View Full Version : New guild! <Supreme Team> Now recruiting

04-16-2012, 01:27 PM

Im here to tell you about my newest guild named Supreme Team! I have just made this guild and turned it into tier 3! This guild will be mainly into Pvp, so yes its a Pvp guild. There are no level ranges, but i do focus mainly on 26-30 and 50-61.

Benefits of joining today!-
I do like to help players in my guild that need it! By help this includes- combos, builds, gears, and training!

How to join!- there will be no tryouts, but i will need to exam a bit of how you do in a public match. Just to see if how your play style is and what i can help you with. If you are interested please feel free to add me in-game so we can chat a bit.

Also i do not want alot of rushers in this guild, mainly because rushing starts into hating. And i do not want any drama into this guild. I want it to be respectful and friendly, mainly for fun. also i will host tourneys for prizes, and to move up from just being a member.

Ranking- everyone new that joins will start as a member, and will work their way up. You can work your way up by either showing you are a valuable member and show support to all members, or win some tourneys that i will gladly host for ranking up and prizes! :D

P.s. keep in mind that this guild is small right now, with manly all my twinks. Yes its a small guild, but i would like to increase its size by having some of yall join! So bring on down your twinks! And level! Show support! You will not regret it! :D

Contact Boombugsz for 26-30 and Roezgang for 50-61.

04-19-2012, 10:11 AM
Sounds great hugsz, i'd like to join. I plan on turning my 26 mage boomkite (currently renamed to accolades) into a lvl 50 death set mage.