View Full Version : 3 antennas

04-16-2012, 03:52 AM
I was lookin at chickenrunnns dev picture guide.nice btw. I noticed a pic with a dav wearin antenna vanity but it had 3 antennas on it? Is that the new antennas?and wil they have fiery like that? That b cool.it would make 2 antennas special.

04-16-2012, 03:57 AM
On mobile can post link

04-16-2012, 04:19 AM
Nope, it's not real. If you read the caption, runnn says that he "pimp"ed justg's antennas. So runnn basically photoshopped the picture

04-16-2012, 05:39 AM
Fiery antennae exist, they were a prize for the "Fiery Weapons of Doom" contest. Everyone who entered a drawing received a set of the antennae.

04-16-2012, 06:51 AM
Fiery antennae exist, they were a prize for the "Fiery Weapons of Doom" contest. Everyone who entered a drawing received a set of the antennae.

No, I know that haha. The 3 antennas is fake tho. What he means is a picture from runnn's thread where justg has 3 yellow antennas coming from his head, but it's just a photoshopped image. Then he was asking, if they are real, are the available in the fiery variety :)

Ps. I love ur sig, but u forget I am the pumpkin king!

04-16-2012, 01:34 PM
No, I know that haha. The 3 antennas is fake tho. What he means is a picture from runnn's thread where justg has 3 yellow antennas coming from his head, but it's just a photoshopped image. Then he was asking, if they are real, are the available in the fiery variety :)

Ps. I love ur sig, but u forget I am the pumpkin king!

I figured, but I thought I might as well put it out there just in case.