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View Full Version : Adjust Arcane Shield’s Displacement Wave

01-31-2021, 03:32 PM
For those not familiar, Displacement Wave is an upgrade on Sorcerer’s Arcane Shield that knocks back enemies around you when Arcane Shield is casted. The idea of this upgrade is to keep enemies a safe distance away to give you breathing room if they’re too close, but the issue is that it conflicts with skills like Time Shift and Fireball because it spreads enemies out. It also doesn’t deal damage so its more of a nuisance than an upgrade. I suggest changing the knockback to a stun to make it more useful, while maintaining the core idea of the upgrade.

02-01-2021, 12:32 AM
For those not familiar, Displacement Wave is an upgrade on Sorcerer’s Arcane Shield that knocks back enemies around you when Arcane Shield is casted. The idea of this upgrade is to keep enemies a safe distance away to give you breathing room if they’re too close, but the issue is that it conflicts with skills like Time Shift and Fireball because it spreads enemies out. It also doesn’t deal damage so its more of a nuisance than an upgrade. I suggest changing the knockback to a stun to make it more useful, while maintaining the core idea of the upgrade.
I agree, i think it should be adjusted or maybe changed to something, maybe small amount of Reflect or giving a small buff to the caster. This is just my opinion :D

02-01-2021, 09:41 AM
After 41 lvl cap i stop using displacement wave upgrade, but some times is useful, stunt or knock down provides the skills :gale force,fireball,lighting. I don’t think is good to replace the push back for stunt. (If enemies immune in stunt you waste the upgrade)
I would love to see a extra buff on skills when you use all upgrades (you want or not) and 10/10 mastery (maybe more seconds to not take damage)
Displacement wave is useful for those don’t use gale force skill to pushing back the enemies if is needed.