I feel like 3 works great. We slice and dice enemies quickly and are jumping all over to feed, barely stopping for anything other than energy.

I use Morfic's guide to use my last few energy to load up some missions, and when I come back I have 25 energy that I use to do missions THEN I collect the gold/xp from the missions I loaded. I usually get some energy from collection which fuels a few more rounds of runs.

I agree a ton that the not-making-game-part of DL stinks. If I'm going to spend my energy to play, why can't I make a game with friends?

When DL timers get me down, I go back to PL and do my thing there :)

04-15-2012, 10:54 PM
I agree with Conradin

04-16-2012, 12:41 AM
Sts did say they will be adding more customization to features. Whether this takes plat or not is unknown.

I do not understand how you figure gems have anything to do with looks.

Out of all that, the only issue I strongly agree with is not being able to form runs with friends. At this time, I am not even sure there is a kick feature.

04-16-2012, 01:27 AM
Heres my thoughts on DL, you can add me in game as "Tepes"

The good:

-charge up abilities
-player custumization
-skill trees
-unbelievably smooth
-no cookie cutter looks becuase of gems
-drain feAture is cool
-No elixir noobs
-you can smash tons of stuff and cool skills

The bad:
-3 to a party
-blood packs are expensive
-deaty while leaping to drain
-The time limit on unlockong some areas. It literally takes hours without plat
-xp for plat (its better than elixirs though)
-health doesnt regen at the beginning of a lvl.
-cant make a game for your friends
-no ranged weps

The ugly:
-some costumes lOok badd
-heavy influnce on buyjn plat.
-Not enough costumes for new player without 200k to spend
-no dropably vanities
-looting a gem will never be as cool as looting a shild
-you can miss drops

Its late and this this is not nearly finished. Feel free to tell me your opinions and offer up ideas to add

This game can be played with little or no platinum, much easier than the other legends games. I have gotten my last three levels with no blood packs and no platinum spent. Running solo might be a problem, but there is no need to as you can run in a group and be able to drink enough blood to keep you alive. I agree that there are no costumes that are worth the plat or gold, unless you have a female character and just have to see her in a thong. Hell, the female characters have horrible posture anyway, but I guess they look ok for dead chicks. Also, PVP is quite fun in this game, although I have not done it enough to get bored yet. The one thing I am concerned about is whether STS will be able to pump out content fast enough to keep DL interesting since levelling is so brainless and someone could even buy their way to 20 If they had the money to burn and the desire to do so.

04-17-2012, 07:15 PM
This game can be played with little or no platinum, much easier than the other legends games. I have gotten my last three levels with no blood packs and no platinum spent. Running solo might be a problem, but there is no need to as you can run in a group and be able to drink enough blood to keep you alive. I agree that there are no costumes that are worth the plat or gold, unless you have a female character and just have to see her in a thong. Hell, the female characters have horrible posture anyway, but I guess they look ok for dead chicks. Also, PVP is quite fun in this game, although I have not done it enough to get bored yet. The one thing I am concerned about is whether STS will be able to pump out content fast enough to keep DL interesting since levelling is so brainless and someone could even buy their way to 20 If they had the money to burn and the desire to do so.

Sorry I had to laugh at the horrible posture comment. Obviously the phrase " heads up, shoulders back" hasn't been heard in a while. That particular posture has the effect of emphasizing the bust line ;-) lol but I'm not going to be caught dead or undead running around town in a thong. LOL

I am a regular plat purchaser and I will be taking my time working towards any of the achievements. Even at my age I have plenty of time. I bought the noseferatu outfit because I liked the look and it was an outfit I know I will use for the long haul. Not just for shock value. ;-)